1123704 tn?1267669949

re surgery date

Hi Rosemarie,
Good luck, let us know how you do. My surgery is 13 days after yours.
Providence Medical Center as in RI Providence? Because that's closer to me then Boston and I didn't know they had a chiari NS.
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1123704 tn?1267669949
just remembered another,
Selma is 100% correct about the caffeine, even with pain meds you still have pain, coffee has been my savior, even in ICU whenever I wanted one they'd bring me one, when in a regular room you have to call room service and it can be lenghty so I used to always order two cups with my meals.
Here at home caffee is always helping me now, just had two cups, what i do so that i don't get super hyper and can't sleep is make it half caffeine half decaffinated and it really really helps, can't say enough about that
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1123704 tn?1267669949
Not much at all, while in the hospital i had a bandage on so hair down and couldn't see a thing, he shaves one inch a width and 4 inches in lenght. The day before I went home they took the bandages out so it can air dry and it heals faster, Bring a scrunchie cause it's soft and confy they'll want your hair off the stitches so that it doesn't stick.
ICU as I said, was amazing, always there with meds on time, but sometimes they get busy make sure you buzz them, take it from me, t he longer you wait to take them the worst the pain will be. In ICU it's a nurse per patient which is wow, when on regular floor it's more like 1 nurse for every 7-10 patients and also the assistants but believe me still not fast enough, I kept track of my meds because I had one nurse from hell, i was polite friendly you name it, but from the moment she met me she took a strong dislike to me and made sure I knew about it. She purposely skipped 3 pain med doses, you have no idea the agony i was in i was crying like a baby, and then she had the nerve to tell me it wasn't time yet as she's erasing the board with the time on it lol, i called her on it and she just said it was the earlier nurses name she erased so I told her i didn't meet any nurses named 8 o'clock on that day lol, it got so bad at one point that I decided I deserved good care and demanded the nurse in charge to call my doctor immediately or that I would be doing it right from my room phone, needless to say he came in and took care of the problem. and the rest of my stay was fine.
Oh very very important, their pillows are hard, so it's painful to get into a convortable position if you have one that molds just to you bring it in, put your name on it.
Also for the first 48 hours just keep requesting ice packs, they really helped me, and if you don't ask not all nurses offered them.
I will keep posting if I think of something new. The best of luck, you're in great hands I'll be thinking of you.
Here's the first one i just thought of, the catherer bag, mine was confortable didn't hurt and because of iv liquids all i did was pee, thank god for that bag, I could barely move never mind having to get up every half hour or so to use the bathrrom, I had them take it out after i saw the pt lady, which was right before I went to my new room, had a great room mate,ended up looking out for her too, because she had back surgery and had lots of pain to, so they'd medicate her and let her sleep through all her meals, poor thing was so hungry then to late to order food, i became her dietician lol....................Ales
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Hey all...Hit a wall, but I guess it's normal? Today my head hurt so bad and since stopping my antibiotic treatment last saturday when I was done, my glands have swelled again and my neck looks bigger than before. I am sleeping ALL THE TIME without notice -- just sit on the couch and wake up 2 or 3 hours later. Today the left side of my face is all tingly and I'm just so disappointed that I was feeling SO GOOD and now I'm feeling so BAD. I feel helpless. I have to return to work on wednesday and can't because I can barely wake up in the morning -- I get up with the kids, make it to the couch and fall asleep again. Today when I finally regained consciousness I found out a tornado hit my house (kids). I feel so broken and I'm hoping it's just because I'm coming down with something else! I know it takes time and it could be a year or so, but when all of these things disappeared and now they are coming back...it's disheartening!

On the bright side I drove to the store last night. It was raining and dark, but I COULD SEE! For the first time in a decade or so, I could see at night and the bright lights didn't bother me. I cried in the car because I was so happy :) THen today I woke up to pain and pressure in my head and the left side of my face and ear. YUCK!

Any words of wisdom from those further along in healing than I? Did this happen to you?

Alex, so glad to hear that you are managing your pain meds -- Tylenol is ok as long as there isn't any in your narcotic meds, which it sounds like there isn't. I'm taking NORCO which has acetaminophen in it, so I can't use any extra tylenol at all. Just take it easy and take the stronger meds if you need them. Hope all went well with stitches coming out -- what did doc say about the ear pain?

Hang in there! tlongbook -- surgery was smooth for me and first few days were painful. The next few weeks recovery seemed quick and I was feeling like my old self again. I'm hoping this setback is from celebrating too early or catching a virus from my kiddos. Try not to stress too much before surgery...it just makes you hurt more!

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620923 tn?1452915648
Hi..just wanted to wish u well with ur surgery and welcome u to the forum.

