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Neuro dropped me...

I sent an amendment form to my neuro's hospital to amend some things that were on my medical records that were incorrect.
For instance, in my record on x day he has in there that he did these exams, which he didn't do:
Visual acuity is unchanged – color discrimination is unchanged and normal
Sensory examination appears intact to all modalities.
Reflexes are 2+ and symmetric.
Plantar responses are flexor.

Also, that my symptoms are mostly confined to my right side, when they're mostly on my left side.

Anyways, I got a phone call from him today saying that he's dropping me as a patient. He says that he's really busy in clinics right now, so I need to find another neuro, instead of him. After he hung up, I called the office to see if he is still taking new patients - and he is. Which means to me that he's mad that I submitted this amendment form saying that he's falsifying that he did these tests. Now he doesn't want to have me as a patient.  But of course he can't say that, because I'm sure that he could get in trouble for letting me go for that.

I want a new neuro anyway...but I hate starting the process over.  This is the same neuro that was saying he was considering taking me off Copaxone if my next MRI doesn't show further lesion progression.  (Even though I have a definitive Dx of RRMS and have lesions in my t-spine, c-spine, & brain, and black hole formations.)  I called and left a message with the hospital making a complaint about him after his phone call. I guess we'll see what they say when they call me back tomorrow.


28 Responses
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667078 tn?1316000935
Just keep in mind Neurology is a small world. Most Doctors know each other. When I had a Neurologist dump me, I said nothing to the new Neurologist about her. I was advised by my PCP to keep my mouth shut which was great advice.The new Neurologist looked at her notes and formed his own opinion. Later I realized I had been pretty hostile to her. I probably would have dumped me to. Besides she had decided I did not have MS so she did me a favor. All I am saying is I had a chip on my shoulder with her and our relationship was doomed from the beginning. I was also told if you go into a Doctor and complain you have lost a good part of the time they would be looking over your case.

Start over and start fresh thinking positively about the New Doctor. Expect a positive experience with the next one. Let the new Doctor make their own mind up from the test results, notes, history, and exam.


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1394601 tn?1328032308
You know, Kelly, I wonder what your insurance company would think knowing he was billing for tests not done?

Something to ponder.
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429700 tn?1308007823
I would just wash my hands of him and move on.  It's a shame that there's people like that in the profession.

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I'm afraid the new neuro will take away my Dx. You never know how things will go. If anything I've been too nice with my current neuro. I was voted Nicest Person in high school. Sometimes I have a (bad) habit of letting people run me over.  I just let him take over the conversation, when I bring in all the notes with me to my appts. Then none of my stuff ends up getting discussed.

In the end, my split with him is probably for the best.  
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sorry to hear it, kelly-what a jerk!

known way too many like him. sadly i admit ive gotten to the point im not very assertive when maybe i should be. its tough.

i am gonna say a prayer all is better for you with this new neuro, and he/she fits well with your personality too. everyone deserves that.
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352007 tn?1372857881
Don't you dare feel guilty about what you did.  I know you are a nice person and we haven't even formally met.  

You're right that your split with him was for the best.   He dropped you because he got scared, as he should be.  Falsifying documentation and billing insurance based on examinations performed that has not been done is a felony.  I  do wonder if you have the copy of those said statements in his progress notes.  I bet he made a change or tossed the originals out. Heh.

You could go further with your claim if you had the energy for it.  However, I believe a nice registered mail sent to the doctor claiming once again what he falsely documented and possibility of insurance fraud.  His response to your amendment only clarified you were taking the right measures against him.  

I can't see how you can avoid stating that you've been to another Neurologist, but I think you can get away with stating that you do not want to disclose their name, which is your right to do so.  Other tests you had ie: MRI, laboratory work, psychiatric evaluation, etc. can be submitted to your new Neurologist without having "his" name on it.  I would make photocopies of documents that white out his name (put a piece of paper over his name, small and temporarily tape it when making photocopies).  The new Neurologist is going to need to see these tests and know the current DMD you are on.

I realize you may feel you are going to start all over again, but you already have a diagnosis and you are on a DMD. You want to keep your current course and have the new Neurologist to do "right" by you.  You need a competent Neurologist.  

Finding one that accepts your insurance and is relatively not in the next state is going to be a tough I'm sure, but when it comes to your health, it will be worth the effort.  Do not settle for anything less.  

