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Wasp sting and large local reaction?

I got stung by a wasp twice on Sunday (first on my forearm then the spot below my thumb) and as expected both site swelled up. Later saw a doctor and was prescribed Zyrtec (pills - 10mg), betamethasone (pills) and fluocinolone (cream). The last two contain steroids and I only took Zyrtec and the cream as I'm scared that steroids might break down my immune system.

Both sites aren't swollen now but still a bit painful. A blister has formed on the first sting site. However the skin on my arm has reddened starting from Monday (yesterday) and the 'red area' keeps enlarging, covering 70% of my arm now. I took start taking the betamethsone on Monday night but so far it doesn't seem effective. The site near by thumb is still a bit red and painful, but nothing I can't handle. It's my arm that worries me though and the  redness  is really itchy. What should I do?
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