I hope u continue to share with us as part of our little family here : )

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1178012 tn?1268272890
Hi Alex, I'm having surgery with Dr. Heilman for CM on 3/2/10. I'm so glad that you are doing so well so quickly. I'm 'watching' your recovery and hoping that becuase I have the same surgeon, I'll have the same type of progress.
Any words of wisdom?
How much hair did they shave off.
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1088046 tn?1272285396
I have to agree with Selma on this one, Tylenol is acetaminophen, which affects your liver, stomach, and can irritate your bowels; especially when taken with other medications.
Ibuprophin is usually pretty good, and works well on swelling too. It is less stressful on your liver. My personal favorite is Naproxin Sodium aka. Aleve. Because some of my other meds has possible side effects on the liver, I was told this was one of the safest of the three (Ibuprophin, acetaminophen and naproxin). I would have for you to heal from this only to have another issue down the line!

I hope you are still feeling well, and that they figured out what was wrong with the ear when you went in yesterday.
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620923 tn?1452915648
Be careful with how many tylenol u take and ask if it is ok to take with ur other meds....

My post op MRI was at 6 months post op.....

Please talk to the nurse or whomever takes out ur stitches about the tylenol.....just bcuz it is over the counter meds does not mean it is totally safe.

I took tylenol in place of my pain meds...not with...so do be safe and talk to ur dr.

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1123704 tn?1267669949
Hey Selma,
Funny you mention tylenol, I had my mother in law go buy me some and that really helped with the ear pain, took one last night along with regular meds and today I woke up with the least amount of pain since surgery, of course could be a coincidence but hey it worked. Also took one this morning with regular meds and pain is under control at the moment. Yeah.
I wonder when I'll have my first follow up mri to find out what is going on in there. How soon did you have yours?
Didn't go to bed last night until 2 am, going to try for a cat nap before nurse gets here.
Hope you're feeling ok today.
And oh yeah, spoke to NS's nurse yesterday, getting stitches out tomorrow instead of Friday so they can take a look at my ear and me not to have to drive down there two days in a row. It's weird, people will speak to me and then it echoes back to me on another part of the room. LOL
Take care, everybody else take care also.
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620923 tn?1452915648
Alex enjoy ur quiet house and get some rest....u r so early in ur post op that u may want to reconsider or replace it with tylenol or something...I did that when I was cutting back on the stronger meds.

Well if ur herniation is still there then u will have chiari symptoms until it does retract.....I was told mine retracted from being cauterized, but bcuz the TC is still pulling down it is 2 mm herniated and to expect chiari symptoms until the TC release.....then it should retract further.

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1123704 tn?1267669949
Hi there guys,
Yup did the half med last night again and paying for it today, making myself rest all day today, got scared yesterday while on the toilette my left leg went completely to sleep, had it once in the hospital too, my panic disorder kicks in and I think blood clots etc, ok today, and didn't last long last night walked it off.
Selma my herniation was 8.8 mm, and they didn't touch it for the reason rosemarie just mentioned above, they feel since they did a good size craniectomy the problem should solve itself.
Rosemarie, I did call the NS about right ear pain and gland, they'd rather wait until they see me before prescribing something because it could set me back if not necessary, I see them Friday to get stitches out, but was told if shooting pain in ear still bad to go on thursday and do it all, only two more days if continues bad, I have to send someone out today to buy me extra strenght tylenol since it seemed to help with the ear alot yesterday, my narcotics are tylenol free.
Going for a much needed rest since I have the house now to myself until about 5pm, shut off my house phone cause damn telemarketers haven't stopped, family and the kids school know to call the cell for emergencies only.
Thanks for all the help and encourage.
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My NS said that they avoid cauterizing/removing tonsils at all costs because it limits surgical trauma to the brain.

Today I have more swelling but have been off muscle relaxers for a few days and antibiotics were done on friday. Watching and waiting, but they may not be a bad idea Alex. I also drank tons of caffeine (I love coffee anyway) as a way off avoiding a leak :) After all I read about CSF leaks and how to fix them, I figured I would just avoid it.

Amazing how good it feels to have random symptoms go away -- but how much I panic and cry when it comes  back, even for a moment. Almost had a nervous breakdown over a runny nose cause I was so panicked over having the post-nasal drip come back! That's how awful it has been all these years! Anyway, still gone :)

I have a disk at T5-6 that we are watching and waiting for me to heal before we go into it any further. No leg problems, but if breathing problems persist (considering proximity to thoracic cavity, ribs, etc) I will persue a solution. That's also where the scoliosis was noted. We shall see! Selma, hoping things work out for you! It seems like one thing or another, poor thing! And Alex, I am so glad that you are healing :) I wouldn't even CONSIDER weaning off meds until you are halfway through week 2 of post-op. You are still too swollen and sore. When your pain meds take your pain down to like a 1 or 2 as opposed to a 3 or 4, then you know you can start taking less...but don't reduce by half right away, go slow. Pain makes you tense up and just causes more spasms and pain! You will notice yourself feeling better on the meds you are on, then you can tweak the doses. Def ask about antibiotic for swollen glands.

