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2059648 tn?1439766665

Hepatitis C Treatment - 6 Months Past Treatment and Beyond

What was your treatment drugs?  How long since treatment ended?  Has Hepatitis C treatment improved your life
and how?
Best Answer
253566 tn?1219679699
"Focus all on the question.  Yes we can really talk about all the bad things to treatment.  But what did you gain from treatment."

Ya know, life is really interesting! I have come to believe that there is a reason for everything. Call it destiny - some can decide to turn their back on it...

I usually grab my destiny with full gusto... that old saying about lemons and lemonade, right! I know so many people who are so lucky going thru life looking for whata, coulda, shoulda!

I was diagnosed while living a great life in San Francisco! The life of an artist! At 40 I was running and single gear cycling the hills of SF! Fit as a horse! The city had no funds to treat and told me what healthy things to do and I did them.

I was called to help my parents in PA. PA had tons of money to play with peoples health. Once disabled, and fighting for years I won disability. With my parents help and destiny have a beautiful home. Lovely things in it. I live a simple life but miss many things!

My big destiny was to save my parents life. I won't go into details but it was the reason I was brought home!

Becoming an advocate for oneself and others is an amazing tool to have. Most doctors really appreciate it and a few fear us. Maybe that is the greatest gain from treatment!
30 Responses
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2059648 tn?1439766665
That was the same conclusion I came to.   It sounds like your doctor put you on prescription grade D-2?  You do want to be careful taking more vitamins than recommended without your doctors knowledge.  
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1378309 tn?1551270038
I treated with sol/oly starting last Nov. for 12 weeks.The first blood work while treating showed <15 just several weeks in, 8 weeks into treatment showed undetected and I have been that since! So now its been 6 months since SVR and I do feel a lot better,  but I have a very low vitamin D count. IT was 12.  I have since learned that Vitamin D should be taken while treating! I am not quite where I want to be because I have had a lot of muscle cramps and joint pain but that can be symptoms of Vit D deficiency. So I am on 50,000 a week of vitamin D2 and 5000 a day of vitamin D3. I am hoping to get this out of the way too but it is a slow process I found out to get it built back up. The moral of the story is if you did not get out in the sun much when you had Hep C then you need to check your vitamin D level so you can find out if that may now be a concern while treating and after.
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Thank you for inspiring post.
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Hi Faith for Healing.....am so sorry you continue you to have such
horrible problems from the Tx ...However you sharing it so honestly has helped me as it is pretty near my experience...same sort of age, same treatment, same ludicrously valiant efforts to keep working etc.....
I would feel completely nuts if I thought it was just a figment of my imagination,
so thanking you for sharing this and am sending you all best wishes for better days.
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7469840 tn?1409845836
This was a life changing experience for me. Like others have said, people can be so judgemental and I lost 2 what I thought were friends. I really appreciate the people who supported me both in my life and here on the forum. My old boyfriend, who I got the hcv from, died from hepatic cancer, it was a horrible death. I didn't even know I had it until a year and a half ago, I just assumed I must not have since nothing ever showed up on blood panels. Thank goodness I have taken good care of myself over the years, and there was no noticable damage to my liver. I made some new friends on this forum, I couldn't have made it without you. I have a better appreciation of life.

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Just passed the six month point.  Felling good, generally.  I do have days when I over do and was thinking maybe I was relapsing, but discovered that, just like when I was on meds, I can overdo and tire out, so started resting the next day, if that happened, and, voila, back to my 'new' self, with energy,etc.  
also, many have reported that this can take possibly a year, til all of the meds are out of our systems, so I am cutting myself some slack!  

It still amazes me when I find myself thinging "xxx needs doing" and I get up and do it without a second thought!  I guess that really shows me that I am virus free!

Mostly, by now, I feel great....I can do errands, come home, rest for a few minutes, then move on to my next project.  Wow!  How many years?  

Thanks for this thread.

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I just reached SVR 12 two weeks ago from a 12 week Harvoni treatment. Prior to that I treated 3 times including Incivek and Ribiviran.  I feel good right now, and the Harvoni was a piece of cake for me. The treatments with interferon and ribiviran really effected my moods, and I think I lost some friends and possibly a promotion opportunity at work. I didn't tell anyone I was on treatment except my wife. People are still uncomfortable with this disease.  I am looking forward and not back right now. I don't know what long term effect all of these lethal drugs will have on my system, but nothing will surprise me. So I am ecstatic that I reached SVR 12, and I feel better,  but I am concerned about some of these drugs coming back to wreak a little havoc.
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Hi what tx did you have?  Thank you.
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Have Hep C presumedly the variety that has a high cure rate..Now down with high iron as well. Doesn't look surprising just do I let them leach or is there another treatment. Haven't started on the Hep C treatment and hope that will eliminate iron problem, but don"t know. Any thoughts?
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2059648 tn?1439766665
This hepatitis C treatment did change my life forever.   I don't sweat the little thing anymore either.  I appreciate the simple thing and hope only the best for everyone who goes down this path.  It's a journey of vast inlightinment.

