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1556337 tn?1341708611

Never-ending symptoms, waiting for blood test results :(

Hiya guys, back with another post, it just..in all honesty seems like i have periodic episodes of things going wrong, or what i perceive to be "not right"

I've had a reasonably good few weeks of feeling mostly myself, sometimes a bit out of it and daydream'ish but, a lil better. Week 8 of citalopram.

I woke this morning feeling awful, had a fairly good amount of sleep despite going to bed late, i've managed to keep a good pattern so far.but yeah... this morning was rough!, i awoke with blurry eyes which got fuzzier, everytime i blinked i saw light reflections and light vapour trails when i looked at something (before i'd gone to sleep the night before my eyes had gone slightly red and bloodshot from strain i think....not sure but they did sting and hurt),there was tinitus too..had it before but it was..loud, like a ringing bell noise and a definite buzzing, and that spurred an attack of panic...the back of my neck went cold and hot flashed,i had the jitters and trembles, i started to have trouble breathing,i got dizzy as my chest tightened and my legs went bizarrely tensed up n weak, i mustve struggled to calm myself down a good half hour before i could get up. Pretty much the whole day i've felt wrecked and wobbly, and sore all down my legs and face..feel like i've run a marathon!

I'm waiting on blood test results,they wanted to check for thyroid complaints,diabetes and other things, honestly the wait is nerve racking, i know there might not be anything serious, but....its the mindset i'm in and probably whats blown this all up without me realizing i dont know...

So, community opinion, should i go to an eye specialist while i wait for my results?that sounds like such a stupid question :( because my eyes have been stinging all day, i've had floaters months on end!, has anyone else had these moments where you feel your on recovery....and then KABOOM!!, your down in the dumps again :(

I love this community, full of people that help!!
3 Responses
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Well let me start by telling you that I am on the same boat as you waiting for blood results and yes its the pitts!!!! I started with similar symptoms dizzy, vertigo and got really anxious and started having panic attacks because I thought that it might be a brain tumor. The dizziness lasted for a couple of weeks then I start getting muscle twitches and bam now I think its MS,  so went to the doctor got blood tests done and I have to wait and if the blood test come back ok my doc is going to send me to the neurologist. Needless to say I am constantly worried about feeling my muscles twitch and cant sleep cause I'm so worried that I'm close to death!!!! I just got on medication but I am waking up sooo anxious. It's such a struggle, only if these damn twitches went away I could go back to normal (I think) lol! Well it is very comforting to know that I am not crazy and that there are actually peple who go through this, I am the only one in my family who has these issues so its hard, Hope you feel better soon and I hope your blood tests come back fine, keep us posted.
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1556337 tn?1341708611
*gets reading glasses*

Read through the whole post lol, tell ya something your good at responses :)

on the whole, i've coped reasonably well with the medication its starting to settle in and the side effects are phasing out gradually which i'm thankful for.

My eyes are somewhat still hurting a little, i suspect i've gone a bit overboard on using the computer too much and will need to go see my optician and get my lenses reviewed!, i'm UK GMT so at a guess i think...i'm 6 hours ahead?, by what i know of most US states anyhow, the panic attack happened today (saturday) this morning for me, seeing as its 11:51pm for me now, it would still be afternoon for you i think? lol

I'd like to think that this was all due to just over worrying about the test results, keeping my fingers crossed for sure!!, you've previously commented on a few of my posts but i wouldnt expect you to remember just one persons ramblings of health worries when there's many you reply too, and that you do give some advice is very appreciated :D, this morning was just outta the blue, i've kinda learnt how recognise the signs of when it'll happen...and i sometimes end up talking to myself feeling like a twit at the same time going "oh not again.......".

*lowers his bowler hat and bows*

thankyou for the response on here,i'm a fighter lydia thats for certain :) and i've dealt with depression through my teens to now, i tend to think of it as a rollercoaster ride called "Nightmare health extreme!" with the highest loop the loops and drops there's ever been!

Wish me luck finding things out, i've got more therapy on the way, results coming through and more questions to ask my GP, and i've started sharing my help to others on here.

Peace and good health to you across the seas!

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370181 tn?1716862802
So what I'm seeing here, Matthew, is someone who is doing, on the whole, quite well. You're on week 8 of the citalopram with virtually no side effects, or they have passed. You have good days and some not so good days. Join the crowd. If you are having more good than not so good days, that's great and it will just keep getting better.

The other morning you awoke with some blurry vision, which you more than likely diagnosed correctly as eye strain and tinitis, which you say you've had before. How are both of those symptoms doing now? I can't figure out how long it's been since you woke up. My computer is saying that you wrote your post 21 minutes ago. I live on the West coast, (Seattle) so I'm closer to Japan than England and we are about 26 time zones apart and I think there might be an international date line in there somewhere which makes this last week in your neck of the woods and July in mine.............anyway, how is the vision and tinitis doing now? Have you ever seen an EENT about the tinitis? Any idea what it was caused by? It can also be caused by some medications and ear, nose, throat or sinus infections. (It's all connected up there)

OK......you woke up to the eye and ear thing and said you had slept well even though you'd gone to bed late. After laying there thinking about your eye and ear thing you then wrote, and I quote:

"and that spurred an attack of panic...the back of my neck went cold and hot flashed,i had the jitters and trembles, i started to have trouble breathing,i got dizzy as my chest tightened and my legs went bizarrely tensed up n weak, i mustve struggled to calm myself down a good half hour before i could get up. Pretty much the whole day i've felt wrecked and wobbly, and sore all down my legs and face..feel like i've run a marathon!"

Well, crikey...........you had a MAJOR panic attack and like most of us, you felt like 5 miles of bad road the rest of the day. As well as all the post panic symptoms you mention, I almost awlays have a nasty headache and I'm physically exhausted as well. Quite often I feel detached from the world and just plain weird.

It's my humble and totally non-medical opinion that your anxiety about the test results was behind this episode. I base that on how I feel while waiting for results. I always think I'm acting like a rational adult, but if the truth be known, I'm actually a panic stricken mess! But, as I said, that's ME and maybe you take the waiting, as nerve racking as it is, more stoically than I do.

I'm afraid I'm not familiar with your other post(s) so I don't know if you're in therapy or on any meds. But it sounds like you're working with your doctor to figure out where this is all coming from, so I'll assume those options are familiar to you.

Your question about going to an EENT is not stupid. That way you can rule out any organic problem and put both of those issues into perspective.You'll know a great deal more when those tests come in and that will narrow the pitch, eh?
OH, and floaters are very normal and we all get them. They are just dead cells that float about with no other purpose than to drive us crazy. Sometimes there are just a couple and their gone in a day or two and other times, it seems our entire field of vision is covered with them and it takes forever for them to be reabsorbed. I'd say go ahead and Google those if you don't continue to follow the site into the realms of "Your Eyeballs Are About To Fall Out When........." Shut 'er down if you get to THAT part!

As for the ups and downs of anxiety/panic and depression, it can be, or at least, feel like, the longest, most horrible roller coaster ride in the entire universe.
I often think of that great line of Bette Davis when she's walking down some grand staircase and says to all the people standing around; "Hang on.........it's going to be a bumpy ride!"
So yes, my bowler wearing friend, "KABOOM" is a well know lexicon in the world of anxiety. I myself can say it in 37 different languages!

Hang in there, K?

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