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Anxiety and head problems

Does anyone else have head issues and have been told that it is anxiety?  I am about tired of this constant head pressure/pain that I keep getting.  Its very weird.  I will wake up in the morning and feel ok, then about 1/2 hour later this pressure/pain will start on the left side of my head near the top.  It will seem to intensify and then lessen itself throughout the day with no real rhyme or reason to when it is worse or better.  If I ignore it and go about my business it seems to get slightly better but if I acknowledge it.. it seems to get worse.  Is this all from anxiety?  I am so worried that it is something so serious.  I have seen 4 different doctors and had blood work and urinalysis done and always given anxiety as diagnosis.  I am currently taking lexapro for about 3 weeks now.. seems to help a little but annoying head pressure/pain will not seem to go away.  Does anyone have any advice?
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69male with sevre anxiety attacks, Dipression, emotional pains, frustration, anger, aggression,
And headatch. Now it become treatment resistant sickness. So many AD tried but suffered badly with side effects and damaged both eyes, constipation and many other physical sickness besides extended mental sickness. Tried CBT and ECT too but nothing seems help. Now just taking Clonazipan 1.25mg at night to sleep and 0.125mg once or twice in a day as needed.
Since last one month my sleep badly disturbed and not able to sleep for nights then some time get some sleep. For 3-4 hours and wakeup with extrem Dipression, worries and agitated mind. Tired of visiting doctors, Psychitrist's, therapists now. Really don't know what to do?? How to live this miserable live fe. Lost all family, friends and children support. Now helpless, hopeless, worthless, sleepless, isolated, fearful, and what not!!!  The continued in family misunderstandings and crisis are daily triggers. No solution available as no one wants to talk to other. Can anyone have any suggestion or solution. Married sons already abandoned both aged and sick parents having no resources in hand nor energy to continue living like this...... Miserable life.
Needs support, guidance and help please.
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Suggest you make a new post -- this one is very old.
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I can totally identify with what you were saying because I have the same thing and over the years that's exactly what the doctor has told me, it's anxiety. Well I have been taking Prozac for so many years with the amount going from 10 all the way up to 40 of them back down to 20 and I've now been on 20 for a very long time. I still get the headaches, and I still have the pressure that you're speaking about and finally my doctor told me to use the neti pot. I use the NeilMed with the sinus rinse. It cleanse out my sinuses and nasal cavity and I tend to be able to breathe better with my breathing machine. Just saying that the pressure on my head is relieved when I do that. Also using ear drops to clean my ears out completely. I know I may be getting off track right now but cleaning out all the sinuses did relieve the pressure. my question is if Concerta could be taken along with 20 milligrams of Prozac?  I hope that you do get relief. I just happened to read your your blog or whatever you call it, and I so much identify with it, I wanted to comment.
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I have exactly the same thing it's been over 2 weeks now and as soon as it started my left eye got puffy and sore and still is now I went to doctor who said it's conjunctivitis but I am sure it's too do with anxiety and my anxiety has been playing up for around 3 weeks now and happening more than usual. Hope you feel better soon.
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I have w cyclical vomitiing condition where I lose focus can't concentrate and experience extrem extrem bouts of anxiety which cause excruciating physicals pain.  It is very hard to manage and control as the episodes are unpredictable.  I am on dilauted but rarely take and most doctors shake their head at this but they also don't understand the pain I deal with.  I am right now trying to cut out all alcohol and marijuana use as this may contribute to anxiety.  I am getting on an long acting lexapro which will help with anxiety I hope and cut back attacks.  I live in fear daily of not only having an attack but when I show up to the ER are they going to see me as a patient, a human suffering , or do they see me as a crazy drug seeker.  I have seen multiple experts over 18 years and am extremely frustrated with where I'm at and hoping between my neurologist, gi, Internest, and psych doctor will help out together a better plan for overcoming this ****.  Anxiety and stress are real and can cause excruciating pain in people.  We are all different and sensitive to different stressors.  If there is anyone else out there in similar situation would love to hear from u
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I havent been told that my neck and front head pressure is anxiety,but what your experiencing is very similar to what I am experiencing.. my doctor just perscried a muscle  relaxer. For me,but the only time I can take that is later at night before bed time, and during the day I only take ibproferns,it seems to help a little.. but like you sId if you sometimes go on about your dynamic and stay busy it gets your mind off it and it stops for a short period.. there,are some days I just set and cry and think all kind of terrible things that could be wrong.. I hope we all can get to feeling better soon..
