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sleep panic kill you?

Can anxiety kill you? Ive had severe anxiety for six months now i have aleast two panic attacks a day will get better and worse threw the months but the worst is wakeing up in the middle of the night felling heart attack heart beating so fast cant breath shakeing. Ive been to the er so many times i cant fet this under control please please help.
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Are pvcs dangerous.
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I was on ativan xanax calonazepam all at the same time for four months. 3 mg of ativan a day with .5 mg of colanzepam a day. Then the er gave me xanax to go home those .5 mg. I had no idea these were the same drug or what they were used for then when i went to my gp he kinda looked at me weird and sent me on my way. Then when i called his nurse and told her what i was feeling she said uts all in your head call a therapist. I didnt want to do this seeing as i was so normal before this wile all this was going on the hometown er said you need a phych ward to help we cant its in your head. By that time i had a ton of issues. Two torn retinas witch they said the lights flashing was in my head and floaters were normal. So i weny to walmart they sent me for emergency surgery on a saturday night because my retina was almost detached. Then i called the consoller after i talked to the nurse she explained what was happening that it was withdraw. I was like these are that addictive. Thats when i found out how bad withdraw from pain meds really were that bad i thought i was going to die. But if it was for the consoler i would be in a psych ward she the only one that believed and explained what was happening.
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480448 tn?1426948538
What was the med you were on that you stopped taking?  How long has is been now?  Reason I ask is, rebound anxiety and depression is very common in withdrawal from both opiates (like Vicodin, Percocet( and benzodiazepines (Like Ativan, Xanax, and Klonopin).

If you didn't have anxiety before the medication, that could explain a lot of the anxiety.  Depends on what exactly you were taking, how often you took it, at what dose, and for how long.
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In a way very lucky and i had a kid. It took me awile to settle down. I do beleave all things happpen for a reason. Just ***** as all my friends i made were around the same way. They settled i didnt and i should've. Maybe i shouldve listened and wouldnt have had all these problems. But im glad im here i now know im not invincible before it was to late. Just wish i didnt go from one extreme to another.   Benzodiazapines didnt spell it right i dont think is like xanax,ativan and stuff like that. I got put on them when i first got sick and had bad stomach issues all that stuff. But they just told me here take this when you feel like crap so i did. I didnt feel addicted at in anyway until the effects wore off and after awile witch wasnt long at all taken three or four a day it happened quickly. This was my fault i had never taken pills in my entire life i didnt believe in them. Even broken bones i wouldnt take pain meds. I seen alot of my friends lives ruined and even die from them. Enough ativan will make anyone feel great no matter whats wrong in my opinion. So by the time i was addicted i had horrible crazy pain and head when i didnt take them. I honestly couldnt believe the pain was withdraw. Seen a therapist for that i quit cold turkey witch is really bad but i didnt understand it. But now that im a little more educated these pills i thought were the worst thing on the planet and swore i would never touch again now help me very much. I never understood why people abused prescription drugs i do now and i am thankful we have them because theres things i couldnt do righy now without them. I do think that anyone on benzo or pain killers should see a therapist becuase even if you dont want to abuse them you still can without knowing it. Again thank you both for the help it is helping alot.
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What is benzo that you are withdrawing from? Are you doing this withdrawal now too?
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480448 tn?1426948538
Not to say that anxiety is a positive thing, but maybe, in a way, for you..there is a silver lining in that you will refrain from taking such huge risks that COULD leave you dead.  Of course, you went from fearless to completelt fearful, so you definitely have a ways to go before you're somewhere in the middle, but neither extreme is healthy!

