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anyone heard about Monavie - acai berry?

I am an advocate of vitamins/supplements, however, I do know that not everything that's purported as "good for you" or "natural" is  really true.  I've been reading on health benefits of Monavie, which has acai berry in it.  I was looking into it this supplement for nutritional purposes only.
42 Responses
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253566 tn?1219679699
Good for you on reading all this crazy long thread but maybe you didnt notice that the latest person to write in it was 2008!!!

Usually we do not try to post things with anyone email address in it so yours was blocked out!

If you would like to start a new thread you can find the link at the top of the page.
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232778 tn?1217447111
acai berry has been promoted in Canada for some time by "Booster Juice". It is considered an energy booster.

As to it being suggested above that berrys are always harmless - this is false. There are various poisionous berries in nature - people have died eating Moonseed or Misteltoe. The idea that everything natural is good for us is just Hippie nonesense, some of the most powerful toxins have evoloved naturally (as a defense against other organizims).
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  First......good morning and thanks for your comment back....and please accept my apology.  I am not trying to discount what you wrote or claim you are not real but I did use your post as an example.  If I myself had taken the time to write a post which I intended to be helpful I might feel slighted in a variety of ways.  It wasn't my intention to diminish what you wrote.  I do not have any means of telling whether people are "real" or a means of providing anectdotal evidence a product works.

My points were; a product may cure or help other ailments but not be of any use for another (in this case HCV).

That mere testimony does not count as "proof".  I personally pay attention to it but place MORE value on known members are saying favorable things than in some cases people who just show up.  I believe that people google topics and if they have a good (or bad) experience with a product may simply add their experience.  In your case that may have been great for a number of issues but it could still be of little value for people with HCV.  

I'm just trying to use a post to instill some critical thinking about the thought processes which should begin to occur before one buys a product, especially if it is a little pricey.  I think it's a good topic to speak about generally and I don't mean to specifically diminish acai or your post.  I believe that you posted in the spirit of trying to help people.  Unfortunately, there are some folks who post on boards such as this in hopes of selling product.

Second.....you and I both see diet and lifestyle as very important means of maintaining our health.  I agree with you completely.  I also wouldn't give a second thought to posting here; it's completely fine.  It's easy to do when one googles, finds a thread and replies.  

Third....the ultimate means of choosing a product may come from some testimonials but the best means may be from studies which PROVE a product can do certain things in certain groups of people.  Better studies will also differentiate response rates between groups or measure response comparing control groups to those taking the product.  Sometimes it is helpful to know what mechanism makes a product work.  In other cases it is also useful to understand other issues in taking products.  Some products like grapefruit juice interact with other drugs one may take.  Some things may be safe for people with minimal liver damage but less safe for people with advanced liver damage.  Some folks with other non-HCV related issues (heart disease, diabetes, etc) may also have to be careful in simply trying some products without either asking their doctor or doing some research.

Anyway...thanks for your response.  Mine was written with the intention of being helpful and I believe yours was as well.

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I just went back to the top. Most of these chats are old. I told you i was new to this. Anyway if this is a forum on hepatitis Why is most of the forum talking about Monavie and not about Hepatitis. Thats why I commented in the first place. The first question is what caught my eye.  Duh!   lilsue275 by the way
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Hi! Im back and I am for real. I'm not the smartest cookie on the block and I'm not trying to sell anything. I never said that I was cured of anything.  I do know that from drinking the juice (with its 19 fruits) I have experienced the effects of no pain due to the value of getting better nutrition. I know what I was and now I know what I'm not. IN PAIN. If you take the time to read some of the lastest information that doctors are telling us,  its all over the place, That we as a nation, living in a fast paced two income family, we barely make the time to eat a nutritious meal anymore. I know my son doesn't eat enough fruits and vegetables. I don't have time everyday to make sure that happens. Do you know how many servings of fruits and vegetables we should be getting ? It keeps getting higher based on the poor quality of supermarket shipped in foods as well. The juice just offers a convenient way of making sure that happens. Eat or drink your fruits and veggies its what God intended. Not some of the other choices we pick based on the fast food life. My fast food comes from a bottle of Monavie.Sorry I have to say that but thats where it comes from. Again not trying to sell, just happy I found it. I have to say that after scrolling back to the top after reading your comment Willy, I did not realize that I was in the hepatitis community forum. Like I said I've never done this before and the first thing i saw was, has anyone heard of Monavie/ acia berry? I'm going to leave my views on our nutritional situation on here, but i want to apologize to anyone I may have offended.
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I didn't even remember writing in this thread..... but you'll notice that this is an older thread.

