645390 tn?1338555377

Is this a relapse, or just heat related?

Have an MS question here, still learning about the suckiness of it all.

It is hot here, my AC is broke, hubby out of town since last weekend, will be back this Saturday. All my 4 boys r playing baseball, don't ask, a nightmare. Plus, a baseball went though my kitchen window yesterday morning, and I did find yet another use for duct tape.

here is the question:

Since Sunday, I am having trouble swallowing, then numb tongue started yesterday, and now my face is on fire@! I am MAD. The face pain, has always been my most dreaded symptom, the pain can get intolerable.

So, I call the neuro yesterday, spoke with the idiot nurse. She asks if I have a urinary infection...she ALWAYS asks me that when I call. I told her NO.

I did tell her I have been sitting outside everyday and night at baseball games, in the heat. OK, she says they will send me a script for a cooling vest. I didnt  even know what the heck that is, so looked on line and got the picture. Will this help??

Is this a relapse, or can the heat bring these symptoms on?? and if I get cool will they go away? I have had these symptoms the beginning of April, was really sick, did the steroid thing and did get better.

I DONT want the steroids again, so, if I get cool, with these things go away?? Is this not a relapse and just brought on my heat?

Sorry so many questions, just trying to figure this "new and not improved me" out.

Just not well tonight, and I would appreciate any thoughts,


5 Responses
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645390 tn?1338555377
Thanks also for the comment. I am trying to cool off. I am going to bed now , naked, and have the fan on. Sorry TMI. Hopefully no kids will wake up in the middle of the night and get traumatized by their mother!

So thanks for the cooling off theme here. Guess the heat is making me agitated as well, or perhaps I can just blame the heat?!

Ok, goodnight,


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645390 tn?1338555377
Thanks. I do hope this is a pseudo-relapse. I have had all these symptoms before, with the trigeminal neuralgia being the worst.

I know the nurse is supposed to ask about the UTI. I am just a bit on the crabby side, and feel "bothered" by lots of things these days.

I will try to stay cool, physically AND emotionally too...

Thanks again,


By the way, I just read you couch journal. I know EXACTLY what you are talking about, I have the same relationship with my lazyboy chair in my bedroom. I feel so validated after reading that. Thanks, SO much.
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The cooling vest won't hurt - good for your doctor to rx one for you to try.  Your symptoms may be a pseudo-exacerbation.  The underlying problems are always there and when you have something such as stress or heat introduced, they flare and become obvious.  

I you don't get relief in a few days , call the doctor again.

And the UTI question is very legit - the infection can cause fever and inflammation and a flare of symptoms.

cool off,
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562511 tn?1285904160
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562511 tn?1285904160
It must be distressing for you having all these symptoms.  Obviously the heat is your enemy.  Take frequent cool showers to keep your core body temperature down.  A cooling vest can help a lot when you have to be out in the heat.  Whether these new symptoms will disappear when you cool off.....time will tell.  You could be having a relapse.

If these symptoms you describe are "old" you could be having a pseudo-relapse.  This may or not be the case for you.  The nurse is not off-base asking about a UTI - some folks have them and are not aware of it.  This is particularly true if there are urinary issues.  I don't know if it's true for you but some MS'ers restrict their fluids to avoid running to the restroom frequently.  This becomes a ripe environment for a UTI.

Stay cool and most likely your symptoms should decrease.   Be well.  
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