1211508 tn?1343079605

Meds For Panic/Agoraphobia

I'm pretty much a mess right now.  I only feel comfortable going out when it's to a place not far from home, at night, when it's not hot, when there's not a lot of traffic, etc.  I'm trying hard to do this without meds but no matter how many times I convince myself that "things are ok...you're not gonna die," I still get tunnel vision, light headed and I feel terrible--like I need to lay down.  I can't get over this and it's hindering my progress big time.

So screw it, I'm open to meds.  My shrink said take Zoloft daily and klonopin (as needed).  I haven't tried Zoloft yet.  Klonopin seems ok but I worry about long term use.  Plus I haven't really "tested" klonopin in a really "nervous" situation yet.  

I also have trouble staying asleep for more than 2-3 hours.  Will Zoloft make this WORSE or better?

Lastly, what has worked for some of you suffers of agoraphobia?  My shrink is a huge promoter of Zoloft.  He thinks it will work wonders for me.  What do you think?  He's an MD, and I respect that, but he doesn't personally know what agoraphobia feels like.  I'd rather poll people that have gone through what I'm going through.

Thanks so much,
20 Responses
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480448 tn?1426948538
Well, it's about time you're ready to finally do something about this!  I've watched you chase your tail on many forums for a while now. Yay!

As far as what will work, of course you know that will vary for everyone, however I will tell you that I had fantastic success on Zoloft, went from completely housebound to back to "me" within a few months (including therapy).  Zoloft is actually THE most commonly prescribed SSRI antidepressant for anxiety disorders, and for panic disorder, because of its success rate and ease of tolerating it for most people.

I say give it a shot, but remember, you must be a little patient.  It can take up to 4-6 weeks to really start making a difference, sometimes a little longer, and sometimes, you may require a dose increase or two until you find the right, therapeutic dose for you.  Just try to go into this with as open a mind as you can.  Don't place too much emphasis or importance on anyone else's experience, allow yourself to have your OWN experience.

Lastly, I really urge you to discuss the Klonopin with your doc.  I've already mentioned this to you, but never got a reply from you whether or not you talked with your doc about it. Klonopin is MUCH more effective when taken regularly, usually twice daily.  That's because, it is a long acting benzo and needs to build up in the plasma to be the most effective.  The shorter acting benzos, like Ativan, and Xanax are FAR more appropriate to be used on an "as needed" basis, as a rescue med in the event of a panic attack,  plus they don't have to be taken regularly.  Also when you are just taking a med like this here and there "as needed", tolerance and dependency are not a concern.  I REALLY think you would do far better with a short acting benzo versus the Klonopin.  In the very least, the Klonopin should be taken regularly for you to get its full benefit.  SOME docs DO Rx Klonopin on a PRN basis, and that works for some people, but by far, for the purpose of maximizing efficacy, Klonopin should be dosed regularly, usually at least twice daily.  You really need to bring this up to your doc.  

I also urge you to make sure the doc managing this condition and your meds is a psych.  They are really the best equipped.  Also, insist on therapy.  It may be tough at first, with the agoraphobia, but you need to start learning coping mechanisms and ways to undo the anxious cycle of thinking.

'Bout time, my friend.  I was really hoping you started getting more aggressive in addressing the anxiety soon.  I hate watching people try to find ANY other reason for their symptoms besides anxiety.  Sadly, a lot of people waste a lot of time on the tail chasing when they could be getting help for the anxiety/panic.  

Very best to you, you're on the right track.  Hopefully the Zoloft will be as helpful for you as it has been for me and SO many others,  It literally gave me my life back.  Please keep us updated!  You're among people who have been in your shoes, we really do care!
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1211508 tn?1343079605
Hi Nursegirl!

First of all I really appreciate all your responses, advice, and support.  It's really nice of you.  :)  I wish I could treat you to dinner but you live kinda far away lol.  

Anyway my shrink is not a great Dr. IMO but I have little choices as to who to choose based on my insurance.  I have talked to him about Klonopin and he just says, "take it if you feel you need it, when you need it."  He prefers that I don't take it regularly but says I can if I really have to.  He's been pushing me to go on Zoloft.  I think I am going to start tomorrow.  

