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trauma induced relapse

Never thought this could happen.

Early this morning around 3 AM  a guy broke into my home,he literally busted my brand new steel door down.I heard a bank then a thud,not thinking much of it,actually thought it was outside until my 140 pound dog started growling,she never growls.

I finally get up and look and in my living room is this man laying on the floor with my dog on top of him growling and showing her teeth.now mind you on any given day this dog , is a whimp and hides behind me.

I finally was able to get a hold of the police department after 3 attempts,I don't do well in the dark.He was arrested.he tried to get up and I told him if he moved I'll beat him to a pulp,yes I had a ball bat and then I'd let my dog eat him.

He was drunk and entered the wrong home it took 3 officers to cuff him ,then he whined because my dog drooled all over his face.

For the ones looking for the orange jump suit this man is wearing it.

When I close my eyes all I see is his feet thats what I awoke to,like in the wizard of OZ.My dog was the house.

Now to a more serious note,I have symptoms now from being tramatized and stressed that I haven't had in months,my legs are numb,right leg I can't put no weight on,my double vision is really bad,the buzzying and tingling through out my body has not stopped.I have a headache and my head is even buzzying.the right side of my rib cage is burning,the skin and painful with my shirt touching it.Plus I have tight banding feeling around my arms.

I know stress can make symptoms worse but dang gone it.

I had half the notion of going to the ER,but neuro will be in tomorrow and I see my GP in the morning.My son really pushed for the ER but I told him I just needed to relax and have some quiet time.I lied.

I quess this guy is my neighbor and a alcoholic,so I ask for a protection order or he's gonna need it cause next time I'll beat first ask questions later.For now he's in jail.

Just needed to vent,whine or just complain.Thanks for being here,

25 Responses
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220917 tn?1309784481
Good morning, Lynn~

How'd the night go?

The kids sleep OK and get off to school?  I'm glad ex-hubby was there for you guys.

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You're right its hard being in my home,every bump startles me now.And sleeping has been impossible.My x-husband will be staying at night until I get through this.One of the arresting officers said they are patrolling the house more often and taking precautions.I quess my neighbor is a lunitic.I'm goona learn to shoot my sons 25 caliber today.It won't kill anyone but will slow them down.I hate guns!!!!! Its daylight so I'm gonna go to bed.
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Cujo's to you and Belle (that's kind of like kudos, my wierd sense of humor!) I agree with your GP. Anyone breaking into your house, and threatening you and your children should not be tolerated. Adrenaline flood is so hard on your body. I hope you are feeling better tonight. It will take awhile before you can be comfortable in your home. That is so sad, but realistic. Prayers, and hugs.
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220917 tn?1309784481
Goodnight, T.

God Bless you

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We are doing fine.i have talked to my children.my 16 year old son is very angry with the neighbor,things the officers should of just shot him and been done.

My daughter is this guys daughters friend and I explained to her that I had the order of protection and the no contact order was only to protect me and that it was okay for her and her friend to be friends.This should not destroy their happiness.

The little girl next door thought my daughter would hate her because of what her dad done.My daughter never seen this guy in my house,nor did she see him arrested.

This guys father was here this morning,very nice man,checking on my well being and to apologize for his son.he stated alcoholism is a disease,which I know all to well my father is an alcoholic.I told him so is MS but I don't invade peoples homes at 3 am and scare them into an attack.

I'm all in all handeling it very well,during the day noises spook me a little and my door still isn't fixed,they finally took their pictures.

Marcie,normally I wouldn't but when belle was growling it was time to check,I didn't enter the room,I figured belle had it undercontrol.

When the police were here on a follow-up tonight that big ole dog wouldn't leave my side,but she was very friendly to them tonight.saturday was a different story.

The neighbor is out of jail,I was in the garage and he kept staring at me he seen me outside and came out.I just kept to myself,but he gives me the heevie-geevies.

Its time for bed or at least some rest hopefully.

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220917 tn?1309784481
Hey, T~

How are ya?

I know you must be exhausted.  You OK?  How are the children?  Have you guys talked about what happened?  Have they asked what happened?

I hope you all get some restful sleep tonight and will talk to you tomorrow.

Love to all your loved ones!

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Wow!  What a horrific experience.  How brave you are!   How you had the courage to get up and investigate the noise is beyond me. I think I would have wimped out and got under the covers.  Your dog acted like a dog when he was most needed so thank God for that - but the added stress is something you could have done without.  

What happened to you is everyone's worst nightmare. Get better soon and get that door fixed fast!  


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I am so sorry you were put through this...i will give only the advice i can add to the rest of the forum... take care of yourself ... get help from loved ones and realize you had angels around you... one of which was your dog... GOD bless her soul.

You are in my prayers that HE will give HIS peace beyond understading.

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Seen GP and he told me stay on all my meds until this passes or I speak to my neuro,whom called when I was at GP's office.So I'll call tomorrow.

GP said I should of just shot him.

