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would like to hear from you.

My question is there people out there who were on meds and have finally broke the cycle of anxiety and are on nothing?  Totally healed no more panic no gad anything.  You once lived a good life then all of suden your life changed.  You went to the er and multiple doc appoitments, put on meds then one day after some time you returned to your old self.  Are you out there? Please post some of your triumph.

I get on here and see very little of victory testomonies.  Is it because the victourious people are all living instead of adding to the anxious state by reading the internet?
13 Responses
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I can't say I'm "cured" either.  Still on meds, but just decided that was o.k.  Think about it this way - if you were diabetic and needed insulin indefinitely, you wouldn't feel bad about it, right?  Sure it gets frustrating when you have to change meds, or you want to start a family, or you really want to do some keg stands like back in your college days, but you know you really shouldn't because you're on meds, but really, everybody has an issue in life.  Just think about all the people who aren't on meds, but probably should be!  LOL!!  I turn to my faith also and I believe it has brought me help in the form of therapy, exercise, and of course, my trusty meds.
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Unfortunate, people who are "cured" of their anxiety and not likely to visit these forums. But I agree that it would be good to hear from them. You are right, constantly ruminating about your illness is not very helpful. But having a sense of community, sharing your story, and helping those who have not been through this before is very helpful - and that is why a lot of us continue to post here. But it is important to go out and enjoy life (and/or "get away" from the illness as much as you are able to. Religion is a powerful and effective tool for many people trying to cope. But it is not a cure-all. If is important to realize that not every person shares the same faith. For some, religion is a life-saver, for others it does little or nothing at all. Personally, I put my faith for a "cure" in science - which has brought us proven treatments such as talk-therapy and medication. To each his/her own.
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We really need to here from those people.  I believe they give hope.  I am not knocking this forum but i do believe that if you patrol the forum ruminating on anxiety it also adds to the anxious state.  If you think on anxiety every minute of every day it WILL NOT LEAVE.  The reason is that you do not give your nerves enough time to desensitize.  The longer you wait the worse it can get.  Thats why when you here people say I have anxiety for 20 years It may just be that it is going to take a few years for you to break it.  When you have formed a habit for 20 years it cannot be broke in 2 days, of course unless Gos touches, you then all things are possible.  
My prayer is for those of you suffering from anxiety is that God would touch you and completly heal you....
Lets hear from the recovery people and anyone who just wants to chime in. Put some things that help you.   I would say I am 80% recovered.  100% right around the corner.
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I was able to go about 6 months med free... and I was doing great. Then out of nowhere the panic hit me once again - back on meds now. Anxiety / panic can be situational or a results of poor coping skills for some people. And these people can be fully "cured" once the stressful situation is removed or they learn how to deal with stress better. But for a lot of us, anxiety / panic seemingly comes out of nowhere and constantly returns (or never goes away). It is a disease - much like cancer. We can have periods of remission - but there is always the risk of the anxiety / panic returning, and it usually does. It is as much a physical disorder as it is a "mental" disorder. I am sure there are people who have had severe anxiety / panic who are now able to live med free, but I don't know of any - and I know a lot of crazy people :-)
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I am about 90% cured at the moment, the last 10% seems to be starting a new business related which is helping to drag it out some I imagine.

In my experience once I was able to finally convince myself that any and all issues were anxiety related I started healing.
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Interesting. Anxiety and panic is def not mild but I am doing much better.  For three months all i did was go to the er, doc office ( I was starting to get the look, you know johns here again) and heart doc.  Right now I am rellying on GOD, claire weeks book on panic, and .25 or  .5 of ativan at night.  As long as I dont let myself get really tired I am pretty good no panic attacks at all.  When it first started I could not even go to wallmart without firing it up.  Time and patients is what I am doing.  It will go.  I will keep you all posted on my recovery.  Also when it first started I was ativan 3 times a day  buspar, and citroprlem. Down to ativan at night.  I also do not ruminate about tomorrow I take one day at a time I let God deal with tomorrow.....
Anyone else feal free to chime in.
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Sorry friend, but not me. 18 years and counting with my anxiety dissorder and without meds I am completly non-fuctional. I tried CBT therapy for a long time, but after a few years of that I had discovered that it wasn't working and it was less expensive to just talk to a friend.

I suppose that some people that have mild forms of anxiety and panic dissorder could wean themselves off meds, but if the dissorder is more severe and cronic then I say the chances of eliminating it are next to none.

Most of the people that tout about going "med free" and finding their inner self and how they eliminated their anxiety dissorder were probably never suffering from the condition at the more moderate to severe form.
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Still looking.
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941766 tn?1257796601
I would like to hear some success stories also. I think the people that have been "cured" probably doesn't have to come to this site anymore so we may not get any answers.
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Thats great.  That is what i am looking for. people who had it bad even had to take medicine then one day its gone.  No more medicine no more sleepless nights you are back to what you were before this interupted.  

Anyone else.   We need to give people hope not just complain of symptoms.  This is something we do not have to go through the rest of our lives.  
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dnt worry mate i dnt no how to explain this on here about 7 months ago i had a major anxiety brake out even though i have had it for 2 years but before that 7 months it was somthing i could just shrug off but then at that 7 months i had a major anxiety brake out like i said, i mean like i got that unreality feeling i feared alot of things i still kinda do, not really though, umm yer like i got a really bad unreality feeling look it up if you dont no wat it is if u havnt had it you should be thankfull people think if you get the unrerality feeling its like hell witch it is ill try explaining, you feel like your stoned if u have ever been stoned before you feel like that because it releases the same chemicales into your brain so you basically cant think properly and u think your dying also you cant concerntrate. and now i am cured all of a sudden dont ask me how i have not taken meds ever, accually sorry i take thatback i took zoloft about twice, but it made my tummy upset so i didnt take them, so yer dosent really count, yer but with out any warning i was fine, one week i was terible felt like dying and the next week i was fine i mean. for a few months now i have not had any unreality i mean like i still do sumtymes get it lik not much only a tiny bit and only lasts 10 or 15 mins before that it could last for at least 4 or 5 hours before it was completely gone and i dnt get anxiety attacks no more i mean its just all gone hopefully the same thing happens to you, and i ask the doctor what happen and he told me the worst of anxiety only lasts 6 months so i dnt really no wat happen but its a miracle and i feel great again hope for the best ;)
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There has to be a few people.  That is great you dont need meds and that laughter helps ya!
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953067 tn?1248394508
Sorry I can't help you. Meds never worked for me, only hearty laughter has ever helped me really feel relaxed, alive and well when I get an anxiety attack.
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