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405614 tn?1329144114

Whine tasting, anyone?

I'm kind of miserable right now, and it's my fault, but I needed to do as much as I did, but boy am I paying for over-doing it!

Fluffy and I've been staying at my best friend's townhouse for quite some time, as my building has some unsavory neighbors and is in a poor air quality though trendy and cool neighborhood.

We've been having a lot of snow, wind,  and below-freezing temperatures, and the forecast keeps coming up with more.  My roommate had been staying  in my apartment, so that she could get to work more easily; she could hop a bus two blocks from my apartment that would take her right to the building where she works if the roads become to dangerous to navigate.

Yesterday she called and said that the forecast was too bad, I needed to pack up my stuff and Fluffy, and she would come out and get us and bring us into town.  I had planned on coming in during Christmas week as her family is coming up from CA and some probably would stay with her, but she decided that there was a narrow window to get me in, and it was yesterday.

I packed everything up, hauled things up and downstairs, vacuumed, etc. Then I went out and checked out the driveway.  She lives at the bottom of a steep hill in a condo community, and the only way out is up.  The road up was partially cleared, barely passable, but the drive from there to her condo (on the end) was a sheet snow packed into solid ice, with some of the fluffy snow still drifting around.

When the sun warmed things over 20 degrees, I went out with a shovel and a rake, and cleared some of the snow and ice so she could manuever when she got there, and we wouldn't fall on our bottoms when loading the car.  I chopped, raked and shoveled, then helped her load the Subaru when she got there.  We made it into town as the temperature was dropping and I-5 south came to a stand-still; luckily we were going north.

We unloaded all the stuff, hauled it up to my 3rd floor apartment, (Fluffy first, of course), then tried to organize things somewhat.  We ate at an Indian restaurant a block away, and though it was barely 8 pm, we were both so tired that we just went to bed.  I was going to blow up an Aerobed in the living room, but we were all so tired that we fit in my queen sized bed, Fluffy in the middle.

Fluffy thought it was pretty cool, and intermittently throughout the night tried to wake one of us, which ended up waking both of us.

I woke up aching and woozy, needing to get my rx of Provigil, and rode the street car down to my pharmacy and back.  I wanted to stop and get my allergy vials and maybe some groceries, but there was no way.

Holy guacamole; I just took my temperature and it is 102.1.  I think it's about time to get the sinus infection i've been fighting off checked out, if they can fit me in.

I won't wait for anyone to tell me to call; I'm posting this and then calling the Advice Nurse at my doctor's office.

Wish me well,

9 Responses
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405614 tn?1329144114
Thanks, i am feeling somewhat better today, and my temperature is back into the low-grade range.

I still ache all over, and am having a hard time walking.  I hope I just overdid it with the packing and snow-shoveling and stuff, and am not going to have a full-blown flare.

It snowed beautifully this morning, but is warm enough that the sidewalks and roads are mostly clear.  I would love to walk to the store and buy a few things, but I'm not sure if I'm up to it.  I guess I can bundle up, and if I can't keep going the 5 blocks to Trader Joe's, I can take a walk around the block.  Actually, there's a store called City Market on the next block, but it is REALLY expensive.

I'd like to go to Fred Meyer, which is about 12 blocks each way, but I think I'd have to take a bus to do that.  I remember when I could do that, take my groceries home, then walk down to the gym and work out.  And not the gym that's 12 blocks the other way, but the one downtown!  Or walk downtown to do some Christmas shopping.  

Wonko misread the Whine in the title of this post as wine, and was confused when there was nothing about wine in the post!  I guess how I feel could be like if I'd drank too much wine, but I haven't drank since 1986 or so.  

Let's break open a figurative bottle of wine and all of us sit around and laugh and feel care-free!  

OK, I'm going for a walk in the sunshine!  I may even be able to do some Christmas shopping at Trader Joes; I think it's bad form to give out I.O.U s for Christmas...

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Hi Kath,

Oh sweetie, I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope things are better today.  I'm with you on the sinus infection, mine has been around since Oct!!  I'll think it's gone and then it lets me know it isn't....hahahaha

What's this about wine?  One sip and I would be out like a light, but the company sure sounds fun!!!!