Some good may come out of this where you realize how careless you were being.  Sounds like you're lucky to be here!
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Yea its been ruff. I never had a fear un the world until i got sick. I raced cars dirtbikes and even barb wire fence at 90mph almost died and it still never gave me panic attacks i rode years later. Ive also had horrable car wrecks and back bike crashes. I lived everyday like it was my last. I.loved every bit of life. Must be when i got sick i had what thought was the closest thing i ever ever ever felt to death i couldnt breath talk nothing. I had no clue what happen but that was the start of all this. Now im a wreck. My mom said how she hated how i was so careless and was so ignorant to how i lived. Now im afraid to get outa bed and tear my retina. I dont leave my house nothing. I thought i was invincible now not even close. Im overly aware of situation that i constantly over thing even thow i know i can not change. I cant tell you guys how much this is helping. Its hard when your mom cries to you and ses i want the old josh back. Im trying to fight evenharder for her it hurts me when i effect my family. Again thank you so much. This is the hardest thing to go threw along with benzo withdraw.
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480448 tn?1426948538
No doubt you've had REAL medical issues to contend with, that would cause anxiety is anyone.  It's appropriate that you would have anxiety in those situations...you're just taking it to the next level.

You can always ask to increase the frequency of your therapy appts.  I think that may be a good idea for a while, until you get a better grip on this anxiety.  

Let us know how everything is going ok!  We're here for you!
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It is understandable that you have panic in your sleep, considering the fears you have with your retina etc. testing. Panic won't kill you, so that is not one thing to fear.
The rashes are allergic reactions to the meds so you shouldn't worry about that either, since you stopped taking the meds. That doesn't mean the next one will give you a rash, so why don't you ask for a new one? There are many of them, and you just tried 3 - paxil, zoloft and another.
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This is a great idea. I will do this. Once a week is mostly when i see her sometimes every other. The problem is sometimes i have great weeks others not to great. I have had three retinal tears in two months that scares me. Also the lesions on my brain that there testing for ms scares me. Then everytime i take a new med it gives me rashes on my hands. I do turn to google more than i should and seeing that ive been on bed rest awile doesn't help. All these things i feel are over welming me. Ive been checked for everything else. The only other thing that was hard to learn to deal with was the nerocardiogentic near synscope but doc said alot of it could be anxiety and meds are hard to give for it but paxil was one that med worked ok but the rash and rapid heart rate made me hop of it. I also have auro migraines. I think thats what here called witch they had me on amityplin for that helpped fairly well with headaches but dropped my bp way to much so they pulled me of that right away. So my neuro git mri back and called for a spinal tap right away witch made me morr nervous. So when i do get anxiety under control one more thing kinda sets it off. I know its me but i cant keep these going blind fears under control and when i do there another tear. So then i get other wierd symptoms from the panic like as soon as i fall asleep i wake up sweating running crying cant breath. So its every other day i sleep witch i think makes me panic even more so im at a loss whrn i get to this point. Thanks for the help.
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480448 tn?1426948538
I have a heart phobia and the artery contractions happen when people are under stress it can make ypu have a heart attack.

The important part of that sentence is "I have a heart phobia".

Did your doctor tell you he is concerned about you having a heart attack?  Did he tell you he was worried about artery contractions? Did he tell you there is something very serious wrong with your heart?  Are you turning to Dr. Google?  

The problem with turning to the internet for medical info is that a lot of information can be taken out of context.  If you're not a medical professional, you won't understand what you're reading, which is why you let your doctor give you the appropriate info, and explain it...then you can ask any questions.  To work yourself up over an arterial "contraction" is unfortunate...because I guarantee you read info you didn't understand, tried to relate it to yourself, and ended up scared to death.  Doesn't really help does it?  Ahhh, anxiety.

Part of getting anxiety under control involves helping yourself and empowering yourself.  The last thing anyone with health anxiety should be doing is searching the internet...it will ALWAYS fuel anxiety, it will never give you a sense of relief.

So YOU need to make a concerted effort top STOP searching the internet about the heart, symptoms, health or medical topics in general, with the exception of seeking help for the anxiety.

Someone with an intense fear of snakes wouldn't be advised to throw themselves into a snake pit day after day while their anxiety is at a peak, right?  That's essentially what you're doing...throwing yourself in the snake pit every time you google something.

