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17 and think I'm dying

I'm scared I'm dying help

by Babygirl961996, 1 hour
I'm 17 and last year when I was on the birth control YAZ I had some bad side effects to it so the doctor took me off them but ever since I have a had really bad anxiety and it's getting worse I'm on a new birth control tri-cycle-lo and the anxiety is really bad now I always think I'm dying I have been for three different blood test and they only say my iron is a little low (not to low) but I still think there's something now right
Here are my systems
-feel like I'm moving when I'm not
-scared to sleep because I feel like I'm not going to wake up
- always think I'm dying of something
-always nerves and on edge
-sometimes my eyes are fuzzy
- I get headaches right in the front of my head
- every time I get a pain I think is cancer
-if I do sleep I wake up alot during the night

I really just want to know what's wrong with me I'm soo scared I have cancer or that I'm dying of something the blood work did pick up please if help I feel like I'm not to live for a bother year I'm really scared to sleep because I always fear I'm going to die in my sleep
18 Responses
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Okay thank you for all your help yes I have told my best friend everything
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Sorry, one last thing to talk about. What do your friends think about all this worrying about dying? Do you tell them?
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"thought I was going to die in my sleep (is this normal with anxiety) "

Anxiety doesn't put ideas in your head. The difference between a human and an animal is a human can control what they think about. Right now you are thinking you will die, but if you can refocus your thoughts, either by figuring what it is that makes you think you will die and determining that you won't, or finding some more pleasant thoughts to focus on. It is easiest to do the refocusing on happy things after the counselor shows you why you won't die - then you don't have those morbid thoughts running around because you won't believe them.
I will leave our discussion now and let you work this out with the counselors. Print this off so the counselor and doc can quickly see your ideas and what is bothering you, rather than just telling it verbally which takes a lot of time when they have to write down everything.
You will probably not die for decades - good luck.
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Why don't you go back to her and if the doc finds another maybe go to them too? Maybe 2 is not a good idea so either someone on this board can straighten me out or when you talk to the counselor or doc you can mention the other so they figure out what is best, one or two?
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Okay sorry I think we have one to too at school but before when I saw her I never thought I was going to die in my sleep (is this normal with anxiety) and she gave me some anxiety papers to look at
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I think you missed some words. Can you repost that?
In addition, what is this about papers to look at? What kind of papers?
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Yeah I did last year when this all started and she gave me papers to look over and said I was okay and didn't need to see her anymore and I think we at school I just got back to my school from homeschooling
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Again means you have seen a counselor in the past. What happened, how long ago and is this not available in your school?
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No I don't at the minute but when I see my doctor on the 30th my mom said to ask him if I could see a counselor again to help because I try to find ways to stay awake at night because I'm scared I will die in my sleep
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Since you are only 17 you have a long way to go before you get near their ages and find out if a genetic link even exists. Considering how much medicine has advanced in cancer care, there may be a simple treatment or cure for it by then.
You didn't answer this question. Do you have a school counselor you can discuss this fear of dying with?
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My nana is 65 and my uncle is 69
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How old are they?
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Thank you I think I'm soo worried to because people in my family are dying of cancer and I'm really stressed about it
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Best to write it all down beforehand so you don't miss anything that you keep worrying about later. Lots of people get headaches, and waking up in the night if common for people anxious that they are dying as you are.
The fuzzy eyes and other things you list can be just over-analyzing so in your head, but since you are seeing doc that is the only way to know. I can't diagnose you from here, but you can't either, so try to forget it until you see doc otherwise you will spend your whole living life in misery worrying that it will end the next day,
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Okay thank you I have to see my doctor on the 30th so I will tell him everything
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Do you have a school counselor you can discuss this fear of dying with? Doc says there is nothing wrong but you have listed a history of thinking there always is, then it is all in your head. Sometimes talking to the right professional about a problem you can't deal with can lead to finding ways to change your thinking - and your thinking does need a change if you want to get rid of anxiety.
It is easy for some people to change when someone else points out the solution you overlooked, but others are not able to overcome their worries, so I am not saying a solution is guaranteed to occur.
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Also 3 blood tests would have shown something.
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Seems like you have health anxiety. Have you talked to your doctor about this? I know very little about birth control there so in cant help you much. Us people with health anxiety will almost always jump to the worse conclusion when something feels off or we feel pain. You are young and should enjoy life. Truth of the matter is we all have pain. It's the human body. I would suggest talking to your doctor about your concerns and anxiety.
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