I didn't know you were homebound too with agoraphobia.  In my limited experience with Klonopin it just doesn't seem like it has cured my bigger phobias.  Maybe I'm just not taking enough--most I've ever taken at one time is 0.5mg.  Anyway I'm desperate so I'll try Zoloft and give it a couple months to see.  I want to take planes and go places where there are crowds, like Disneyland again.  I miss those days.  I can't even begin to do that now.  I feel physically ill if I try.  

If Zoloft doesn't work then I will just start drinking liquor.  I know it will take years off my life but at this point I'd rather have 10 good years than 30 more bad years.  

Anyway thanks so much for your help.  You're a sweetie!  
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1211508 tn?1343079605
Oh another thing about my great shrink...he refuses to prescribe me Ativan or Xanax, and I have begged for both for the exact reasons you  were talking about.  I agree, I need a short, harder acting benzo.  I swear, I feel like suing my shrink sometimes.  I might understand if I had a history of drug or alcohol abuse but I do not and he knows that.  I begged even for just a small Rx of Ativan (even 1-2 pills just to test)...he still refused...."just take Klonopin James.  It's safer and better for your condition..."  as if he knows what it feels like to have intense phobias.  Terrible.  
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480448 tn?1426948538
Ok, well, when we get you all fixed up, you can fly here and take me to dinner.  LOL.  For now though...

Ok, I'm hoping your comment about you wanting to sue your doc was a joke?  As much as it stinks to get a doc who we don't feel really listens, it's not grounds to sue, of course.

I'll NEVER understand some docs' attitudes toward one med in a class, but not another.  Around here, it is the opposite.  Docs are far more stingy about Rx'ing Klonopin.  Some docs will Rx Ativan but not Xanax, and vice versa.  They ALL come with risks!  I just wish you could find a way to tell him that, due to the Klonopin's mechanism of action, it really isn't the best choice as a panic attack rescue med.  I'd tell you to print this thread off to show him, but I wouldn't want him getting mad.  I don't discount the knowledge of these docs, but some are just TOO stuck in their ways and unwilling to really LISTEN to what their patients are telling them.

If he is adamant about not budging on the Klonopin, then I wold advise you to maybe take it twice a day, once in am, once at bedtime.  It's not going to help a lot with a panic attack if one strikes, but it WILL lower your overall anxiety and hopefully decrease the frequency and severity of your attacks once it starts building in your system.  Maybe try that for a week or so, if you're not noticing much of a difference, ask your doc about bumping up your dose a bit.  If you limit the course of Klonopin until you start feeling better on the Zoloft, you shouldn't have too much of a concern with w/d.  Typically, 3 months is considered a short course of a med, even if taken regularly, every day.  You can still slowly taper, just to be safe.  I think trying the Zoloft is a great idea.

Lastly, (again) I hope you were kidding about the alcohol.  Honestly, alcohol (even minimal use) will exacerbate anxiety and panic like you couldn't even imagine!!!  Alcohol is an anxious person's WORST nightmare.  Seriously, until your panic is MUCH MUCH better controlled, don't go near it.  I've all but stopped drinking completely because of that exact reason...it makes my anxiety horrible for up to a week (yes, a WEEK!) after indulging!  And, I feel very depressed for days as well.  NOOOO thank you!

Please be sure to keep us updated, you'll get there, it will just take some time.  I never in a million years thought I'd ever get better.  I couldn't even go to the grocery store without horrible panic attacks.  I still have some limitations, like places with very large crowds (ie, amusement parks, concerts) still cause me some anxiety, and I don't always go to those kinds of places freqenttly, but everything else in my life is pretty much as "normal" as anyone else's.  I just got back from a vacation that I actually enjoyed without anxiety.  I would have NEVER been able to go on vacation during my severe agoraphobic days.

Hang in there my friend!!
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You said that your "shrink" is an MD...is your therapist a psychologist or psychiatrist?  Personally, after dealing with regular MD's for years, and now seeing a psychiatrist, I have to say that general practicioners, for the most part, don't know the first thing about properly medicating people with anxiety.  My doctor seemed to think that different drug dosages were interchangeable, when the psychiatrist told me they are not, which was why they weren't working for me.  