Let your DOCTORS manage your health and start puting forth some REAL effort into atacking this anxiety.  Instead of searching about heart conditions, start searching about health anxiety...that's the empowerment part.  The more you learn about anxiety and understand it a little better, the better you will feel.  It's NOT possible to just "snap out of it" as people may tell you...when anxiety is causing this much turmoil in your life and has you running to doctors, and spending hours online, it's affecting your life and needs managed.  You need to learn how to break the cycle of anxious worrying.  

Chronic anxiety, or an anxiety disorder does not have a CURE, but rather a treatment (many approaches).  Anxiety can absolutely be well managed, but it takes time, patience, professional help, and some hard work.  YOU can do it! You have to make the committment to make the changes though, and it won't necessarily always be easy...it's hard to break these kinds of habits and thinking processes.

You JUST started therapy...that takes time.  When you tried the meds, how long were you on them before you decided they didn't work?  Or, that you were not tolerating them?  Meds are another thing that takes some time and often, a good bit of trial and error for some people, to find the RIGHT one.

Another suggestion for you, print out this entire thread, and show it to your therapist.  That will really help her have a better idea what's going on...sometimes it's easier to express yourself in writing, verus in person...especially because you're new at therapy.

When is your next appt with her?  We'll concentrate on preparing for that now.  THAT is the next move....to plan for your appt.  How often are you going to be seeing her?  Once a week?  More?  Less?
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I took paxil zoloft amd another one not sure what it was. I have a heart phobia and the artery contractions happen when people are under stress it can make ypu have a heart attack. Panic disorder is nrw to me and i.have no.clue what it can do. I have a consoler but just started seeing her
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You are wise not to take anything that gives you a rash. How many SSRI did you try in your 6 months?
I don't know anything about artery contractions but maybe you could explain why you are worried about them. Did the doc say that is happening?
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I get bad rashes from ssri's thats been a big problem for me. I think all of you for the posts. Im starting to figure them out a little bit. Im also worried about artery contractions.
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480448 tn?1426948538
Without a serious underlying medical problem, no, anxiety can NOT kill you, neither can a panic attack, as scary as they may feel.  

Obviously, what you're doing right now isn't managing the anxiety at all, therefore, you need to have a discussion with your doctor about how to proceed.  I also highly recommend trying an SSRI type antidepressant, like Zoloft, Celexa, Prozac.  They have been very effective in treating anxiety disorders.  Zoloft is the most commonly prescribed SSRI for anxiety, specifically panic disorder, because it works for so many people.  That's a more reasonable option than a benzodiazepine, like Xanax, IMO, because they come with issues such as dependency and tolerance (the need for a higher dose to maintain the same level of effectiveness).  Xanax is best used as a rescue med, taken "as needed". here and there, that way, it maintains its efficacy, and there are no issues with tolerance or dependency.

As posted above, Klonopin is a better choice for regular use, as it builds in the plasma, to allow for a more stead state of calm, versus the ups and downs you would get with the Xanax.  However, before I would ever recommend sticking with a benzo, I would suggest that you ask your doc about trying an antidepressant.  As for long term use, there are many more benefits, and less issues, compared to the benzos IMO.  Make sure a psychiatrist is managing your anxiety disorder, instead of a PCP.  P-docs are much more knowledgeable about the meds and they can also refer you to a proper therapist who has a lot of experience in dealing with chronic anixety.  CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy, is ideal for management of anxiety disorders, you can ask your doc about finding a therapist who is well versed in that method of therapy.

As for the bradycardia, continue working with your doctor to see if they can determine a cause.  Once in  while, something like that will happen out of the blue, with no cause or reason.  

Just an an example, there is something called a vagal response, which involves the vagal nerve.  Stimulation of the vagal nerve (which can happen when doing certain things, like bearing down for a bowel movement, holding your breath, very exerting exercise that causes one to hold their breath or bear down)....can cause the heart rate and/or the blood pressure to drop.  If you haven't seen one already, ask your doc for a referral to cardiologist.  It never hurts to have a specialist give you a thorough work up.

