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Embarassing Moments?

We all have them and I pulled a good one this week.  I was at the Sleep Clinic for my sleep study and was texting a friend.  I took a picture of myself all wired up and sent it to her for laughs.  She said she didn't receive the picture and I took a look again and discovered I had sent it to an entirely different person - my acupuncturist.  I quickly sent him a text sheepishly explaining the mistake.  When I saw him on Friday, he was still laughing and I was still grateful I hadn't sent something worse, like sexting! LOL

I can't blame this one on MS, but would like to find something to take the blame for this ooops!  

How about you - any moments you care to share? If we can't laugh at some of our mistakes we will only be miserable, because we all make them.  Some are just more notable than others.

be well, be happy

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Mine happened last Thursday.
I use a bacack now because it s easier for me to get around using the forearm crutches.  But while trying to get my backpack off at the YMCA my arm got caught in the belt on my coat and I was twisting and turning to get it loose and realized it looked like I was in a straight jacket.

Some days I feel like I need one.
Thanks for the laught.  That is hysterical.
Just be grateful you didn't hit share on Facebook!

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We all have them - just some are not the kind of stories we might want to share publicly.  Right?  Thanks for the smiles and laughs.  I can picture each and every one of these scenarios.
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1437229 tn?1296070020
I was a women's volleyball head coach for several years.  As was my custom, I would get my paperwork for that practice together while the team captains gathered the players and began their stretching routine.

When they were finished, they would grab the ball cart, and begin their warm up drill.  At which point, I would join them.

On one particular day I had several distractions, players asking questions, my athletic director asking questions, etc..  At that point I was not confused, but just off my routine.  The next thing I knew my players were all pointing, and laughing hysterically.  With all my distractions I had forgotten that I had already taken my warm-up pants off, and dropped what I thought was them only to realize I was standing there in my compression shorts with my regular shorts down around my ankles.  To make matters worse, I had asked some of the young men from the basketball team to join us in practice that day.  YIKES!

Needless to say, I had to finally threaten all the players with extra some workouts if they did not stop laughing.

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1307298 tn?1305946851
These stories are great!  Really putting a smile on my face.   =)
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1548028 tn?1324612446
To keep the laughter going...  We were in a restaurant (one where they cook the food in front of you).  We were with a couple of familes and I decided to go to the bathroom before the meal arrived to my plate.  I went in and the darn toilet would not flush.  So, I decided to step out of my nursing role and become a plummer.  I rattled the flusher and nothing but heard some water running so I decided to lift the back of the toilet and reset it.  I was splashed in the face with a ton of water-shooting to the ceiling in fact.  Broke the lid because I threw it when the water shot me in the face.  I was drenched and I came out not knowing what to do as water is flooding the bathroom.  My best friend said "oh honey, are you ok"  we went in bathroom and she shouted OMG!  The restaurant became very quiet except for the workers shouting in a language I did not understand.  My husband said "check please".  I never went back. LOL!
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When I was about 16 yrs old I went to Seattle to visit my older sister. I'm from a very small town in Montana. We walked around Seattle for a few hours when we went into this very cool-looking retro clothing shop.

I browsed through clothes but nothing was my size. I walked up to this glass counter to look at some high heeled pumps. I turned to my sister and said "wow, these shoes are HUGE". They were a size 14 or something.

I looked at the broad shouldered girl glaring at me.
I had unknowingly wandered into a transvestite shop. Turning beet red we left quickly. Suddenly the sizes made complete sense.

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1734735 tn?1413778071

A couple of months ago I experienced a new sensation that felt like something was crawling over my back, particularly after having a shower. Then a few weeks later I felt as if there was something like a spider crawling across my forehead and cheek. My colleagues would laugh at me when, during conversation, I would periodically swat myself without ever catching anything.  

