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Your Help is Needed - Campaign for Rita's Tattoo!!!

Cosmobirdy started a post about tattoos  here this week - the thread is at


I have already sent an Email to LaINK about her wish, and hope that more of you will join me in writing to them.  

If we could get Rita's  dream tatt done, and the story of MS out there in a combination - that would be great!!!

Please jump in and help to let LAink's casting group know that we think this is an excellent idea by sending them an email.  We have so many excellent writers here, this is a chance to use those powers of persuasion for a very good cause.

Unfortunately MH won't let us post email addresses on this open form, but you can get their email address through  their website -


If you have problems or a question, drop me a PM.

Also, do me a favor and help to keep this post bumped up for a few days so everyone gets a chance to read it and respond.  

BTW - if you had a tattoo done to symbolize MS, what would it be?    Give it some thought and share it here if you wish!  I'll tell you mine in a bit.


39 Responses
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620048 tn?1358018235
Okay, Lulu ..i sent my note to them, even though I am not a good writer, i just made it short . Its hard when words won't come to you.

I think its important for Rita and for MS ..we should all write something and send it.  Its fun too and it would be so exciting.

thanks, meg

P.S.  Has DJ left yet, do you know?
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923105 tn?1341827649
Hi Laura,

First off who is LAinks??

I have read Rita's post about having a tatoo, I really imo can't see a problem with it, as long as it's done properly.

As for me I would have the Welsh Dragon on my ankle.  I am Welsh, and proud of it!!

Now it's your turn Laura, where's yours???

I really can't see the problem here - so maybe it's just me being dumb:/ ??

We have just one life:/ so lets make the most of it hey girls??


Debs xxxxxxx

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923105 tn?1341827649
Bump ;)))
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294425 tn?1288528395
Oh Lulu....

How amazing ARE you???  :)  To you and anyone else who ends up trying to help with this - "thank you" just wouldn't be enough for me to even begin to say.  When I posted this thread originally, I didn't anticipate so many cool responses from my initial question about tattoos ... and now, to even be able to THINK about this dream.... WOW is all I can say!  

I have to say, the LA Ink dream has been a HUGE one of mine for a while, ever since I started to watch the show.  (I just never really have shared the dream with many people, because it was always something that seemed so far out of reach).  I have always found tattooing to be such a unique art form, and I've always loved art and creativity.  I draw and sketch on my own, but I don't think I'm not all that good ... I've never had the privelege of taking art classes or anything - it just brings me alot of joy to try to create things, if that makes any sense.... :)

Oh, and I mentioned this all to my Mom when I was talking to her this morning - ....remember, she never used to be for tattoos at all, but she thinks I should go ahead and get this one if I get the opportunity and it won't compromise my health at all, since it has so much personal meaning to me ... but I found out she actually WATCHES LA Ink sometimes, lol!  

She knew who Kat is, and how good of a heart Kat and Corey and the other artists there seem to have ... Now, my Mom is 75, and if you knew her, she's the last one you'd think of to have even HEARD of the show, let alone watching it and knowing who the people on it are, lol!  And here she is, thinking it is such a cool idea!

Who knows... if I ever had the privelege of this actually working out, what a cool way would it be for God to use me to help get the word out and raise some more awareness of MS with the general public - which is something else I am always trying to do in whatever small ways I can, just like all of you, I'm sure... :)

And I can't WAIT to hear what some of you would design, if you got a tattoo to somehow represent YOUR journey with MS .... :)  I've said it before and I'll say it again... my "family" here just ROCKS!!  

Bye for now,
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294425 tn?1288528395
Hi Debs .... :)

How have you been doing??  I hope all is well, and that you were able to make your treatment decisions that you had been struggling with, and that you have peace about them ... :)

I asked the original question about tattoos, because it used to be that they didn't like you to get MRIs if you had tatts ... some of them have a type of ink in them that can heat up in the magnet and it can be very uncomfortable.  We all get so many MRI's (or at least I do, lol - just had to get another one last week), so I obviously didn't want to chance doing something that would cause problems with such an important aspect of monitoring my treatmet.

I also had asked because I wondered if anyone's neuro had been against getting one after being diagnosed, for any kind of health risks or reasons.  But I think if I go to a place that uses good sterile technique, it wouldn't be any riskier than getting in my car and getting on the highway, lol!

As far as LA Ink, it's a TV show here in the states, on The Learning Channel.  It's kind of a reality show ... they show the interactions and squabbles of the personnel who work there, but they also show some of the tattoos they do, and why they are special to the people who get them.  And these are truly tattoo ARTISTS - the work they do is just beautiful and amazing!

Talk to ya later,

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923105 tn?1341827649
Hiya Rita,

Never peace:/ there's always something around the corner waiting for us:/ One day good the other - well you know what I mean !

I'll go and check on the TV channel you mentioned, I was a bit confused on what it all about.

I hope you are doing well, my emails STILL keep on coming back to me as undelivered - "big sigh"!!!

I have so much to tell you, but maybe  we can PM instead??