Jazzy,yes she's AKC registered.She'd get an award alright, Ms.whimpy for her size.She's a good girl most days.

I'm moving forward,its real hard knowing he's home ,but hopefully the no contact order and protection order will help.

I refuse to be stuck prisoner in my home by this fool.

The police need to get their rumps down here to get my door accessed so I can get a new one put on.heck anyone can walk through,it won't close all the way and it doesn't lock.Heck all it needs is a big red sign with an arrow saying door opened.

Thanks for all you comments.

Quix I did get a few night time meds from my GP for the next few days.
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228463 tn?1216761521
You should be commended for your bravery!!  You Rock!!

It sounds like you are doing everything you need to to take care of you and your kids - Kudos!!

I am sorry this has happened to you!  Keep doing what you feel you need to protect yourself from this crazy person and please let "wimpy" know we are very proud of him too!!  My little Jack Russell terriers (Mickey & Minnie) and my humane society mutt (Maverick) would like a poster too please - they say "All hail wimpy - we're not worthy!!"

Take care and I will be praying your symptoms settle down soon!
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T-lynn. I just wanted to say I am so sorry that this happened to you. Thank God for doggie! And I am so impressed with the way you handled it. Yes, stress makes the symptoms much worse. For me, just a little stress does it. I know it's hard to get it out of your mind, but you need to do it. Don't let this drunken slob take another moment out of your life. Hugs, Sheila
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251222 tn?1270936117
Oh my that is scary! You and your dog did an awesome job! I hope the feelings ease off and your flare subsides with it.

Oh, would this dog happen to be akc registered? If so he sounds like a super canidate for next year's Ace awards.  http://www.akc.org/news/ace/index.cfm      Or if not, then there might be a similiar type award for non registered dogs. :)   Just a thought.

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199882 tn?1310184542
WOW!!!  That is horrible.  I am so sorry that you had to experience this.  You have got a ton of advice so I'm just going to tell you that I will pray that the Lord gives you the strength you need to overcome this traumatic event in your life.

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Thanks so very much on all the info.

Last night was rough getting to sleep,but got a few hours anyways.

I refuse to let this man make me live in fear as he is my neighbor.I did talk with victims rights and they told me he was being release this after noon and there is a no contact order and a protection order,if he violates either one he goes back to jail.

I talked with a counselor on my thoughts and feelings.Number one first and forth most is my children I have to show them that their home is safe and their sanctuary,I can not show them my fear.As they seen nothing that night,I told them to go back to bed and shut the upstairs door.

I do not drink alcohol and as for as drugs only my prescription meds.

I did get up and got my house cleaned ,done the laundry,how I feel can not carry over into my kids lives they are 12 and 16 and they need me!!!!!

This neighbors father came this morning and apologized and stated his son has a drinking problem and that after 10 years he has finally realized his son needs help.He ask how I was coping mentally and that he would pay for my door to be fixed,now anyone can walk in.Gotta wait for the police to do their pictures and so forth.

I do see my GP today and will discuss the fatigue and pain,I think with proper treatment hopefully things will come down.Now if they could fix the double vision and the nerves I'd be doing good.

We do have a 12ga but its locked in a gun safe,I do have 25 caliber something .Its now down stairs,not load but I know where the clip is.

I do have my reservations on this man I know he's an alcoholoc and he'll have a beer in his hand when he gets home,I do have my fears that this isn't over yet.He's been verbally abusive to me in the past.The only good thing is the property next door is a rental and if things persist I will go to the land owner.But I think my step father already has.

I am gonna seek some advice from my GP and have all ready called my neuro.I still have 5 varsity football games to go to this year.My goal was to attend all(my son plays).I missed a few because of a MS atack.

Truelly I appreciate all your thoughts advice and prayers.

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220917 tn?1309784481
Oh, my gosh!

I'm at work and can't talk.  I'm so sorry that happened. Oh, man!

I'm glad nothing worse happened to you or your children.   But I'm SO sorry that you were violated that way.  I wish I could be closer to help.

Love, Peace.

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198419 tn?1360242356
Hi T-lynn,

So much good advice here given, that I really can't lend any help.  I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and what this horrible experience has caused for your body.  

I too, have big problems with symptoms when my adrenline goes up, it's better than in the past but none the less, I can totally relate and it's terrible.

I pray those nerves calm down for you, so you can relax and bounce back from this one.

Let us know if you've found some sort of a combo of things to help. . .

Be well soon,
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230948 tn?1235844329
That is so awfull and such a shock no wonder your body has gone into overdrive, I had a crash last year in Nov and since then my mild sx have been awfull. I think stress and trauma can for sure bring on a relapse.

Thank God for your dog!! My dog would of gone too far i think she is a staffi and tucks in first before seeing who it is!! lol

Get well soon.

God Bless
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147426 tn?1317265632
Nancy, Thank you very much for the discussion on PSTD and it's prevention in acute trauma.  I learned quite a few important things.  I will read some of the info you posted.  These things are not the way we've traditionally taught to deal with trauma and there are things I must unlearn.