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I am going through acupunture at present , through desperation of horrid anxiety symptoms that keeps returning if I stress about any think ..
Hoping it will give me normality back in my life .
The fear of the symptoms is horrid ..

Acupunture at the moment seems to be bringing symptoms to the fore , experiencing hot and cold feelings plus sore neck area as it was noticed my neck muscles were so tence !!
Do hope it goes away very soon .
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I have all those same symptoms for like 5 years now, my head wants to blow up with so much pressure on my left side too, i went to the doctors and they say is sinus pressure and they end up giving me antibiotics, then after a few days there goes again, i am scared too that something is wrong with me, i have been on medication for anxiety and panic attacks and it relaxes me but then there it goes again i really dont know what else to do.
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Hey Jonathonwoodsfansite, hope you are doing great but I am having varied symptoms ranging from stomach issues then right side of my body. One day I felt a panicky feeling with no palpitations with pressure on right side of my head which strained one point on my eye and some days later same thing happened but this time right cheek and right leg was also involved and were paining. This kind of attack ranges for some seconds and makes me feel that I am going to pass out.
I have feelings of something bad happening with me and now there is constant slightly weak feeling in my right cheek. Hoping you can give me some insight.
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Hi Megan, do you still have the same symptoms? I was just wondering because i have all the same symptoms as you.. you have described me to a "T"
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Hey everyone I'm a 28 year old male and I have read most of these comments and I have something similar to what most of you are experiencing or have experienced. I have this very heave feeling on the right side of my head and it's always there for like hours on in at times, usually it doesn't start when I wake up but it kicks in after an hr or so. The more I put my mind to it the more I find myself feeling negative, I have this fear of having some sort of brain tumor or something and I'm scared for my life a lot. My folks don't understand me and neither does my fiance, she thinks that I'm overthinking. Although my chiropractic said that this is happening due to a car accident that I was in last November but to be honest it wasn't that major. Someone rear ended my car while I was stopped at a light but then again I was stopped at an angle because I was looking for oncoming traffic so I can turn right onto the road, So I was hit an angle, usually people experience headaches and this numbness feeling a few weeks right after the accident but I started experiencing it after some months. I have lost appetite for eating, for practically doing normal things that most people do because of this heaviness feeling. I'm afraid to get checked up and have some sort of tumor turn out (as bad as that sounds) so I wanted to get your guys opinions on this, does this seem like anxiety to you guys? or is this a part of the recovery process? because I'm having really negative thoughts and feeling scared for my life with this heaviness feeling...
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(I did not read all of the comment I may miss some point) I think we really understood this problem well. This problem 'attack' our head and causing difficulty to us everyday (study, working even hell even all of the routine). But, I will be very pleased to know that if anyone had gotten better out of this by him/herself (without doctor treatment, medicine, etc..). It would be very motivating to hear it from one.
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Hi my name is sherif and about 5 years ago i had a pop on my left side head and since then I've been having tension like headaches or pressure felling.my eye get sensitive to light i had ct scans done and earlier this year i had ct scan with dye shot in me to see every blood vessel in my head and it came back negative im nervous now because im looking for answers can anyone help me
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Can anxiety cause you to feel like you are shaking on the inside. It mostly happens when relaxing or laying down.
