535822 tn?1443976780

Christmas or Holidays

I have noticed recently here In California of leaving out out the Traditional word of Christmas or Xmas , and even schools are saying Holidays, I dont see it as Politically incorrect for children to have a Xmas concert at school . the stores are all wishing us Happy holidays and in fact everyone is saying that. I appreciate there is Hannukah , I dont say holidays to any jewish friends, it would be Happy Hannukah to them .What are your views and is it the same in your state or is it  only here.
46 Responses
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unfortunately the holiday season is running away from Christmas, apparently its not as marketable. Yes it seems to be every where, here in Ga the same thing is happening, Noticed a church billboard the other day tha wished happy holidays to instead i Merry Christmas Suppose the seperation of religon an everything is just about final. Hope the one that let it happen are prepared
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577974 tn?1232522774
Funny that you bring this up. I was just watching the new movie reviews and one of the movies they reviewed was "Four Holidays". It was originally titled "Four Christmas's" but they changed the title so as not to offend anyone....

Personally, I still use the term "Merry Christmas" as do most people I know.
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518031 tn?1295575374
you can thank the far liberal left for this..it offeneds to many people by saying merry christmas
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Get this - the bank that I used to work for had us send out "Holiday" cards before Thanksgiving to ensure that we didn't imply that we were Christians - so as not to offend anyone.   They actually didn't have red/green anywhere or anything that looked "holiday-ish" - they were more like Thanksgiving cards.  

I told them it didn't bother me to be seen as a Christian.  

It's amazing...  You still see Santa Clause - but no Christmas.    I understand different religions (Christian, Jewish, Kwanza) celebrating different versions - but the main thing is that we aren't suppose to offend the non-believers...ok, if they don't believe, why would they be offended????

Merry Christmas!
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535822 tn?1443976780
Merry Christmas guys an early one,I am sad that it is so widespread its our Tradition I dont think I am offending any one by using it, and I always wish any jewish friends a Happy Hannukah and I know there is Qaunza  and I wish my African American friends a Happy Quanza (Hope I spelt it right) Are ther any others that I have forgotten or dont know about ??
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535822 tn?1443976780
Sorry I see on the other post its Kwanza , Apologys !
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401786 tn?1309152034
This is so bull s h it  I have no idea since pretty much anyone with a mouth has said it doesn't offend them to say Merry Christmas or any of the other holidays, why it's such a big deal.  The fact of the matter IS, that December 25th IS Christmas...So why not call it that?  I don't happen to have any religious affiliation and am probably considered agnostic and I celebrate Christmas.  Can't I?  Of course I can....it means what it means to me and no one can take that from me...The argument about separating church from state is so BULL sh i t too, which seems to be the reason for this stupid trend.  Separation ???  Is that why In God We Trust is on money?  Is that why we put our hand on the Bible in court?  Give me a f - in breaK!!!!!!  That has always bothered me, but I still spend money and happily accept it too.  Same thing with court....I may not agree on the justice systems cra p all the time, but I abide by the law and if I had to testify, I'd STILL have to put my hand on the Bible....What about that anyway?  What about the muslims, jews, buddhists...all the other religions, or non-religious people....what the he!! is it supposed to mean that THOSE people still have to do it and say they swear on it?  Come on.....  I have no idea whose idea this all really was to stop saying Merry Christmas but it's stupid, illogical, unfounded and unnecessary....MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!  
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I also wish a Merry Christmas to everyone. I choose to continue to wish those I come in contact with "Merry Christmas." But, when all the water has boiled from the pot it really doesn't matter what you call it., as long as the true reason for the season is not forgotten, and it is not to increase sales and make money.
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585414 tn?1288941302
  You know that's a complex one. I am a non believer. I use that term instead of "atheist" because "atheist" sounds antagonistic and snotty and people who use the term are pushing lack of belief systems on people the same they accuse people of pushing belief systems on them. But it did bother me that the town I grew up in had a giant nativity scene saying "Keep Christ in Christmas" and in response the Jewish community put up a giant menorah. It was like a battle of the bands. Then there was some common sense and they just had a general holiday theme such as snowflakes and snowmen and the like. Even if someone is religious its not a grandiose statement. Faith is a very personal matter.
   But this is the important thing. Its not what you say on the holidays. Its what you do. If someone celebrates the holidays in a deeply religious manner I am not offended but just the same I'd prefer if they not ask me to believe in something I don't. But essentially I have deep respect for people who dedicate Christmas towards helping others but that feeling should embody the way people treat each other all year, not just one day. And most essentially people should respect all backgrounds, its not just Christians and Jews, there are people in my neighborhood who are Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Moslem, etc. And everyone has their own traditions. The one thing that did bother me was when I went to this soup kitchen on the Bowery and they were giving out food to homeless people and regardless of faith, there were so many people there volunteering it seemed like they were there to get rid of their guilt rather than help people. And the homeless people got a sermon before meals which upset me because they may not have been of that background.
   But until recovery progresses I am homebound from a physical disability but aside from walks I go out when neccessary and also to help people or participate in advocacy. And last year the agency I am part of participated in a "Toys for Tots" drive. I thought it was good to bring some happiness into people's lives. And I would have had no problem with someone saying "Merry Christmas" and I would have said it back. The point is if someone deeply believes in the meaning of the holiday, its not just gifts, its thinking of others. And I certainly couldn't say I was against that, in fact I'm strongly for it. I just wish people would expand that thinking to days other than one specific holiday.
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694961 tn?1228732588
I've always been known as the Christmas Grinch, always complaining about the crowds, the stress, the commercialisation. actually, there is no proof that Christ was born on the 25th, or even in December, but thats beside the point. Like Easter, it was a pagan festival christianised, and thats ok too. Never mind that Santa got his colours from a CocaCola promotion (same red and white)..............I still say Merry Chrismas, sing carols, etc.............and down our way, we celebrate Christmas at the beach, barbecues, etc, all the Northern Hemisphere paraphernalia seems out of place
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If I am celebrating the season for the right reason, I will not celebrate on just this 1 day or season. I choose to celebrate year round by giving of self when possible and reaching out to help others.When acts of kindness are done without knowledge to others...that is what I prefer to do when possible.