Along with the therapy, and meds...to manage an anxiety disorder well, YOU are going to have to do some work as well.  That includes doing any exercises or activities a therapist asks you to do, learning how to retrain your thinking, and learning how to get through a panic attack.  It IS possible.  There are LOTS of self help books out there also...one I would highly recommend is "The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook".  It is an interactive book, like a study guide almost, with lots of information, and different exercises that you can do to help work through your anxiety...everything from breathing exercises, to journaling...all kinds of things.  Another suggestion is any book by Claire Weekes (sp?).  She has authored many great books about anxiety.  You have to empower yourself while also depending on a team of professionals to help guide you in learning how to coppe, and learning how to take the power away from a panic attack.

I also want to say don't be afraid of the meds..while they are not a cure or a quick fix, they can help tremendously...as they allow for some symptom control while you get down to business with a therapist.

Please let us know how you're doing!
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I can't figure what you are saying partly in your first line. You don't use sentences so not easy to tell when one thought ends. Hoop is right, you need more than short term Xanax, until you learn how to feel happy again.
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4651080 tn?1357599210
I recently was prescribed Xanax .05 twice a day. I started having daily panic attacks, and then my attacks were lasting 6-8 hours a piece. Miserable. About a month ago, I started suffering from nocturnal panic attacks (what you are speaking of).  One thing I would highly recommend is talking to a doctor about being on Xanax. In my own personal opinion, xanax is good for the short term, but if you need a long term solution due to all the panic, sounds like you need something longer lasting, like Klonopins.  I was on xanax and was taking more than twice as much as I was prescribed by the time I switched. It was like over night my panic started to reduce. Benzo's aren't always the easy way out. They are highly addictive, especially to the body, which can actually cause panic when you withdraw.  

No reason to be afraid of the meds.  If you cannot sleep, get up and do something. Your adrenaline is at work and over worked, might as well try to put your mind off to something else.  Do not TRY and distract yourself, just start doing something like cleaning.  Breathing exercises help a ton.  

Panic attacks suck. I suffer from Panic disorder. Stress makes me have constant heart pounding anxiety that is detrimental to my day and allows me to accomplish nothing.  

Lots of information on the internet about self-help.  Read up on that while your mind is over working. Allow your mind to be at ease with the fact that anxiety, adrenaline, and panic cannot kill you.  It's very natural.
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Sleep is mine is still cant im on my 5th time of waking up dramatically i cant sleep this is day two of no sleep at all. Im afraid to talk a xanax and go to bed
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What do you mean "due to what they make you feel like?" There are lots of meds to choose from so instead of stopping doesn't your doc want you to try another? It sounds like you have forgotten what it means to be happy and need a break.
I had bad panic for 4 months once but it was situational. Someone made a threat and I was looking over my shoulder and worked myself up over time into a frightening state. Ativan worked to stop attacks but it is not a permanent solution when you take them frequently so I used them until an SSRI kicked in. Welbutrin did nothing, but Celexa solved everything within 3 weeks so there can be unexpected hope for anyone. It is not a rule book so don't take false heart, however don't give up now either, just keep slogging and hoping.
Don't compare your anxiety level to others and worry if yours is too deep, just work through your own situation.
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Im on xanax for the severe panic attacks. It helps but dont control them. I do see a counselor once a week. Im currently trying to stop all meds do to what they make me feel like. So i have really bad panic compared to the people on here? Thanks for the help.
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I forgot to ask, are you on meds to deal with either anxiety or depression, as they feed off each other?
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The slow rate is nothing to be concerned about? The anxiety is getting the better of you if you keep going to the ER for the same problem, heart checks. Additionally, 2 panic attacks a day is murder so no wonder you wake up with heart fears.
Have you tried counselling or a psychiatrist, because the right person in a one on one session might be able to point you in a direction that resolves this. It is beyond this board to deal with that kind of thing, but I don't mean to tell you not to write as often as you want for advice. I just don't think you will get advice that will deal with the chronic panic here, other than advising you to see professional help.
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Sorry for the panic type.
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Bradicardia just a slow heart rate.
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