No offense again to the "member" who apparently joined the forum to tout the virtues of the berry.

I'd feel differently if long term members had the revelation that this product worked, but apparently this person has only had one post here.  Sometimes you can tell that they are a member of another forum; cancer, addiction or some other health concern.  NOT so in this case.  Are they "real"? there is no easy way of knowing.

I think there is another aspect of "selling" that we should be aquainted with and that is that it may also be claimed that some product cures a laundry list of ailments.  That could even be true...... but it could be totally useless in curing HCV, mitigating damage of HCV, or reducing symptoms of HCV.  This is often seen in threads about colloidal silver.  People may talk about how it cured their bacterial issue and one is to assume that if it would work on bacterial it would/could also work on viruses like HCV.

Such posts often offer a testimonial about how something was "cured" but also stop short of connecting the dots and claiming that for instance that acai beries CURE carpal tunnel syndrome because such a claim would have to be substantiated.  IF one makes false claims about ones product in an advertisement the FDA will come down hard on you and possibly levy stiff fines on a company.  

Such as it is....... an excellent method of advertising remains the isolated infomercial from members who just "appear" with good news about their improved situation.  These people join a forum, post once and then seem to disappear.  They seldom seem to stick around.  It doesn't mean they are spammers.  I just post again to mention that when one is selling fruit juice for 45 dollars a bottle one can afford to spend some money on hyping the product.  Not only does it sell product, but it tends to increase the placebo effect for those who take it.

Sorry; cynicism for breakfast.  

To repeat; I'm not saying that the above poster is a fake or spammer; only that the post above mine itself is no reason to put money on the line to try the product, particularly for something which seems to be suspiciously and dramatically overpriced fruit juice.

For further reading also bone up on the placebo effect.  

Hmmmmmm..... oddly enough at the bottom of this thread there seem to be a plethora of Acai google ads.  You can draw your own conclusion.  It looks to me as if there is money in selling the latest cure all miracle product.

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I just happen to be doing a little research on this website and came across your comments about Monavie. Please do not take offense, I've never done this kind of chatting before but I just had to comment on the Monavie. I'm 45 and have never been into any kind of marketing sales in my life but when I was invited to a tasting party and heard about this juice 100% juice!!! I was willing to try it. I suffered from carpel tunnel for years and was awake almost every night with pain. On top of that I did not sleep because I am a worry wort. I also had a cold that I could not get rid of even with antibiotics. Almost five months. Anyway honest to God. My pain in my arms after just a few days started to diminish and within two weeks my head cold or whatever it was keeping me congested went away as well. I had all these ailments and just put up with it.Complaining I was getting old! AT 45! I've been drinking it routinely now for a few months. I sleep, I have no more pain, more energy than I've had in  years and because I think my body is getting the necessary nutrients I've never felt better. It's just plain good for you and so easy to drink. I have a lot of promise and hope for a healthier life and I thank God for that.  
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476246 tn?1418870914
I understand. It takes some time to develop 'an eye' to see these things. Not so easy when you are new... But I am starting to understand a little. We've seen it with some other posts lately. Sometimes people drop a stupid question, and then they never come back. Annoying. Then they start sending you pm's and you think OMG, what the heck is going on. You should see the last MT thread... the person almost drove me out of my skin... On his/her pm to me talking about using MT and liver something. Starting to attack treatment as being nothing but a the hype, which doesn't work and that I should educate myself and dig and dig and dig. I really don't understand why these ppl come here to stir up the forum or individual people.