Interesting that I am having most trouble with swelling and ear/neck pain on my right side too. Hmmm....but getting better! Found that baclofen (muslce relaxer) makes me have insomnia, so I take it during the day now and am not so sleepy!

Best of luck! I will keep checking in case you have any other questions. Just don't do too much if you can avoid it -- and i know (from experience) that it's hard to avoid it, especially with kiddos in the house. I am set back a few days because of doing too much and it is discouraging. Take your time :) Your girls sound like they are wonderful!

Have a great monday...what's left of it!

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620923 tn?1452915648
HI Alex...thanks for all the updates....most of us chiarians pre and post surgery have sleeping issues...it should get better.

Just listen to ur body and go slow, I know the wonders of being a mom can make u feel up to it when ur child/children need u, but they need u feeling better..so go slow.

It's funny how chiari affects so much of us...sinus, sleep....most we don't even notice until it gets better : )

May I ask how much of a herniation ur tonsils were since ur dr sis not cauterize them?

I am doing ok.Alex, thanks for asking...I am waiting on my drs to find out what they want to do next and in the meantime I am looking into new insurance as of right now I do not have ne....my back has a constant pulling I know this must be the tethered cord.....and I do have a disk causing a problem as well...going a day at a time : )

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1123704 tn?1267669949
As you probably can seen it's a little past 4am, I came here to get some answers and you've answered all without me asking yet lol.
Last night I slept through for 8 hours straight for the first time in years. Tonight is a different story, been in pain in all areas you just mentioned, incision site very sore and I was told to leave it alone to have it air heal have no bandages, have my hair up as I was told not to get hair stuck in it, could be the hair up pulls it a little to tight, also top on my head a little to the right side, I think the right side of my neck and that ear are the worst, get a shooting like pain from top ear down to gland, was wondering if that's normal, so seems like you get it too and maybe I should call the doctor and question if antibiotic needed. Even though I didn't do anything streneous I didn't rest as much as I should have today, kids going back to school tomorrow and should get more rest, in all I'm so impressed with them, can't believe how well behaved they're being because they want mommy to heal fast.
On the good note, as far as I'm concerned not having the chiari headaches but again on high dose of pain killers and relaxers, like you twice I tried taking 1/2 dose pain meds but not worth it for now because when pain starts again it is worst, doctor told me not to worry about cutting down yet, let the surgery part heal completely and then cut down to wheene off.
On a really good note I also don't think I have snored and better yet haven't drooled since surgery, the drooling was embarrassing and out of control, the minute I closed my eyes it would start.I also have had a stuffy/sinus type nose for almost a year and it is about 80% clearer.
Don't remember exact name of the patch but it is one from a cadaver, supposed to be very strong and without rejections, we'll see. My craniectomy was on the base of the skull where hole from skull to cord canal meet, ns said he made it a little bit bigger then what he originally thought, he also removed one side of the c1, once he opened the dura he did not cotorize the tonsils of cerebellum, he felt that what he already did give me a lot of extra space for them to shrink back to normal on their own.
Glad you're feeling better, get in touch.

Selma, how are you feeling? Sound like your back is not doing so great, keep in touch.
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So glad to hear you had a better night. Watch the swelling! I forgot to mention that I also needed antibiotics because the glands in my throat and neck reacted badly to my surgery and swelled. NS actually thought I had a leak in my patch and did a CT to evaluate. Just fine thank God, but needed the antibiotics to reduce the swelling.

You have much to look forward to, as by the beginning of the third week you will be feeling much better. I am struggling with my breathing now, and hope it is because I am doing more than I should, and not because the surgery didn't help my breathing! I'm getting a sore throat, so think I'm coming down with something. Still hurts to laugh, but no chiari spasms in my head from pressure hitting cerebellum, just hurts in my neck and back of my head in the patch. Also have a lot of pain in my right ear today and near the incision. A lot of my pain is because I've only taken 3 doses of pain killers today -- and only HALF the dose, without any muscle relaxers. I return to work on the 10th and want to be on just tylenol by then.

I want to cry all the time and am just so darn tired! I think my husband just noticed me doing things and figures I'm fine, so no one really pampers me anymore :( Pitching in with housework and taking care of kids. Drove to the store today...holding off on driving again until Thursday, I think. I almost have full motion of my neck side to side, but it hurts if I push too much and too fast. The back and forth hurts too much because of the incision.

