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358304 tn?1409709492

TMJ symptoms....

Does TMJ symptoms usually come on, then leave at some point?
First of all, I'm 25 male, and I do suffer from anxiety from time to time.
Have been doing pretty good.

About 9 or 10 days ago I woke up one day... and yawned, and it hurt on the sides of my head when i closed my mouth after i yawned. I was telling my wife what was going on, and she told me she's had that before, but it has went away.

Well, it seemed to have gotten a little better, but now it's just mostly on my LEFT hand side of my face.
It hurts mostly near my temple when I yawn, and now even when I chew! If I chew on the right side of my mouth, it doesnt hurt, if I chew on the left side of my mouth, my teeth feel like they hurt, and my temple hurts.

It has to be TMJ.

I bought a mouth guard lastnight, b/c having anxiety, I do clench my teeth a lot,... but I don't think it has done anything... maybe I'll have to try it for a few more nights to see results.

I was wondering "do you think this will eventually leave on it's own? once the jaw relaxes more or something? like pop back into correct position?

Thanks guys...

It's just been irritating... has been giving me headaches... and neck-aches... I'm tired of it.
9 Responses
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242912 tn?1660619837
You're very welcome : )

Also, you asked in the beginning if TMJ could come and go.  Sure it can!  Some days we are more tense than others so it stands to reason you would suffer more or less depending on your level of anxiety and tension.  

Haha....my husband thinks I MAY need an AD again, too.  I worry to much....
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358304 tn?1409709492
Thanks. =)
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242912 tn?1660619837
Your in pain because your muscles are sore.  Pain near the neck and ear are also classic symptoms.  

The dizziness?  Hmm....I'm not sure if that has anything to do with TMJ, but certainly has to do with anxiety.  You've been around here for a while so I'm sure you've seen others post of this complaint, yes?  

Try wearing the guard every night for a week and see how you feel.  I would still encourage you to see a dentist though.  Your wisdom teeth may or may not have anything to do with this.  I can barely remember having wisdom teeth as they were pulled when I was a teenager.  

Seriously, wear the guard.  It helped me tremendously!

Feel better : )

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358304 tn?1409709492
Thanks again for writing so quickly.
This particular type of mouth guard molds to my teeth... I had to boil it, then get it comfortable in my mouth... then bite down and mold it... so it's not uncomfortable...

Not so much clicking... just pain when I close my jaw after yawning (in my left temple)... it *****... and if i just push or massage on my left temple... it hurts in there..

also at times if i move my jaw from side to side it hurts near my left ear too...

can tmj symptoms also cause you to get a little dizzy? or off balance i should say?
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242912 tn?1660619837

I meant OTC----Over The Counter.....
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242912 tn?1660619837
I doubt it's your wisdom teeth, but I couldn't say for sure.  If you clench, then this is most likely the problem.  

Clenching causes tension in the face, neck and eventually, could begin to travel into your back muscles and arms.  This has been true for me anyway.  What the night guard is doing is forcing your facial muscles to relax and return to their normal position.  You may not have TMJ, per se, just facial pain from tension.   Actual TMJ involves popping and clicking of the joint.  If you're not experiencing that, then you are probably just tense and clenching.  

Try to be conscious of your jaw and keep it relaxed.  This is what I've had to do and it's really helped.  I tend to clench at the computer because I'm concentrating and have to make an effort to relax my jaw.  

Either way, you should see your dentist to get properly fitted for a night guard.  I'm not too sure about these OCT guards.  If the guard doesn't fit correctly and you use it every night, there is the potential of your teeth moving over time.  This is what the specialist explained to me, anyway.  

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358304 tn?1409709492
I only tried the night guard once lastnight... didnt seem to do anything... but, obviously I'm not going to give up after one night! lol.

I researched on youtube, tmj massage, and I massaged my temples and my jaw, cheeks, head, neck... and it relieved the tmj it seemed like for a long while! so im gonna keep that up!

Jade59: No I haven't started any new medications at all... I've been off of lexapro for about 4-5 months. My wife thinks I should start on it again... she says I've been a little anxious the past few weeks... and over analyze EVERYTHING...

But, I'm gonna just hang in there. =)

Thanks for your response!

ps: Could the tmj symptoms also be caused by my wisdom teeth? I've had all 4 wisdom teeth come completely threw! But they have been threw now for about a year or 2. And they arent impacting my teeth or anything... so I don't see how they could be causing the tmj symptoms...  I think it's more of me clenching? and the way I sleep at night... dunno... im sure the symptoms will leave soon. =)

Thanks again.
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685562 tn?1447155231
Have you started any new medications?
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242912 tn?1660619837
Oh boy, I am ever familiar with this problem.    

The trick with the nightguard is to wear it EVERY night.  I went to a specialist who had me wear it during the day for a couple weeks as well.  

Yes, your jaw will relax after a bit, however, if you clench your teeth in your sleep and during the day, this problem may not go away entirely without intervention from your dentist.  

I know the headaches/neckaches you're talking about.  

I hope you get some relief soon : )

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