I would go as far to say that any new Neurologist you acquire and is informed that you were unhappy with your prior Neurological services and/or practices that were unethically and morally wrong, would NOT hold that against you if they themselves do the right thing by their patients.  If you're doing right by your patient, without falsifying medical documentation and billing insurance for exams that were not performed, you have nothing to worry about.  Right?

If the shoe was on the other foot with the Neurologist and had lesions on their brainstem, spine, etc. being treated with a DMD and was told if the next MRI results are negative without new lesions that he would be taken off the DMD -- you bet your bottom dollar he would seek professional help elsewhere.  He wouldn't want his disease to progress, that is the main reason why you are on the DMD.  And its working!!!

I wish you luck in your search for a new Neurologist.  I don't know if you have a MS support group in your area where you can ask around to find someone suitable for you.

I'll be interested in the call back from the hospital and would want to know what measures they have taken for his unprofessional behavior.

love and hugs to you Kelly belly


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429700 tn?1308007823
My neurologist would think that that neurologist was incredibly incompetent and would take you on as a patient in a heart beat.  I know that because he didn't have kind words to say about my first neurologist that apparently didn't have a clue as to what he was doing with a patient who had MS.  Good neurologist aren't afraid to take on patients that have corrected the paperwork in their folders to reflect actually what is going on.  

What if you got a symptom on a different side of the body?  It could have been dealt with differently when looking at the records.  It may have been thought to be the same symptom returning--not a relapse.  No aggressive treatment . . . I guess you already know this because you were the person to have your records straightened out!  LOL

Don't sweat this.  I see your concern, and I'm not saying I wouldn't fee the same way, but looking at it from an outsider's stance, I think that you shouldn't be too worried.  Someone mentioned getting good recommendations for a new neurologist.  This is great.  Listen to that person carefully to see what type of neurologist they are.  This should help settle some fear, too.


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1207048 tn?1282174304
I am sorry you had to go through that, but I'm so glad you are standing up for yourself! I hope that your next neuro is a much better fit for you!
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198419 tn?1360242356
What a crock, but I too think it's a blessing in disguise.
Kell, I sure hope you get a better neuro this time around. Any good one knows (or even partially good) that halting progression is the job of the DMDs! How great it is that you are among those who are receiving the benefits. What a nit.

Glad you didn't have to run from him yourself - he's not worth it. I too think insurance shouldn't have to pay for false exams and testing.

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Wow,, Good for you for getting the heck away from him. He reminds me of my first neuro. When I asked for the copies of my reports, he charged me $25.00. Then as I was reading over them, I noticed that in two of his reports one stated I was left handed and the other stated I was right handed.
Then in another report, he wrote that I did not have any problems with my speech, when in fact, that was why I was there, I was slurring my speech!! He was crazy!! There was more, but I will not go into all of it.
Needless to say, he is out of my life, and soon to be my neuro that I have now will be gone too.  I am biding my time, and waiting to hear from my endo. and family doc. to get me into NIH. I hope I can get in. And,.... I am still looking for a new neuro. in my area.

Good luck Kelly, and I can tell you are a nice person just from how you respond and help others. I was always perceived as being too nice. I was actually told by someone that my "niceness is a sign of weakness" because I was so sensitive to how people treat me and view me. I am still nice, but I will not hesitate anymore to speak my mind if need be!!

I will be waiting to see your post about how you found an awesome doc!!!!!
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Thanks everyone - I can feel a great big virtual hug around me right now and it feels great.

I know I'll find another neuro that's good. Today I'm going to a Shared Solutions luncheon conducted by a neuro who's the founder of the MS Center of Southern Colorado. She is a potential candidate. I'm going to talk to some of the people there to see how they like her as their doctor. At least she's not an hour and a half to two hours away from me.

It's not too much to ask for the doctor to do the right thing. Both of my parents had their lives shortened from doctors carelessness or hospital mistakes and an aunt that died from circumstances like that, too. I realize the importance of having a PRESENT doctor. I know that every one of us deserves to have one.  

Thanks everyone!  
Kelly :-)
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352007 tn?1372857881
Mwah!!!! You go girl!
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1475492 tn?1332884167
Hey girl, I noticed similarities on my chart notes as well. The information didn't match what was tested or my concerns correctly. My old PCP and he stated every visit that he did an examination. There was only ONE examination over the course of three months, that was my initial one. Similar things with my PCP.