Then, one day I was sitting in a restaurant with my family and the waiter was standing at our table taking orders. Suddenly, I felt a creepy crawly on my face and instantly slapped myself. To my utter shock and surprise, for the first time, I hit a baby spider! In a voice of incredulity I said rather loudly to my wife 'look, I killed a spider'. Unfortunately, the poor waiter thought I was having a go at the cleanliness of the restaurant.

And then when I was first diagnosed my eldest daughter came home from school. Her friend had overheard their parents talking about my condition. With a worried look on her face she asked 'Dad, have you got MSG?' To which my wife and I rolled around the floor laughing our heads off. Chinese has never been the same in our household.

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anyone else care to confess a moment or two?  Thanks everyone for the smiles.
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MS hardens us a bit to some of what used to embarass us - we just take it with the territory.  Here's one from a recent airline trip.  Our airport has those machines where you just step in and they scan you quickly and you move on - personally there have been so many strangers in the medical world see me naked I really don't care about that TSA agent behind the screen.  And it makes clearance for my husband so much faster because he has a metal hip replacement that normally requires a manual pat-down.  He now doesn't get groped when we fly.

Anyway, I approached the machine and the agent says "you have to take everything out of your pockets."  I thought I had but on a quick check I realized I hadn't.  He stuck out his hand and I reached in my pocket and deposited a Poise pad into his palm.  I wish I could have captured the look on his face while I did the scan, retrieved the pad, and went on my way.  

I didn't think a bit about it, but got a good chuckle out of his obvious embarassment.  As I said, it all comes with the MS territory.
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987762 tn?1671273328
I have a recent funny moment, though not embarrasing i'm sure you'll get a giggle too.

DH was giving me an all over massage, it was was one of those very nice times only partners can enjoy. With husky voice he tells me to roll over and i promptly kick him with a loud audioble sounding smack to the side of his head. woops!

Talk about killing the moment, i was laughing so hard i had tears running down my face and I was snorting lol It was just so unexpected, such a perfect round house kick with out even trying that we couldnt even look at each other with out falling back into more fits of laughter.

Curse that peskey depth perseption ROFL!

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359574 tn?1328360424
I was at a resort business conference on Martha's Vineyard with a friend/coworker.  We were eating a fantastic dinner, choice of lobster or steak, seated across from a nice married couple.  We were doing the usual questions about where we were from and what we did for a living.  The gentleman was an insurance underwriter.

I asked him what that meant and he said something about risk analysis and valuation and writing policy language.  I said "Oh, so you're the guy who decides how much the policy pays if you don't die, but a hand or foot is worth this much, an arm or a leg is worth that much?"  Answer "Something like that."

It was then that I realized his wife was cutting his steak because he only had one arm.  My friend was mortified.
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I can't think of one right now off the top of my head for me. However, my mom had a pretty funny one.  

She was always running to use the restroom.  One time when she was out, she ran to use the restroom when she was at the hospital for an appt on the military base. While she was sitting there, she heard a man come into the bathroom. She yelled at him saying something like, "HEY! What are you doing in the women's restroom - get out of here?!"  Then he embarassingly said, "OH! I'm sorry," and quickly left.

When my mom was finished and came out of the stall, she saw all the urinals on the wall. She was so embarassed; she got out of there as fast as she could.

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I was at work one day and I worked fror a number of doctors.  They would page me, I would ring them and they would tell me what I needed to do.

One day I was paged by this particular doctor who always wanted everything done yesterday.  When I answered my page I was told that he had left a message for me to be somewhere, and have the job done within 15 minutes.  I was having a busy day and got quite cranky. I got off the phone moaning out loud about what a slave driver he was and how he always wanted things NOW?  I ended up saying that it was a good thing he was gorgeous and likable our I'd tell him off.

I turned around and there he was.....eeek. He had heard me and started laughing but I was horrified.

He didn't change, he always still wanted everything done stat.

I ended up working with him for 25 years.

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1734735 tn?1413778071
Some good laughs at the stories above.