Best to you
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Hi Guys,

I did 48 weeks of interferon/ribavirin/procrit/sleep meds/anti-nausea/etc :)

Finished last summer. I found out about a month ago that I reached SVR, hurray for that.

What did I gain? So much. First I want to say though that a few weeks after I started treatment a good friend of mine who refused to treat developed liver cancer and then she died a few days after I finished my treatment. And she was a well-loved nurse of all things. So there ya go. Choice is yours. Live or die.

So I know I wont die an excruciatingly painful death as my friend did, that's one thing I gained. I could still die a painful death but highly likely not from liver disease.
I felt my treatment was a very spiritual experience, and I feel more connected to God than ever before.
I have issues with stiffness and fatigue now, and I may never be the same as I was long before the treatment. But that's life, and aging. So what if I need more sleep and its harder to stand up or sit up. My mother was in a wheelchair and paraplegic for half her life. She couldnt go to the bathroom by herself and had no bladder control. She had MS, and she died in her late 60s of recurring pneumonia.  As long as I can take care of myself Im doing pretty good. Life doesn't seem to be all that fair. Maybe we are burning past life karma, who knows.

As someone said, I dont have to worry about infecting anyone anymore. Thank God for that. Fine if I have it, but god forbid I infect someone else.

Now I find that I don't sweat the little things as much as I used to. Things that used to annoy me a lot I just dont pay attention to so much anymore. I don't have the time or energy for that.
As I did before treatment and I do now, I keep involved in serving others and volunteer work as I am able to. Sometimes its jobs that I get paid to do, like teaching and helping in the schools, and sometimes I'm just a volunteer. Keeping my focus on how I can help others (even if its only a very small thing because my energy is low) keeps my mind from focusing on feeling sorry for myself.

You guys were a big help to me when I was on treatment. I didn't post much. Plus the meds made me go slowly crazy and finally not sleeping for 5 days and nights I had to be hospitalized and medically knocked out. And that's just one of many many stories of problems I had. But those of you who have devoted so much time to helping others get through this, hats off to you. You are really angels in human form.

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"How has Hepatitis C treatment improved your life."

A question that could get a different answer if posed to oneself every 6 mos. or so.

I am about 24 wks out from Sof/Oly - no previous treatment.  Very few sides during Tx. .Had virus maybe 40 years.  Am SVR!.  I have had super days of clearer thinking than in some time and lots of energy.  But then other days when I have draining fatigue.  Hard to unwrap all that has emerged from the HCV Tx.  Diagnosed with slowing growing Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and treated to remission a few months before new anti virals were approved.  Lymphoma likely result of chronic inflammation from the virus over so many tears.  Have cirrhosis which may have been exacerbated by the cancer of the treatment for it.  Not seen in my 2010 biopsy.  Near end of HCV treatment began manifesting autoimmune and inflammatory disorders that I never had - or knew I had before - oral lichen planus. granulomas, dry eye. mild neuropathy, Sjogren's. Takes a lot of time to manage the care regimens and see the doctors - working on streamlining this.

But all that said, I enjoy my core interests and a reduced work schedule that is allowing me invaluable time.  I feel in my gut that the cirrhosis would have advanced to HCC and transplant without HCV treatment.  I may get liver cancer in due course, but the SVR has bought time for however long.  And a cure for lymphoma and cirrhosis may be found while I can still benefit.  HCV treatment, while costly in some ways, is a moot question for me - it couldn't have been avoided.  I would have become sicker, more brain clouded, less functional, less interested in life and doing the most that I can with what I have.  Not acceptable options to me.  My attention has been riveted by all this, and made me calmer and more forgiving.  This personal growth alone is quite valuable, IMO.
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747988 tn?1396536878
As you say there is always the bright side achieving svr! Thankyou and Woohoo! once more!
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10175413 tn?1427170251
Hey Watcher....yes I can relate. My first Tx in 2011 was triple with Incivek, and I was only able to last 5 wks, just too sick to continue. Transfusions, anemia and now lasting bone pain, joint pain so bad.  
On the bright side I'm going to have SVR this time! Yaaaaaaaaaay!