Alex, which patch did you end up getting? I got the bovine, which was fine with me. My incision is about 4 inches long and I lost a fair bit of hair, but you can't really tell with the rest of my hair covering it. I have a lot more color in my face than I did before surgery, like someone turned the light on, my  mom said. And still no snoring and no chiari headaches. Just achy swollen back of the head near my incision and those glands, and on the right side of my throat and down the back of my neck. Without pain meds I'm at a 3 on the pain scale, which for me is manageable and I can take a fair amount of pain. I can't wait to fall asleep but I hate waking up because it is so PAINFUL and I'm always so STIFF! But today was tough cuz hubby was sick and kids drove me nuts! Way tired...could sleep for two days!

I didn't get any PT in the hospital, and the PA didn't mention anything when she took my stitches out on friday. Maybe when I see the NS on the 25th? I may not need it as things seem to be healing nicely. Maybe some strengthening exercises to do on my own at home.

Take good care of yourselves my friends! I am so glad to be post-surgery and able to type this much :) If you have an alarm, set it to take meds every 4 hours -- that's what my hubby did for me the first 10 days or so. Now I get through the night without needing a second dose (mostly because I'm only sleeping 7 hours and getting up with the kids now :) they want mommy :))

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620923 tn?1452915648
So glad u have things so well taken care of...good for u !!

I know my insurance did not have this visiting nurse as an option...and it is only my DH and myself, so no need for help with things,..DH did it all.....

I am wondering how everyone is doing also...I posted the full moon thread to see if neone had extra pain with the moon this month...no replies so far.

I hope u do keep in touch and let us know what type of PT u get also.

Take care
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1123704 tn?1267669949
Hi, yes and no on the nurse.
I guess they just don't volunteer that kind of information, on my own I called my own insurance company and asked, wished I had asked two years ago when I was in bad shape with another surgery. I do have full coverage and I wanted to take advantage of that, after all I pay a very high monthly family premium and that's just 25% my job pays the other 75%, so I highly recommend that everyone checks with their own insurance company themselves. I will get a visiting nurse twice per week for up to 9 weeks if need be, they re evaluate every two weeks, I can also can get someone else that come help with showers etc, declined that all set, the other thing I got approved for was a home maker how much/often I don't know, this nurse's company doesn't do that so tomorrow calling insurance company again and get a list of local companies, that would be short term help with light housekeeping, grocery shopping and laundry, light stuff for them but that could be a great help to me, a perfect example was when my daughter today dropped her applesauce and it splattered everywhere, I just couldn't bend and do it, luckily had people around.
Will keep in touch, but first, how is everyone feeling?
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620923 tn?1452915648
I am also impressed u got a visiting nurse...is that part of ur insurance package?

Glad to hear u have all the right meds to help get u thru this first part and that u slept thru the night...Great News !!

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1041839 tn?1278681846
So glad surgery went well and that you got a nurse visiting. Just rest and listen to your body! Your in my prayers :) Shannon
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1123704 tn?1267669949
Hi, I do have a strong narcotic and muscle relaxer as well, they had decided not to send me home with the antisweeling steroid and that was the mistake, back on it and pain more under control, the pain killers alone are not enough,because neck was super stiff from swelling, actually slept pretty well last night, and yes inclined position learned that the wrong way, didn't even wake up for my pain med for the middle of the night which made me feel i'm slowly healing. No staples, have stitches and have a visiting nurse coming over in one hour for evaluate me more services.
Take care, more to come,
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I needed anti inflammatories and also had the horrible ear and neck muscle pain that traveled down to my chest and made me feel like my heart hurt. Take care -- not many easy positions to sleep in :) I used an airplain pillow to take pressure off my neck cuz holding my head up was really hard. Take a STRONG pain med like norco along with muscle relaxer otherwise you will never get any rest. I am only now comfy sleeping at night and still wake up really stiff. Take your time and heal!
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620923 tn?1452915648
Hi Alex..not sure if I got what u said, but did I understand u to say u were only sent home with an anti inflammatory med and nothing for pain?

U should have a pain med for a short time while u r healing.......

R u sleeping in an inclined position since u r home?....I found I needed to be on an incline and slept in a recliner....which felt much better than lying flat.After I was home a few weeks I was more comfortable in my bed.

Rememeber u will have pain as u heal...go slowly : )

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1123704 tn?1267669949
my right ear started hurting wednesday night, i know mega muscles are in that area that were played with during surgery, but last night that ear pain was so bad and traveled down(so must me muscles) is that normal?
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1123704 tn?1267669949
Hello  there,
I think I'm going crasy lol, posted from hospital, also a long note last night here from home and can't find them or responses anywhere here.
First day home was good, but last night was really bad, up a lot but the bad was the intense pain. Dr.Heilman had told me I'd be going home also with the anti swelling steroid to take and wheene off until day 10 so wondering if tha's the reason for bad pain and stiffness they didn't prescribe any, but also just make a cup of coffee and intensity seems to be a little less, will know soon enough.
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