My most embarrassing moment happened several years ago. My wife and I were on our nightly walk after work with our two dogs in a exclusive suburb by the water. We just loved the peace and serenity and the dogs enjoyed the freedom of walking off leads.

About 50 metres in front of us, we saw a lady haul two very fancy suitcases out to the footpath and leave them there and go back inside to lock up. She was obviously off on a trip somewhere and about to be collected.

We were admiring her large house, gorgeous view and immaculate sense of dress sense as we walked past her house.  Right at that moment our dear dog Dudley did the unspeakable. To our horror he lifted his leg and drenched one of the suitcases in urine. We could hear the sound of footsteps walking briskly down the long path that was covered in foliage towards us.

We yelled at our dogs and ran for our lives too ashamed to say a word. From that day we chose to walk a different route at night and always kept the dogs on leads.

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987762 tn?1671273328
I actually have two not sure which one should top my list, you choose.

1: I was working in a new area so didn't know where any of the medical places were but I'd been having these god awful cramps and they were getting worse by the hour. A customer caught me doubled over, white faced and grunting through a bad one, thinking it was my apendix or an eptopic pregnancy she convinced me to lock up shop and head straight to the local dr, who she informed me was just around the corner.

I lock up and head towards where she'd pointed me, which wasn't very far but still i was relieved when i finally saw the unasumming doctors name plate on the door of a plain looking building. On walking in there's a few people seated in the waiting room, i patiently wait for the receptionist to notice me so I can beg for a walk in appointment.

So I tell her its an emegency, i'm in agony and need to see someone, she asks what the problem is so i tell her, giving as much detail as i could because i really needed to get in to see the dr. Well its about that time that i notice she's struggling to keep a straight face, but she calmly  informs me that i do need to see a dr but this is the dentist office, the GP is across the street.

On that, the entire waiting room bursts into giggles and me bright red faced politely thanks her and high tails it out of there.

2: I'm 18 and on a trip to Bali, being a single girl on my own gets me lots of invites to join other groups and i happily tag along to most of them, one invite was to travel to one of the isolated islands. Off we went on our adventure, taking the only means of transport, which was a very leaky old old boat, complete with chickens, pigs so much stuff and people we had to sit on the edge with only our feet on board.

It was a rough voyage, seas rolling so high i thought we'd never make it, having a little kid bailing and still inches of water on deck didn't help those thoughts either. When we finally arive its the most beautiful exotic place i'd ever seen, water so clear and blue you could see the colourful fish and sandy bottom of the sea floor, simply georgous.

We take off exploring and soon discover a very secluded little cove and some how we end up skinny dipping, it just seemed the right thing to do, though now i really cant think of why lol After a few hours of bliss, i stand up out of the water in all my glorry, heading back to retrieve my towel. Thats when i notice a large group of locals of all ages, standing on the cliff above, all happily watching me flollick about in my birthday suit.

I had another 24 hours before i could get off the island and i'd have to say i've never been more popular in all my life, still red faced even now!

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620048 tn?1358018235
Oh yes, i have done that more than once...although I cannot remember any details at the moment. LOL

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1745395 tn?1342061753
Years back, I was wearing a silk blouse.  I was talking to a group of people. I bent over to tie my shoe or something and stood up.  I was replying to someone and said Look... I glanced down for some reason and realized that the silk blouse had unbuttoned itself all the way and hung open and I was facing the crowd with the shirt wide open and my bra clearly visible.  To this day I don't wear a silk button down blouse unless I have safety pinned it shut!
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1394601 tn?1328032308
Years ago, we lived in Dallas.  Our family was young...just three little ones.  We had a pool in our backyard.  After the boys were snug in their bed I would head outside (husband inside in his office) to swim.  How I loved that time.  Of course, we have those huge privacy fences as is common in both Dallas and Houston so I swam butt naked.

This went on for months when one evening while glancing toward the sky, I realized my neighbor had a two story house and ya got it....her husband was standing at the window in the dark enjoying his evening show!!!!
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