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Not that I would want anybody to feel this way but it is so nice to see that other people feel the exact same way that I do .. The constant battle of staying balanced and concentrating on my work all day is probably the most overwhelming. I convince myself everyday that I have something serious going on because there is no way that only anxiety could cause all of the symptoms that I have.. Especially when I went so many years without tham and all of the sudden, BAM.. There they were.. Again, it is very comforting to read through these comments, especially ones that relate so much to me.
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Hi Jason. I can relate to everything you say. I would have constant head zaps,electric like shooting pains, stabbing, for several years it was affecting my everyday life severely. I still have the anxiety mainly health anxiety. For the last year or 2 now I have all over muscle twitches, arms ,upper stomach,legs , back,butt. I'm on medication and have been for several years, but I have to say that dealing and living with this is a daily struggle with so e days being better than others. Having Jesus in my life has helped. Bless you take care.
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Hi I have all of these anxiety symptoms as well. I believe once you convince yourself that you're ok, they mostly lighten up and go away. What happened to me was I got very skinny and sick from not eating enough because of stress. I had no idea I was even doing this. After many ER visits I got better from eating again. All of my anxiety symptoms went away because I believed I was cured. Months later I was attacked by a dog and the panic attacks returned. I get dizzy, shaky, hard of breathing, and head zaps like @jason1088 mentioned. But as soon as I'm having fun and not thinking about it, I'm fine. So I know it's all in my head. I'm going to try therapy. Hopefully it works. All my medical tests are always normal so that helps ease my mind. This forum is really helpful, thanks everyone for sharing and helping me feel better. It's hard but we just have to find ways not to stress. Don't worry be happy. :)
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I have read all of these comments and some of you have it worse than me by far.  I can have heavy anxiety just like my mother before me.  Recently in the past 5 days I have been receiving a pressure in the back of my neck/head region on the left side. It is kind of weird where the position is and it seems to be specific to that side sometimes moving to the ear.  With the pressure comes a slight throbbing or a pulsation pain that spikes up for about 1-2 seconds then goes away, but comes very frequently.  The pain isn't severe more like discomforting.  The funny thing is I take an alleve and it seems to alleviate the pressure and pain quite a bit, mostly the pain.  The pressure still persists, but it definitely goes down.  I have not seen a doctor yet because I believe I am manifesting these symptoms myself stemming from the anxiety.  Now since the alleve seems to be helping I am led to believe there is some sort of inflammation back there and if there is then maybe it's a sort of infection.  Of course with my anxiety I come to the conclusion that I have a brain tumor, probably because my mother died from a brain tumor back in 2006 due to a chromium 6 contamination that was happening in my neighborhood.  The troubling thing is her brain tumor was in her brain stem and the pressure/pain is in the vicinity of that region.  She had weakness on her left side and I am not receiving that symptom, however the impact of her passing has sort of left me an extreme fear of brain tumors.  I think I am going to go to the doctor just to be on the safe side and I advise anyone to do the same just to be sure.  Oh and I am 30 year old male.  I hope everyone gets passed this frightful event.  With anxiety, mentality is the key.  However, the physical manifestations remind us that anxiety is an enemy and fear is it's weapon of choice.  Conquering the fear means conquering the anxiety.
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i just recently have been expericing the same things you're describing  clogged ears kinda like numbness in the face chin nose etc  ,,, i am always checking my head to see if i have my glasses on cause of the pressure. As i am writing i am having the tightening / pressure feeling on top of my head and forehead,,,,,,,  Will someone really figure this out and let everyone know  what the heck is going on.