Lynn, I still feel that acutely it is important to break the cycle of your pain and fatigue to prevent this from becoming a full-blown relapse.

Good luck, Quix, Keep us posted.
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Very sorry to hear about your traumatic night. Lucky for that guy you had a dog and not a loaded 12ga shotgun! I hope he will pay for the damage to your home so you won't have to take him to court.

Hope you feel better soon! Rick
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You have just experienced a very traumatic event that will likely be with you for some time. You are having normal reactions to a very abnormal event. Having MS can complicate the matter all the more. This traumatic stress can and most likely has caused an acute exacerbation of the sympotms of your MS. I would suggest at this time, however, to work very hard at relaxing using natural methods, deep relaxing breathes, (a warm bath is out given the MS), can you try a heating pad for short amounts of time over your chest?, try drinking some warm milk. Sounds disgusting but milk has natural sedative effects when warmed.

I would steer away from alcohol or drugs, as this will likely postpone your bodies need to naturally work through the trauma in order to prevent getting PTSD. PTSD comes after about 6 weeks of symptoms not abating from a trauma. In these next several days, and in fact possible next several weeks, your body, brain and emotions are going to be put through the ringer. As uncomfortable as this may seem, avoiding these reactions is not going to be healthy for you in the long run!! I am not at all sure about how to suggest you deal with treating the sx of MS exacerbating other than get to your specialist quick!!!!! A healthy person experiencing such a trauma would be experiencing a variety of sx that would be alarming but totally expected. They would be in shock initially as you are, and as the days progress, they would find themselves experiencing appetite changes, sleeping changes, memory problems, physical reactions such as racing heart, dizziness, nausea, headaches, shakes, etc. and many more.

I am probably typing too much for you to read and comprehend at this point. In fact you most likely will be experiencing difficulty doing any normal daily activities for a few days to a week. All of these symptoms should lesson over the course of the week, provided you stay away from alcohol, caffeine, chocolate. Eat comfort foods, such as turkey, potatoes, squash, corn. These are all foods that have natural chemicals that help the body heal after trauma. There is much to read on the subject. Please take good care of yourself, find close freinds and family to talk with. Resist the tempation to put this all behind you too soon or your body will find a way to bring it back up over and over until it it completely processed. The base of our brain holds trauma like a picture and if we try and forget and purposely avoid dealing with it, PTSD has a good likelyhood to take root.

Please take good care and give yourself some time to get over this most traumatic event. I am very glad that your dog was all about protection!!!! Thank God.

Here are some sites for you to look at when you feel up to it.


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266400 tn?1193634481
Sorry to hear you had gone thru that....  now you know what your dog can do for you.. see  I've always said... dogs are better than men because.................. hahahahaha  just kidding GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!  anyway, hope you are feeling better soon....
well i was thinking .. .he should be thankful all he got in his face was drool from a dog.. :)
take care
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I hope he meets bubba,I'm definately not gonna send him soap on a rope as a parting gift.
I've had many years of playing baseball with my son,I can wail a bat.
This idiot complained to the arresting officer that my dog drooled all over his face,I know her drooling is disgusting,but wait until he tries to wash it off its like glue.


I tried sleeping,I did take my valium,baclofen and vicodin and it hasn't helped.Just waiting for my son to get home.Then I'll do the rebif and take my next dose of meds.
I'm hoping that its just the adrenaline causing the symptoms.If I have a rough night I will go to the ER.
My worry is when he gets a bail hearing and gets home,he'll start ****.We've had words before ,the last time he was gonna beat my ***.And yes he was drunk then,I told him to bring it on and my x husband was at the house and he stopped him.
My faithful wimpy dog has not came back in the front room since, she's beside herself still.she actually had to act like a dog.She's a rescue pup from a bad breeder.Belle says she'll get the posters printed for clyde.
This guy gets everything he deserves,he even called me a crippled b**** one day.Crippled or not he'll learn he messed with the wrong women.The legs may not work,but the fingers do(911)!!!!

Thanks both for your support.
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147426 tn?1317265632
Lynn, you're in shock.  If you have something like xanax or valium, even the clonazepam, take an extra and try to get some sleep.  This, hopefully, is a pseudoexacerbation from the adrenaline and as your composure regains and you get some sleep the symptoms should calm.  If you can't sleep, then go to the ER with your son and explain that the fear, adrenaline and fatigue appear to be triggering a relapse and get something for pain and anxiety for a night or two.

This should act exactly like getting overheated does, with the symptoms "cooling off" as you do.

In the final analysis, thank God, it was a stupid drunk neighbor and not someone with real intent to harm you.  My kitties love your wimpy hero!!!  Clyde is awestruck.  She wants a poster of your dog for her wall!

And I'm proud of you for standing up to him bat and all.  Hat's Off!  Quix

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