1396846 tn?1332459510

Feeling good/bad off and on

Hi everyone,

I am still working on getting myself together. I linger around on here but don't post much. I am still working on losing weight. Down 40 pounds, trying to introduce exercise into my weight loss journey. I got a treadmill so I have been walking on that at a slow pace holding on to the handrails. I can only do it for a short time before my leg gets weak and starts going numb but a little is better than nothing.

I have also been working on school and trying to get a career that I can do since disabiliy isn't working for me. I am trying to keep a positive attitude through everything.

On December 18th my mom fell and broke her foot in 4 places, while in the hospital they discovered that she has a new onset of Atrial Fibrillation and they couldn't get her blood sugar under control. I have been using all my energy taking care of her. The first week she was home was the hardest on me. It was constant care for her, I was sleeping on the couch so I could hear her at night. I was getting up at night to help her to the bathroom, giving her meds.

The week of New Years I was down and out. I didn't have the energy to get out of bed but I still had to take care of her. I got my sister to take her to the doctors to get a break. Then I finally got her to start doing things for herself again. A little at a time and we are finally to the point where she does everything for herself. It was really taking a toll on my body, but she is my mom and I had to take care of her, I couldn't see her in a nursing home for rehabilitation so it was all on me.

I went for my MRI's and I go back to see my neuro on February first for the results. Hoping there are no more lesions, but will find out when I see him.

Well that is about all that has been going on with me, well that I can think of anyway. I hope everyone is doing great and I will try to get around here more often.

6 Responses
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1396846 tn?1332459510
I couldn't agree more lulu, she will get over it. I am now focusing on me, well and my mom, between her doctors appts and mine we are always on the run. I am done being everyones go to person because they know I cant say no lol.

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Paula, you are such a wise woman to set limits.  Your daughter will get over being mad that her babysitter is done for - besides, you have enough going on with your mom in your home.

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1396846 tn?1332459510

I am walking as long as I can on the treadmill. I am hoping that the more I do it the longer I will be able to do it :)


Thank you, I still have a way to go but I am feeling better about myself.


Yeah busy isn't the word for it. My daughter ended up mad at me because I can't watch the boys anymore but I need to take care of myself now. I can't let myself go because I saw the downhill trend I was in, I know that MS is unpredictable but I also know that taking care of "Me" is the best thing I can do for myself.

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198419 tn?1360242356
Hi Paula,

Crazy way for Mom to find out about the afib. Ugh. What a busy lady you must be with all that's going on.

It's always nice to see you, and I think of you too - so glad you popped in to say hello :)

Wishing you no new activity on MRIs, and some more stability. Congrats on your body transforming progress. Definitely not an easy task when it's harder to get around than pre-MS days.


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667078 tn?1316000935
  Congrats on the weight. take care of yourself.

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It is great to see you come through here, Paula.  IT has been such a haul for you, I am sorry to hear about your mom.

As for the exercise on the treadmill, I keep hearing that it doesn't matter if you walk for thirty minutes straight or if you walk for three minutes, ten times a day,.  You are still walking for the same amount of time.  

Congrats on all that weight loss - keep up the good work.  I'm sure you feel better for it!
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