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I have experienced the sam thing. It is all a symptom of anxiety. Anxiety causes blood pressure to rise, muscles to tense up in the head and face etc. I personally have had a "headache" on the left area of my head, although it moves around that general area and left side of the face. More of a tense feeling than a typical headache but very annoying and worrisome. It took me a long time to figure out the cause of it and I too thought there was something physically wrong with me. I have recently discovered through forums like this one and the help of an acupuncturist that it is just anxiety. It can be a vicious cycle because I know how hard it is to not dwell on something that is constantly present, which in turn creates more anxiety-the thing your trying to stop that is causing you these sensations. i know my anxiety levels would be significantly lower if not for the worrying senstations.I have not overcome this completely, but have hope that it will pass if I maintain a positive outlook and maintain a healthy lifestyle, which I now do but did not do in the psst which I am sure caused the initial anxiety in the first place, leading to tension in the scalp and spiraled out of control. I won't go into detail but I used to drink heavily in college and have recently quit. I think you need to think about what may have caused you anxiety before all of this started. Meds can help, but do you really want to be dependent on a medication, I don't. Benzodiazepines are extremely addictive, and cause anxiety while they leave the blood stream if used symptomatically. Antidepressants have side effects and i feel at least in my case would not help in the long run because they make you feel like you are not normal without them, furthering anxiety. Try exercising even if it makes your headache worse. At least you won't be thinking about it while you are exercising. Do anything you can do to get your mind off of it. Being bored and worried, just thinking about your unfortunate position only makes your anxiety and situation worse. It will not get better unless you fight back, Try to keep busy, find something entertaining to consume your time, a new obsession other than the one that plagues you ( and myself). I know how hard this is cause I feel the same way and am not saying it si easy but I know for sure that it is the only way to get through this. As symptoms get better as I have noticed for myself, It will become easier and easier to distract yourself from the sensations and viscous anxiety cycles.The whole thing ******* ***** but you have to accept it and move on and know you will get better. Also try to understand the physical aspect of it. Notice that it is just tension and muscle spasming etc. See if a hot shower helps ( helps me). When muscles are hot they relax and showers tend to relax\x the mind which relaxes the muscles. Do you feel better in the morning when you wake up than through ought the day ( I do). well, when you sleep, during REM all your muscles go completely limp and this may be the only time they have to rest so they would naturally feel better in the morning. As you worry thourghout the day they naturally tense up. The mind and body are connected more than we think. Hope all of this helps. Good luck to you. RELAX!!!
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my dear girl please stop do not let this awful thing ruin your life pray ask the creator of the earth and the heavens to help you and he surely will pray please pray and throw those awful thoughts away and you will be so happy again
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i have the same symptoms somtimes i convince myself i have a brain tumor lol good to see it not just me =)
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Hello all,
I have read all these posts and feel releaved! I have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for 11 years. I have been on meds 4 times now and this seems to be the worst ever! I have a new dictor who is grear and I have a therapist who is wonderful as well. However....it has been so bad I had to leave my job. I held our health insurance and now dont have any. So I can no longer go to my therapist anymore. I have all the same symptoms as everyone on here with the exception of the head pressures, until 4 days ago. I have been in meds now for almost 2 months and started feeling better a month ago. Started feeling like myself again. And 4 days ago for no reason...I started having some head pressure. I am a stay at home mom now and I am so scarred that I have a brain tumor and im going to die. After reading what ppl have been through I now feel so much better that it is just part of my anxiety and I am ok and dont have a brain tumor.  I am so happy that I found this forum!
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It's been along time since u wrote this buti was wondering if you ever got rid of hall the anxiety symtoms....I just started having them and it's awful...I'm so scared it has taken over my whole life...I can't even go out by myself without a person I feel safe with...when will this end !!!
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5595906 tn?1370579645
I've really been freaking out because of all these sudden onset on symptoms, Ive had anxiety with some similar symptoms in the past but not as bad as what I have experienced in the past few months.
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Are you feeling any better? Sometimes I get upset thinking I'm the only one in pain not enjoying life but there's so many of us suffering. You're not alone. I've had this for 11 months now. I'm getting better and you will too. It just takes tome
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For those of you with unexplained symptoms of anxiety, heart palpitations, general head issues (pressure, depression, ear issues etc.) trouble sleeping, tired, please consider Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome.  You may be stressed out of your mind and it is true what they say, stress does kill.
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