I switched from Lexapro to Zoloft six weeks ago and for about a month, I was only leaving my house if I absolutely had to, and by this I mean for a doctor appointment or to get food.  I barely got out of bed.  I saw a psychiatrist a week and a half ago and she recommended I stay on the Zoloft since my MD already made the switch, but that my dosage was far too low.  I've since doubled the dosage, and the past few days I feel like I'm reverting backwards (but I'm hoping this is only because of the increase in dosage), but for the past week and a half, I have been almost a completely different person.  My psychiatrist told me to take .25 mg of Xanax in the morning and at night, and can take .50 mg if needed.  She said that 85% of the population who takes Xanax does not become addicted to it; she equated it to people who use alcohol and don't abuse it.  Anyway, I know that the drugs work, particularly the Xanax, but the thing that really forced me to start going out of the house again is that I got fed up with lying in bed all day.  I wasn't comfortable at home even, so I figured why not go out.  My therapist recommended starting each morning with a walk, even if it's just a few blocks, and to relax three times daily for 30 minutes (deep breathing, listening to music, coloring, anything calming).  Then I just forced myself to start going to do errands that didn't require me to go inside (i.e. the bank, post office), and then began going inside.  The past few days I haven't felt the greatest, though I am still able to leave my house comfortably, but the 10 days prior to that, I felt amazing.  My advice is to take baby steps (some days just walking to my mailbox seemed daunting) and build from there.  I know that if I can do it, anyone can!  

The best piece of advice I have is to try to remember that even when you have a setback, tomorrow is another day.  Before, if I had one bad day, I'd climb in bed and expect the next day would be the same.  Now, I start each day thinking, "OK, yesterday wasn't great, but today will be better," and for the most part, it's been true.  

Also, don't get discouraged if you feel worse before you feel better on the Zoloft.  I had terrible headaches and was nauseated the first three and a half weeks and my anxiety felt worse than it ever has, but after that things started looking up.  Now, about the only side effect I have is slight tremors in my hands and maybe a little more anxiety since I've upped my dosage.  

Good luck!!
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One more thing...I've seen a lot of your posts and I think you have said you drink pretty regularly on the weekends, correct?  I entirely agree with nursegirl that you should try to refrain from alcohol.  It does nothing but make me more anxious...I can't even have one drink, and the SSRI's and benzos just intensify the effects.  
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1211508 tn?1343079605
Yes that's very true, or was true.  I haven't had a drop of liquor in 2 months.  I still get the itch to want that buzz on weekends but I feel it will only make my anxieties worse after I sober up.  Plus I can't drink while on benzo's and benzo's are more important than getting hammered right now...unfortunately lol.  
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1211508 tn?1343079605
Yeah I was joking about suing my Dr., thought I wasn't joking about my unhappiness with him.  Oh I would LOVE to be able to get on a plane and fly to umm, let me see where you live....oh wow, PA.  That's far, lol...I'm gonna have to get MUCH better lol.  Last time I was there was in 2000 for a business trip in Phili.  Had a great time!  Anyway if I can make it there, you can count on a choice dinner anywhere you like.  :)   You have been so nice and so helpful.  
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1211508 tn?1343079605
Inspiring post kickanxiety...tyvm for sharing that!  Our stories sounds so similar.  You know I do have panic attacks for sure, but more often than not when I get in an uncomfortable situation I get that dizzy/tunnel vision and I just wanna leave.  That absolutely can and sometimes does lead to a full blow panic attack but not always.  Anyway, point of mentioning that was I was wondering if Ativan or Xanax would still help BETTER with that symptom than Klonopin.  After reading nursegirl's post about the differences between the benzo's, I'm really inclined to trying Xanax or Ativan (over Klonopin).  Klonopin is ok for me but I can still get tunnel vision/dizzy when I push my limits too far.  

As for alcohol, well I'm glad to hear what you both shared about the negative effects of it after the buzz wears off, i.e. how it only makes the matters worse.  That's really true???   I tell you what though, when I was bombed drunk I could do anything!  All fears disappeared.  It was WAY better than klonopin in that regard.
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Ok this sounds about right coz I usually feel like I am going to die the day after a good night out,can you ever pass out from a panic attack or pick up any serious health problems because of one?can these symptoms be completely cured?And why does is start?I never had any problems till I was about 23 so can all go back to normal?
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480448 tn?1426948538
Listen, it's very apparent that, with your experiences, you are very anti-medication, and I don't fault you for that.  HOWEVER, a great number of people have been helped tremendously by meds, without all the horror stories. The three CL's of this forum have all gotten our lives back, thanks to meds (and therapy).