I would like to thank you for the unselfish job you do in trying to help others. I, personally believe we all experience the things we do for a reason. In all the adversities I have been through, I have gained knowledge and experience and have been able to share and help others through the knowledge I have gained. I am thankful for the good days I have. It's during these days I can think clearer and the pain is berable.  I do so wish you were in a position that you could assist me in my quest for dealing with W/C and soc. sec. disability. Doctors about 5 years ago asked if I wanted to apply and I said would rather work. That I would, but unsure if I can with the increased demands of profession. Thanks for all you do for others. Happiness to you.   Madlyn
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jollyman has it right, you can thank the far left for trying to waterdown Christmas. Tolarance works both ways and being that America is still a Christian nation other groups have to respect that.

The term offended is over used and I find it stupid. I am never offended at anything, but I do get upset and mad. When I was growing up just a short 20-25 years ago Christmas was everywhere, now we have to respect everything but Christmas takes a back seat. I am very upset how the far left has made people believe that Christmas is bad because it celebrates one religious holidy. As I said we are still a Christian nation and I want, no I need everyone to stand up and demand Christmas and Christ are not put to the back seat any longer.
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585414 tn?1288941302
I would disagree with what you said about America being a Christian nation. Of course the majority of Americans believe in god but there is no state religion and there never has been since the United States was created as a democracy. Seperation of church and state was in the constitution from the beginning and in reaction to countries we fought to acheive our independence from that forced a particular religion on people. America is a diverse nation and if people want to celebrate Christmas in a traditional religious manner it is part of their religion and I wouldn't deny them that. That said people who don't have the same right. I don't see why there is a clash. The only thing that offends me is that Christmas is misused for stores to have huge sales that start months before Christmas and I think someone who is strongly religious should be offended by that as well. In fact, I've ran into some people some online who are extremely religious Christians who refuse to celebrate Christmas because they believe the holiday and the way its celebrated has nothing to do with Jesus.
  I'd rather just accept the way other people think and hope for the same in return but at times its not always possible.
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495284 tn?1333894042
Everyone is entitled to their opinions on religion.  The part i hate is when someone tries to slam their beliefs down my throat.  That is the only thing i am going to say on this.

As for Christmas........to me it is all about the little ones. There is nothing better than seeing their little faces on Christmas morning seeing presents under the tree and stuff in their stockings.  Life is so simple for them at that point......to believe in Santa and flying reindeer.........It just takes away all the troubles around me for awhile.
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599170 tn?1300973893
I never liked the term, x-mas its taking Christ out of Christmas, Ive used it myself, and try not to, also I have friends who celebrate Kwanza and Hannauka(sp) ( Im still recovering from surgery and on heavy meds so excuse the spelling)
Anyways theres so much hate , in our world,Happy Holidays to all, and btw in our public school my boy plays drums for band a christmas concert they do one chistmas song one kwanza song and one hann. song better to acknoledge all than respect none.