I'm so sorry that both you and Faith are left with the wreckage of the old school poison. I hope that somehow some way you both will see some changes for the positive.
Be well & Peace
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747988 tn?1396536878
fabulous news! always nice to hear good news! taking the interferon out of the equation seems to be working! I only wish I'd been encouraged to wait but unfortunately I am also left in the same state as Faithforlife,my life ended 8years ago around week 11 of interferon/riba treatment.        
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10175413 tn?1427170251
Hi all, it's only been 3 days since I have stopped Tx but I have to say I noticed a huge change at wk 11 (sov/rib 24) it was this burst of energy that honestly I haven't felt in over 30yrs. I'm more active and I feel like I did when I was a lot younger. It's amazing to me and feels a bit foreign after so many yrs of feeling "off". I'm wondering if it's because my liver is working properly now. I can say that my life has begun over. I'm really grateful.
Thanks for letting me chatter on!
Be well everyone
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What was your treatment drugs? The old SOC for genotype 2, interferon and ribavirin for 24 weeks.
How long since treatment ended? Sept 2012, two years, four months
Has Hepatitis C treatment improved your life and how? No, I have never recovered from my horrible state of being that started during treatment. I was working and functioning normally prior, have never worked since (but not without valiant and actually ridiculous attempts to do so), and have suffered with debilitating muscle pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance, vision problems, skin/hair issues, and many of the symptoms associated with hypothyroidism, polymyalgia rheumatica, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, nueropathy, guerre barre syndrome, sjogren's syndrome, chronic fatigue, chronic pain syndrome, etc. Those are some that docs have suggested, tested, but as those of us who have never recovered from treatment know, many of these are crazy to diagnose, and generally have no treatment that will actually restore any quality of life. Those that can be dx'd with tests...all of my blood work is "excellent" so I don't have those. No inflammation markers of any real significance or any other red flags.
My life as I knew it ended, and I have been doing nothing but searching and trying this, that and the other with meds, cannabis, diet, exercise, etc., etc. but with no substantial results.
Yeah, life ended at age 62. Still searching. I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but that is the situation.

Did I save my liver, yes, and one must be grateful for that; however, living in a chair is not exactly something to live for.
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11846610 tn?1421547302
I have been on harvoni for 59 days, I was HepC free on day 25. Light waves of nausea, one bout of diarea (not bad) and quite a bit of headaches. A little of fatigue but I made myself eat well before and during tx. I have 25 more days to go cause the doc wanted to make sure it never comes back. During the past week and a half the nausea has worsened but not so that I cant handle it. Stick with it, this drug works!!!
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I am not in fear of progressive liver disease or potentially infecting someone else...or having to fear telling anyone (though I still will tell anyone I am intimate with that I have had and treated sucessfully my hepatitis c).

My skin and coloring look a little better...and my skin is not as dry (not sure why - my liver status was evaluated as F0-F1 prior to treatment).

I sleep better...and my dry eyes have improved...could be a coincidence.

I am less anxious.

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317787 tn?1473358451
I saw this woman posting when this question was asked back in April, I think.  I am not sure anyone saw it so thought I would copy and paste, I hope that is ok

I could have written it too, just not as well as she did.
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253566 tn?1219679699
"Focus all on the question.  Yes we can really talk about all the bad things to treatment.  But what did you gain from treatment."

I am about to take my Chronic Fatigue Nap so will mull over your rephrased (or I will rephrase) question...

It would have been better to ask "How has Hepatitis C treatment improved your life?" (Instead of: Has Hepatitis C treatment improved your life and how?).

As before you leave the question open. Has __________?  = Yes or No? Then you add how _______ .

That is what I read anyways, I was horrible with English all thru Uni so maybe I am wrong and someone could correct me!

later, f
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2059648 tn?1439766665
I treated with Incivek for 12 weeks and interferon and ribavirin for 24 weeks.
The Incivek triple treatment.  
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2059648 tn?1439766665
Focus all on the question.  Yes we can really talk about all the bad things to treatment.  But what did you gain from treatment.  

I can say that I did decide to retire after treatment due to the fact I was having a very hard time focusing.  My work required that I assure the safety of others and in the condition I was in just after treatment I didn't feel I could do that.  In fact, it took a lot longer than I every imaged.  Some days wondering if I would ever be the same.  

But it turned out that retiring wasn't such a bad idea.  My job was very stressful and employment was full of lots of negative employees.   So I'm good with having to retire.  

So here I sit.   Helping others and noticing that I do feel pretty good for the most part.

What I gain from Hepatitis C treatment is that I no longer fear that I may die from liver failure.   That I don't worry obsessively about infecting others.
That the ongoing possible damage from chronic hepatitis C has stopped.
I get to write cured down on medical forums.  I have a new found knowledge of all things Hepatitis C and enjoy helping others who are struggling to understand it.   I'm I happy I don't have Hepatitis C?  Yes!

I have noticed that my system seems to be working better.  That I don't have days where my site is blurry as before treatment.  I pay more attention to my general health.   My ALT & AST have gone from the high
30s (10 years before treatment)  to the high teens.  Which means my liver has improved and most likely why other functions are working better.

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