PLEASE, when you present info, try to do it in a way that is not fear mongering, and also, try not to outwardly "discourage" a person from trying meds.  That really isn't fair.

Instead of "bad mouthing" meds per se, why not just share with the posters the non-drug approaches you're talking about?  People come here scared enough, they don't need to be awayed away from taking something that may give them their lives back.

Please, just be a little more cautious.  With each and every post you write, you are more and more "anti-med" rather than "pro non med therapies".  People are always going to come here seeking advice about medications, we can't scare them off.
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I don't know anything about Klonopin, but from reading nursegirl's post, it sounds like it works similarly to Buspar, where it lowers the overall anxiety level daily.  I tried that and it did not help my anxiety, but I was also on a very low dose.  Other people I know have used it very successfully.  Alcohol has never calmed me, but if you like that calm feeling it provides you, I would imagine you would do very well with Xanax or Ativan.  I'm like you, where if I get that weird head feeling the first thing I want to do is leave wherever I am and go home.  However, if I take a Xanax before I have to go somewhere, it is so fast acting that I can usually do whatever I need to do and my trip is at least tolerable.  It's pretty much an instant calming drug (within about 20 minutes).  As for alcohol ramping up anxiety, it's a depressant, so once the "liquid courage" part of it dissipates, the negative aspects start to surface.  Just about every anxiety book I've ever read says to stay away from alcohol.  
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480448 tn?1426948538
As for alcohol ramping up anxiety, it's a depressant, so once the "liquid courage" part of it dissipates, the negative aspects start to surface.  Just about every anxiety book I've ever read says to stay away from alcohol.   .

Well said kick!!  That's exactly right.  Also, anxiety sufferers have to be careful self medicating, as we're prone to addiction BECAUSE we're always looking for relief.

I agree about the Xanax, I've been on Xanax and Ativan (at different times), and they both worked very well to stop a panic attack in its tracks.  After the antidepressant would start working (I've been on a few since I was 18), then I needed the benzo less and less.  For that reason, I never even required a taper.  I sort of tapered myself as I started feeling better.  Never had any problems coming off a benzo, thank goodness.

Klonopin works by building up in the plasma.  It's supposed to work to decrease overall feelings of anxiety, rather than to combat the ups and downs of panic.  Again, some people HAVE had success using it "as needed", so hopefully James will too, since his doc is pretty adamant about him not Rx'ing anything else.
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I completely agree.  I was prescribed Xanax PRN eight years ago.  In that eight years, I used less than two prescriptions.  I think that if it's used properly, it is a wonderful drug.  And if you need to take it while taking an SSRI to provide relief while the drug takes effect, you should be able to take it less and less as time goes on.  In all honesty, I would be more worried about the effects of alcohol than SSRI's or benzos.
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480448 tn?1426948538
Amen, my friend!

While there are no doubt horror stories, and I don't discount them, when Rx'd properly, these meds can be VERY helpful with very little problems, w/d, etc.

I've been posting here since 2008, and I can attest that the success stories have far outnumbered the horror stories, and the people with bad experiences are more likely to spread the word too!