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168348 tn?1379357075
In my town, along with the "holiday tree" and other symbols, there is also a public tribute to the Winter Solstice.

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577285 tn?1706032371
I pledge allegiance to the flag and "The United States of America" and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, UNDER GOD, indivisible and justice for all !!                
MERRY CHRIST MASS !!       .... Burrrrrrrrrpatch
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599170 tn?1300973893
high five to burrpatch
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585414 tn?1288941302
Right. And for the two posters above what does that mean for you? Explain. What is the meaning of Christmas to you? And patriotism is linked as well apparently. But these are important concepts not just slogans. The United States is in a recession and people are poor and in lack of health care. Christmas certainly is a time to think of the less fortunate. I know that regardless of how I identify with belief systems I will actively be helping people in that regard on Christmas, as all the time. And we are at war as a country. People are dying defending our country. Some of the people I work with immigrated to the United States and became citizens to escape oppression. And they valued their oppurtunity to come here. So what will you be doing on Christmas? What is its meaning to you, as a Christian? And what do you do to live up to it?
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577285 tn?1706032371
Luke 21:12,  Luke 21:17,  Matthew 5:11 ,  Matthew 5:10 ,  Matthew 6:34,  Matthew 24:9.   So why the big surprise ?   .....Burrrrrrrrrpatch
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585414 tn?1288941302
Yes that's what you'll be reading from the Bible but as a Christian I'm sure those are meaningful passages that guide how you live your life. And you are a patriotic American as well. I don't detract from that. But we all have one thing in common here. However, we phrase it we are all people with disabilities. And there are soldiers returning from our country who have acquired severe disabilities such as TBI's. And I always am interested in efforts and would volunteer to support them to make sure they get the services they deserve because many are underserved as veterans. I think that's wrong. I don't think you would disagree with that. I don't there's anyone here I couldn't find some common ground with.
  One thing I can say is that Christmas is a time for people to find some form of comradery with each other. And to me not just to think of those less fortunate but to reach out to them. And the less diviseness we have the better. Not just in a "feel good" sense but a "real world" sense. I'm across the political spectrum actually. The important thing is we unite and support each other in a time of need. I think the passages you quote state that as well right?
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577285 tn?1706032371
Well, well, well. Whats got you so frosted ? I say the "Pledge of Allegiance" and you attack ? What was it, God ? I owe you no explanations my friend. If you want to know what Christmas means to Christians then I suggest you read the Bible.  ...and God Bless You !!      .......... as to your 2nd post you obviously didn't bother to look up the passages but assumed I was answering your question. I was not. I'm glad you consider Christmas a time to help your fellow man. So do I if I'm able. However I give all the time, not just on Christmas. I also think Man should help man in all occasions. Americans give more than any other country and our soldiers while not receiving the finest care receive more than the rest of the world gives theirs !! I was in the Marine Corps. Are you lecturing me on volunteering to care for our soldiers ?
Why do you insist on arguing where there is no argument. Hmmmmmmm?
Whatever's bothering you, don't blame me or Christmas.  Godbless !!
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585414 tn?1288941302
Actually I read your profile and saw that you were in the Marine Corps. I'm sure you've done a lot to defend our country and I wouldn't say otherwise. I wasn't saying America as a country has treated its soldiers badly. I was saying that I have worked with people who returned from active service and didn't get what they deserved in the way of healthcare and I supported them in their cause. Of course if you were in active duty in war you did far more than me in putting your life on the line for our country. I was pointing out that I don't see myself as the opposition to people who are patriotic or believe in God. I am not Christian. Truthfully my family was Jewish so if I were to go back to being a believer it would be to that.
  But America was founded on religious freedom. So although I wouldn't detract from your beliefs I wouldn't have to subscribe to them either. I actually do understand what people are saying in that they feel their right to celebrate Christmas in an observant manner is being taken away from them. And that would be considered a violation of religious freedom. That would be a concern. I don't detract though from the teachings of Jesus. They preach love, understanding and compassion for others. They are just not my specific belief system.
  There are some things we will have to agree to disagree on. But we can agree that America is a country founded on freedom. And that religious freedom is part of that. And that on Christmas you will have a freedom of religion our country was founded on. And we as Americans have many freedoms other people in the world don't have. And you have actively defended them. And with what I do as an advocate for people with disabilities I am able to because of many of those same freedoms. And I should be thankful for people like you regardless of any differences we might have otherwise.
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518031 tn?1295575374
hey burrrrrr.. i think he has a burrrrrrrrrrrrrr under his skin god bless and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT  HO HO HO
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