Let us know how you're doing, honey.  I'm sending you lots of hugs and prayers for you to feel better.

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K- you may be surprised that you feel immensely better after starting the antibiotics.  Sinus infections can wear on you and drag you down without you even being aware of the severity of the problem.

Here's hoping you feel better soon and the snow doesn't linger long!
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405614 tn?1329144114
Julie, I had some chicken veggie barley soup that I had thawed out from my supply in the freezer; when I feel up to it, I cook and freeze the leftovers!  A cup of tea sounds like a good idea, too.

Fluffy is doing fine, though I left him on his cat tree while I went to get my meds, forgetting that I had moved it over and he couldn't jump off without running into a file cabinet (he only has 3 legs, so he's not as agile as your average cat).  When I got him down, he went and hid under the bed.  Bad mommy!

Moki, thanks for the laughs; you can share wonko's carafe of wine.  The vision of you driving in white-out conditions - yikes!  Even back when I felt really well, I avoided driving in the snow.  I guess you can't really avoid it, though, now can you?  Maybe you can come down and teach me to drive in the snow; the somewhat vision-impaired leading the dizzy, tired, and shaky!  

Did I mention that i'm cold intolerant and my feet would be cramping?  Maybe we should skip the driving lessons, lol.

My  PCP only called in a Z-pak; a five-day treatment of 250 mg. Azithromycin.  I've been trying to kill off this sinus infection for months; I would think that a longer stronger dose would be in order.  I see her on the 22nd, so I'll discuss it with her then.

I've taken my first dose, am going to relax and take it easy (skip my physical therapy exercises), tee hee.  I had to cancel several PT appointments because of the weather.  I'll go back to doing the exercises when I'm feeling a little better.  Honest, I will!


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281565 tn?1295982683
Heehee, I too missed the H. I'm with Wonko, where's the vino. haha

I'm sorry you had such a rough day. Wow, I'm sure it took a lot out of you and I'm sure that is what got your sinus infection rocking. That was way too much to do in one day and I hope you don't suffer to much from it.

I'm glad that your getting some meds for it and that your temp has dropped some. Here's hoping that it keeps dropping till normal.

We too are having awful weather, so I can sympathize with you on that. Some of my drives into work and home have been down right scary. Then again I probably shouldn't drive when it's that bad with my eyesight not so good but hey in a white out, who can see anyways. heehee

Hope your feeling better real soon so you can enjoy the holidays.
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559187 tn?1330782856
Oh, Kathy, you are really in a pickle.  Good intentions though you may have had to get the snow shoveled now you really are paying the price.  I am so sorry about the fever and all.  I hope the antibiotics will kick in quickly so you don't have to suffer long.  How is Fluffy faring?  If I lived closer, I'd come over and make some soup and hot tea.  Take care of yourself and Fluffy too.

Lots of hugs,

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405614 tn?1329144114
I haven't heard back from my doctor's office yet, but I called my pharmacy and they were faxed a Rx for some antibiotics for me, which they are filling now.  

My roommate is trying to get finished at work so she can drive me down to the pharmacy so I don't have to take public transit again.

The good news is that although it snowed a fair amount, the temperature is above freezing, so the roads are pretty safe for now.  Oops, the temp is back down to 34 outside, it may start freezing up again before too long.

Oh, and my temp has dropped some, too.

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405614 tn?1329144114
Sorry about that; I owe you a carafe of wine!

I'm waiting for the advice nurse to call back after talking to my doctor.  I may just pick up a rx of antibiotics, since this sinus issue has been going on for quite some time.  Or, she may want to see me, but can't fit me in until tomorrow, and the possibility of freezing rain might interfere with that.

I'm wearing myself out thinking and typing!  i'm turning off the computer, going to lie down with my phone next to me, and wait for what happens next.

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428506 tn?1296557399
I'm such a dork!  I didn't see the "h" in your title and kept waiting for you to get to the part about the vino!

My gullibility aside, whew!  What an adventure!  Let us know when the fever breaks, and get some rest!
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