Medications are a personal decision that everyone should make for themselves.
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I never been outta state, I lived with anxiety panic most my life... I try to do things, but most the time that I do I take my own car in case I have panic and need to flee! I been on 2mgs paroxetine for 2 years and .5mg lorazepam, it worked pretty good when I started... Somedays I don't touch my lorazepam, usually only for bad days... Last weekend I had to eat and ride with the neighbors I was terrified.. I said to my bf can we drive alone, but nope.. prob took an hour for my lorazepam to quick in or half my margarita... I told my therapist that... He's didn't even care... I'm supposed to go to the zoo for my bfs Birthday this Sunday and guess what, we have to ride with the married neighbors and 3 kids... The dr told me to just take 1 mg of lorazepam an hour and half before leaving.. I already knew the trick he told me to melt it under my tongue..I'm terrified of having an attack, I haven't been an hour way from home since childhood.. n when I have an attack I can't even talk feel like puking, and being in my safe place.. I told my dr he just says double my benzos that day... I bartend and I don't drink when I'm working and I hardly touch my benzo there but I'm thinkin I feel safe there cus my customers love me.. I cry sometimes wishin for anything to love to have fun instead of fear it... Id rather go to the dentist then leave away from home an hour.. so my love goes out to all of you dealing with this!
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1211508 tn?1343079605
Damn Kelly.  I can so totally relate. It's bitter sweet reading stories like yours.  Sweet because it makes me feel comforted that I am not alone in this.  You see, NOBODY, not one of my friends has anything even close to this.  They simply do not get it.  But it's bitter because I know you (and others) are suffering too.  We should all get an island together and move there!  lol  At least we will all get each other.  My wife's about had it w/me and my issues.  
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480448 tn?1426948538
Hiya James!

How's it going?  Are you on the Zoloft?  Have you started any therapy?

I'll tell you, you would be surprised.  I found out YEARS after I was diagnosed with panic disorder that there were actually a few people in my life who also suffered with panic.  Would have NEVER known.  Most people prefer NOT to share with others issues like this, and you may never know, but like I said, you'd be surprised.  Some of the people I found out had panic disorder were hugely important in the community, including owner of a large, multi million dollar business, who is close with my husband,

It always makes you feel better when you feel you aren't so alone in this battle.  All you have to do is browse this forum, you'll see you're in very good company!

Keep us updated on your progress!  Just keep working it, It will take time, these things can't be fixed overnight.  I'm sure your wife is getting frustrated,but think of it from our loved one's point of view.  A lot of times we just sort of sit around and complain about how awful we feel.  We do this for a long time usually, before getting help.  And, you're 100% right, if they have never been through it, it IS hard for them to understand why we just cannot get a grip on things or "snap out of it".

Hang in there!
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i have been dealing with anxiety for about 10yrs. i have constant worry about my heart. i had all the heart tests 3yrs ago and they were clear. since then i still have fear about having a heart attack most days. i had an ecg and an echocardiogram done this January, which were both normal. i have been tense and virtually unable to relax for a couple of years. the last 2.5 months have been really difficult. i have not slept well and my business has been real slow, so the household income has declined. my wife and i have 3 boys 8,6,2. i am currently taking toprol for heart palpitations, celexa 20mg, and ativan at night to get some sleep. i have a lot of stress and worry right now. any help is appreciated
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1211508 tn?1343079605
We are in the same boat sir.  Reading your post was like reading one of my own.  My fears are definitely worse now that I have a son in my life too for what it's worth.

I think the meds you are on are good ones.  Has the toprol reduced (or even eliminated) your palps?  And what kind of palps were you having....PVCs?  

Sounds like you've been given a clean bill of health w/regard to your heart.  The toprol is probably not needed but if it gets rid of your palps which in turn prevents anxiety then it's totally worth it in my opinion.  

For me just trusting the experts has been helpful.  Also knowing we can't live forever anyway actually helps me cope with things, ironically.  But in most cases people have warning in advance of heart conditions or heart attacks.  You just have to trust that you are ok.

For me the benzos, such as Ativan, have been very helpful when I'm having particularly high anxiety days.  You may want to try Klonopin.  It's in the same family as Ativan, valium, and xanax but it lasts a bit longer and may not wipe you out as much (during the day).  It's the #1 choice for this class of meds, currently, for high anxiety types like us.    Talk to your Dr. about it (preferably a psychiatrist as they are most familiar with these meds).  You may also talk to him/her about another SSRI if celexa isn' working.  Zoloft is commonly used for people with anxieties.  Give these time to kick in though.  Unlike ativan or klonopin, the SSRIs take several weeks to "kick in."  

My last bit of advice is to just focus on  your kids as much as possible.  When my phobias are really bad I live in my own world and can't even really focus on my son.   That's the last thing I want and I'm certain it's the last thing you want too.  

Be well and good luck...feel free to email me anytime.  Support is a tremendously effective form of therapy.

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