632033 tn?1222423034

my lovely Allergies

Im trying to figure out the cause fever blisters?
I say this because I have been having fever blisters in my mouth for a very long time and without explanation.
My I remember being checked by the dermatologists and a specialist with b swabbing a sore/blister a couple of years ago and they told me that there was no sign of the virus...(which is odd)
though when I got checked for allergies, the virus was apparent.

Now...I remember having canker sores very bad until the  age of 14-15, where blisters began to appear instead of the canker sores. (which is also odd) This was after I had gotten the Chickenpox vaccine.
So what Im trying to figure out is if there are possible side effects from this vaccine that can lead to the virus reactivating, but in a response of fever blisters.

Also, I have itchy red bumps that appear on my hands and feet. could this be related?

please let me know

thank you
4 Responses
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I would seriously go for a full check up, because from what I understand those blisters are caused by a virus or weakened immune system.

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632033 tn?1222423034
Hey there Furballs Mom,

Im so sorry that you are going through such a painful illness, but it sure is good to know that I am not alone in this one.

you know, the more that I understand how complex..or un answerable my condition is, the more I am understanding the systems of medicine as well as how my body functions. So I suppose there is an advantage out of all of this.

I also, have never had chicken pox, though I remember my cousin (who I grew up with) told me that I had chicken pox on my neck when I was younger that only lasted like 3 days or so...

Now it just seems like there is a war going on in my mouth.
I have FOLLOWED ever single procedure that doctors have told me
as well as numerous of internet sites regarding mouth sores, herpes virus, and etc. Of how to surpress them and what to and not to consume, Lysine pills...EVERYTHING.
Nothing works.
I've taken Valtrex and friends and it seems that it causes the mouth blisters to appear.

Prednisone has worked wonders (at a very low dosage-and in a tapering routine)

From what i read, EPV is actually in th herpes family.It says that it is Herpes 4 (I really dont know how they come up with this stuff)
Herpes is such a horrible name...lol

Here is something that you should look into:

do you know about SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) its a chemical that pretty much in everything that we use. (Shampoo, Dishwashing Detergent, Engine Cleaner, and TOOTH PASTE!!)
So....if you want to experiment, try buying some non SLS toothpaste and see if that helps your mouth out.

they sell a lot of these brands online.
most of the toothpastes in most stores, dont sale those types.


this is just an example!

let me know!

take care
and dont worry
you are DEFINITLY not alone!
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681148 tn?1437661591
I posted some time ago about a similar issue.  Maybe no one has read that post yet.  I haven't figured out what causes these awful blisters I get all throughout my mouth.  They are not canker sores or cold sores.  They are clear or white.  I have been trying to figure out if they're allergy related or not.  A couple of years ago I did have a serious virus syndrome for an entire month that I was later told was more than likely Epstein Barr Virus (EPV).  I am too old to have had chicken pox vaccine, and I did already have it when I was only a baby.  Both of my brothers had chicken pox twice when we were kids, so it's a myth that people only get it once.  At the beginning of that entire month of virus syndrome, I started out with a mild case of Shingles.  More than likely it was very mild for two reasons:  I caught it early and went to the e.r. when I noticed that unusual burning rash, and from what I was told I only had three pox during the whole outbreak I had as a baby.  I only know what I was told and I know it's true because I still have the concave scar on my abdomen from that outbreak.  It must've really itched very badly.

I started getting these little blisters from time to time that get relieved when I scrape them out with my fingernails when I was a pre-teen.  Lately, though, they've been getting worse and my mouth is left feeling irritated, even after scraping out the blisters.  As I said in my other post, it has gotten to the point where the skin literally melts away in big sheets inside of my mouth when I go to scrape away these nagging, stinging blisters.

From what I'm reading here, I can't even be sure now whether these are related to all my allergies or to the EPV that the naturopath thinks I probably still have a low level of and said there is no test for which to confirm it.  I do know that with viruses one has to let the things run there courses.  And, I know that this is one of those that people can end up having their whole lives and it can be either active or it can lie dormant for many years and cause someone to have Shingles later on in life and a whole host of other illnesses, including the CFS I have symtoms of.

What are these blisters from?  Are they allergy or virus related?  Or, is it possible for it to be caused a little bit by both if I'm under too much stress?
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563773 tn?1374246539

Herpes simplex can result from chicken pox vaccine although this side effect is rare.
The virus then lies dormant and may reactivate anytime esp when there is trauma to the skin, menstruation, sun exposure, stress, fever, and other causes.

The red bumps on the hands can be due to allergies,dermatitis or eczema.It can also be related to herpes labialis(oral herpes).However anything can be confirmed only after examination.

The best methods for diagnosing this viral infection is by viral culture,western blot and PCR(polymerase chain reaction).

Did you get PCR done for the virus?This is one of the most confirmatory tests of oral herpes.I sincerely advise you to consult a dermatologist or an infectious diseases specialist.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing or of you have any additional doubts.Kind regards.

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