It's sad that we need to be advocates for ourselves and review everything the doctor's are charting and the tests ourselves. I am confident there were abnormalities missed on my MRI because my Neuro did not care to review them himself. My Neuro's lack of due diligence was so significant that my CT scan picked them several questionable areas of low density consistent with demyelination and recommended a MRI that he missed. He told me my CT scan was perfect!  When I received a copy of the report and saw that... I questioned MS and he then said, "Hmmm, your symptoms are atypical for MS but we can't rule it out so we should take a look at getting that MRI."  (As a side note: my twitching and myoclonus were what he was speaking about. He stated that is atypical for MS.)

That is when I made an appointment for a second opinion but even THAT Neuro did not review the MRI himself unless you can review 600 imagines in 7 minutes?  lol ~

I became extremely discouraged by all this but the friends I have here have encouraged me to continue my search. Hang in there. You are not alone. Big hugs. :)
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I'm glad you are continuing on your search. I've had similar experiences with my old neuro, and him not looking at my MRIs himself either. If he had, I'm sure I would have been diagnosed a lot sooner. Yeah, we definitely have to keep an eye on them.

We'll get through this....   :-)
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Kelly, this is the same neuro we've been saying needed to go, right?  It still hits a raw spot when they dump us first.  The facts still remain the same, though.

You need a new neuro who can get the facts straight, be honest with you whether you like what is said or not, and who gives you confidence that you are getting the best care possible.

Eveyrone is right about the close ranks of neuros, though. Be sure to find your new one before you make too big of waves.

hugs, Lulu
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Thanks for the advice Lu. Yes, this is the one I had talked about previously.
Maybe it's lucky that the hospital hasn't returned my call, yet, when I called and left a voice mail to make a complaint about him then?

I think I may try to go to the neuro I spoke with at the Shared Solutions luncheon yesterday.

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1421489 tn?1285525635
Am glad the Shared Solutions neuro sounds promising. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it all works out well (which it will do :) )
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1382889 tn?1505071193
So sorry girl!  You have had more than your fair share of doodoo lately.

I would take it as a sign that the universe is telling you that you need a new neuro.  We all agreed after his last recommendation that you ditch him, now I guess even he agrees!

Please pursue filing a complaint against him. Something needs to go in his file that says he is a major loser.

As always, we will be rooting for you. Keep us informed of your next step.

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Jep & Julie, thank you.
Hope you're having a good weekend.
Kelly :-)
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What is up with these neuros taking diagnosis (I don't know how to make that word plural) away and taking people off of meds that are working? He wanted to take you off of meds because there were not progressions of leisions! Um..HELLO! That's the goal! No new lesions. We are taking the meds so that we don't get worse.

Good luck with the new neurologist. Hopefully that relationship will be much better!
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Thanks for wishing me luck. At least this new neuro doesn't do MRIs as often. She said she likes to do them every 2 yrs, unless somethings up.  He was doing them every 3 months, then switched to every 6 months.

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1045086 tn?1332126422
I'm glad to hear you have lined up a potential candidate for your vacant neuro position.  I've found in recent years that I have a definite preference for female physicians.  I know it isn't a universal truth but I am finding them easier to communicate with and less hurried.  I truly help this works out for you.

Its crazy how we have to worry about a diagnosis being taken away, especially one we so didn't want to have in the first place.  Nobody ever questions the other diagnoses I write on a history.  Too bad we can't require removal of symptoms too if the MS diagnosis gets thrown out.

Good riddance to the old guy Kelly.  He was never a prize but it seems he took a sharp downward turn once you asked for information about disability.  THAT was good to know beforehand.

Do you have enough scripts to keep yourself treated until you're established with the lady doc?

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Hi Mary, Thanks for your input. I think I tend to like going to female physicians/medical providers, too.

I have about 3 1/2 months supply of Copaxone before I run out. And the Baclofen and Vesicare just were renewed for another year. The Amantadine I have almost 3 months worth. I'm not sure how far out she is with appts. My old-old neuro had a 7 month wait, and his PA was a 4 month wait.

I called to set-up a new appt with the new neuro. I'm waiting for a call back, since the scheduler needs to get permission from the neuro, before she's allowed to set-up any new patients with her. It's a good thing I already spoke to her about it on Friday at the lunch.

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1312898 tn?1314568133
Hi Kelly,  I'm so sorry to hear how all of this came to be.  This doctor has let you down in so many ways,  yet the 'dumping' is horrible.  There has to be a way for you to get closure on this situation.  I don't know how they do this with a clear conscience.  

I also like female docs, they do spend more time talking and listening.  

I am hoping and praying you find a great doc that will treat you with respect, monitor your meds and approve you for disability.

You deserve all of these things Kelly!!


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