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It stikes me as kind odd but also within the realm of possible.  Someone uses whatever product, googles and finds a forum and and decides to post on the topic.  I've lounged around HCV forums for awhile and it is not uncommon that people peddling the product to drop spam everywhere with anectdotal stories of success.  No offense intended to anyone who posted in this thread.  I merely mention it to suggest that you have to take some posts from strangers with a grain of salt.  

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476246 tn?1418870914
I don't understand why anyone should laugh at you.... Taking antioxidants is like taking vitamins or super foods or what not.... You are taking care of your health and that's good. I would be the last person to laugh at you... I've been growing and drinking wheat grass and what not... So Meki, you are not alone

Willy, just checked when this thread appeared and what happened to it along the way... Regarding the dates... It does look kinda weird.

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My take on it is that why is it so expensive?  It's just a berry probably being picked by natives for a few pennies per day.  Where does all the money go?  

Also interesting that members who never have posted before suddenly join the forum to advertise the stuff.  A thread appears, a member joins, posts praise and is never heard from again.  I find that less useful than for instance, hearing from a person that I know is "real".  This may be one more way to make an appraisal of the product.  The less substance, the more hype required in selling it.
From a marketing standpoint...... it couldn't be that great if it only cost what regular juices do.  But..... if it costs 10 X as much it's probably 10 times better; simple math.

it's SO obvious.....
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217229 tn?1192762404
It's about the size of a regular wine bottle - and you drink 1 to 2  (one ounce) shots of it daily.

So it's very pricey.

But the ingredients aren't all that bad and it tastes like prune juice with something else in it. LOL!

I figure if my neighbor will continue to pass it over for free or low cost - I'll keep trying it and I'll see if there is anything good to it.

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476246 tn?1418870914
I haven't tried it, but I believe it is a very good antioxidant, from what's in it. Depending on how concentrated it is, it is most probably way over prized at 45 a bottle. Just wanted to ask, how long does the bottle last?

Yeah, don't wanna go into the marketing bit...

Wouldn't consider it snake oil though, as they don't promise to heal illnesses, by what I've read. It's just a good mix of antioxidants and so far I have not come over a better mix of antioxidants on the market. I actually might want to try it after tx, to get back on track.

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217229 tn?1192762404
Actually guys --- Don't laugh at me...

LMAO --- My neighbor is selling the stuff and we're good friends.

I'm trying it out..

And while I haven't seen anything AMAZING... I will admit - My IBS is seeming to be less of a problem...

In fact -- I have NO PROBLEMS going any more... *GRIN*


But --- I don't know if it can live up to all the "CLAIMS"... and it IS very expensive --- and the main guise of the product is MARKETING --- or pyramid level type marketing....

So whether it's amazing or not --- the claims are often ridiculous on most things... And Mo----na---- Vie--- is no different in that area.

I won't say it's snake oil --- but it falls in that category --- maybe a little off to the side.

Only thing I can say --- there doesn't seem to be anything in it that can hurt you.

LOL --- OK --- if you're allergic to it --- or have sensitivities --- or you process things differently than others it might.. But --- you all know what I mean.

I'm giving it a whirl --- cause heck -- I'm getting it for free right now... LMAO!

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253566 tn?1219679699
this is some info on the acai berry: "It does contain a high amount of antioxidants, and has performed well in some test tube studies.
This doesn't mean it will perform as well in the human body, and furthermore, it's not much different than other fruits and vegetables.  According to tests done by the USDA Human Nutrition Research Council on aging at Tuft's University, prunes, raisins, and kale had the highest levels of antioxidants for 3.5 oz.  Practically all fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, as does tea, coffee, some oils and nuts, and even wine."

if the label is following the FDA guidelines and ingredients are listed in order of percentage then you are getting very little acai berry. Why pay $35 - 45 for pear juice?
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Just reading all the comments about MonaVie.  If you have "tried it" for less than 90 days, you have not given your body the opportunity to detoxify itself.  MonaVie works at a cellular level and it takes 120 days or more to build a new blood cell.  The difference between MonaVie and store-bought juices is that the store juices filter the berries, thus taking out many of the nutrients.  MonaVie uses all the berry; skin, pulp, juice, seed, etc. leaving in all the essential fatty acids and other nutritional benefits.  

As for the cost, if you become a member and buy a one-months supply (one case) at wholesale, the bottle is only $35.+ and gets cheaper the more cases you buy.  $45 is the RETAIL cost and why pay full retail?  

My plantars infaciitis and arthritis have greatly deminished and with cancer in my family, the antioxidants are my preventative measure.  You can "poo-poo" the product all you like, but it is offering many people a better life without the side effects of the many drugs which are killing our livers and kidneys, etc.  Good Luck!
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A couple of women in my neighborhood sell Monavie.  I ran into them recently at a local gym and they had a table setup with samples, flyers and all sorts of information on it.  I chatted with them briefly, but I didn't buy anything since I'm on tx.  

However I thought I should mention that these people are just true blue health nuts...running all the time and in great shape.  They believe this gives them energy.  There was no agenda to sell this to a hep c patient, as they have no clue that I have hepc.  Just my 2 cents!
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I took it day and night for a month and I noticed I hada lot more energy, but I was like "I am not spending $45 a month to get more energy I'll just try to get more sleep" Well the next montrh went by and I noticed a HUGE difference, This is good stuff, and I am no doctor, but I don't think anything in it is not natural, it's all fruit, and I know I eat a lot of fruit, but NOTHING compares to how a shot of this in the morning and evening makes me feel great. Happier, Healthier, and Thinner, yes I said thinner, it gives you a healthier mind set when you start and end your day with it.

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I tried this and foud it absolutely worthless it may be different for someone else.
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I think suppliments are good and so are all the natural things which can help the liver.

How about the Homeopathic medicines? They contain only natural ingredients.
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I take Mona vie on a regular basis, and so does my mother.  We both suffer from digestive problems, my mother has fibromyalga and arthritis also.  I can tell you from what we have both experienced I would take mona vie before I would take any prescription drugs.  I have noticed a big change in the way we both feel.  Mona vie is not a cure all and may not help everyone, but think about what you spend on prescription drugs and over the counter drugs, what is $45?  And anyone who is even thinking about taking anything herbal or natural to treat their conditions shoud seek advice from their physicians.
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217229 tn?1192762404
Ok ok ok ok - call me an idjit --- but my kid had poison ivy --- and my mom --- who is this weirdo shaman oil herb freaky religion kinda carlos casteneda off the wall something or other.... well she told me to put her in oatmeal with olive oil.

OK - so.. I uhm...  like gritted my teeth cause the kid was clawing her skin off... I put her in a warm bath...

Added ground up oatmeal (threw it in the blender until it was powdery) about 5 cups (half of one of those round cannisters) and tossed in a cup of olive oil. Made her swish it all up.

I made her sit in there - through all her whimpering... (egads --- I sat in the restroom with her ---  had the toilet ring on my butt for a few hours to prove it... )

And eventually I noticed she was playing --- and not scratching.

Made her sit in there a little while longer and it worked.

Dunno if she was just bored --- or if it worked - but if I had to - I'd use it again. LOL!

You have to scrub the tub --- and be careful cause the oil makes it slippery - but it works!

I can't help in the sleep department. Uhmmm I'm a partial insomniac now.


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180992 tn?1383374057
I love the Bossa Nova Acai Berry Juice.  I mix about 1/4 of  the bottle of juice with about 8oz of Pelligrino mineral water, add a squeeze of lime for a great drink. I believe in healty diet and the more variety with anti-oxidants the better.  I'm with GoofyDad eat the berries!  I found the Bossa Nova Acai Berry juice at Whole foods for $2.50 a bottle. They offer Acai Berry and  4 Acai and another fruit blend.  I love the Acai/blueberry and Acai/Mango.  They advertise every bottle we buy saves another rainforest tree. Being the tree hugger I am, how could I resist.
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217229 tn?1192762404
Well - fine - getcher butt up here...

How's Nick today? Everything ok?

Super hugs to ya - and keep smiling - that makes this place light up like a thousand candles!

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