Like I said, got go for it girl. I would have the Welsh Dragon :))))  

Miss you,

Debs xxxxx
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1216899 tn?1288570325
I'll get something written up for them later tonight, I believe it would be a great story. Great idea Lulu.
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294425 tn?1288528395
Thank you for anything you are willing to do for me, even though we have never even "met" yet!  I really appreciate you being willing to take the time to help me with my dream... you know, even tho it is still far fetched, it is fun to have something like this to think about.... :)  

What a cool way would this be to help get awareness of MS out to some more people, too!!  And even if it never pans out into anything, at least maybe the show will get some new fans, so everyone wins in the end anyway!  (BTW, I'm in OH, too - I don't know where Ada is, but I'm in Southwest OH.)

Have a great evening!
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I think if you head north on I-75 and take an exit up around the Lima area and head east you will run into Ada.  Am I close to right, Johnny?

Maybe when you get that tattoo you and I will take a road trip north to show it off.

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1216899 tn?1288570325
That's exactly right L. I was just in Dayton a week and a half ago, at the bariatric center, It's just about an 1-1/2 hour drive.

RIta, no need for thanks here, it is my pleasure to be involved. A tattoo can be a very intimate experience, and it is most definitely a tag of permanence that signifies something that holds a semblance of meaning to you. Sometimes a tattoo is for show, just to be cool, but most people I know that have them, myself included, have a very personal story that their tattoo reflects. So, like I was saying, it is my pleasure to somehow, no matter how little of an involvement, see that you can accomplish this feat.

Best of luck with this outcome, I'm getting excited to see if it is a possibility. I also have some friends that are very well established airbrush artists. I'm going to pick at them to see if they may be able to help get a foot in the door, hehe.

Have a great week!
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294425 tn?1288528395

Thanks for telling me where Ada is - and if we pull this off, I think we will DEFINITELY have to take a road trip up there, lol!!

Again, thank you for all your kindess and help ... and for understanding how much this would mean to me.  You said that you also know some well established airbrush artists, so if this doesn't pan out with LA Ink, maybe you could steer me to somebody else that could also do a beautiful job with my special concept ... :)  

If I end up going local, I would have to do ALOT of research and talk to alot of people - cause I just want it to look as beautiful on my body as it does in my head, you know?  You can't just walk into any old tattoo shop and get that...  Plus, the shop has to be meticulous about sterile technique - the last thing I need is a big infection while I'm on Tysabri - my poor neuro would have a heart attack, lol!!

But, again, I just want to say thanks to all of you, just for letting me dream this big right now.... :)  Winter was very hard on me in alot of ways, and it has really been uplifting to just think about this possibility, you know?  Sometimes, big dreams, even if they don't work out in the end, are good for your soul ... :)  

Laura had me write them a letter also, so I sent that this morning.  (If anyone wants to see it, let me know and I can PM it to you.)

Gotta head out to another doctor appt - talk to you all again soon... Hope each of you has a wonderful week - today is starting off sunny, so that's always nice!

Bye for now,
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751951 tn?1406632863
If you make that trip to Ada, make sure I hear about it.  It's a ways west of me, but near enough that I'd give it some serious thought.  I'm in Caledonia, which is between Marion and Galion.
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294425 tn?1288528395
Will do ... :)  If nothing else, we'll all get a lesson in Ohio geography, lol!

Later, Rita
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Now how about everyone else's dream tattoo?

When I was first diagnosed with MS the dragon metaphor was with me constantly.  It occured to me then that if I were to get a tattoo, it would have to be about letting sleeping dragons lie.  I'm not sure which quiet beast in the corner I would have permanently etched, but it would definitely be a sleeping dragon.

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294425 tn?1288528395
Hiya ... :)  Very cool tattoo idea - I had considered dragons over the years, and at one time wanted a fairy tattoo, or a guardian angel on my shoulder.  I can't wait to hear everyone else's ideas, too!

I saw my family doc today, and he thought the whole tattoo idea was cool, and that I should do it, even if it winds up being locally done.  But he really thought it was so touching that you guys were trying to get me my Big Dream to go to LA Ink .... HE'S even sending them an email about me, as is his medical assistant!  I've gone there for about 9 years now, so they know me very well, and have seen me through every step of my journey.  As I've said before, he's a very special doc, and just an awesome guy.

I also got some good intel on a place to go more locally, if the Big Dream doesn't pan out.  Now the only hurdle left is seeing what my neuro says on Friday.  I'll keep you posted ...

Thank you all again for being so kind and excited to try to help me do this - it means more than you will ever realize.... :)

Bye for now,
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Ok I have e-mailed them, I really hope you get chosen to get a tattoo Rita, I have been watching re-runs of that programme for weeks now on UK TV, also Miami Ink.

I'm not sure what I would have for my next tattoo, I  like the idea of a guardian angel and today was watching Ami at Miami Ink do a really good one.

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294425 tn?1288528395
Just wanted to thank you for your efforts on my behalf and taking the time to do that ...  I am just so humbled and honored to have such a wonderful family here!  Sounds like you already have at least one tattoo - I hear they are addictive, lol!!

Bye for now,
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751951 tn?1406632863
Not a tattoo person, myself.  I've long felt that life left enough marks on me already!   ;>D
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620048 tn?1358018235
Okay, listen up !  I just received an email back from LAInk asking where i lived and what the design is like?

So what shall I tell them now..I did tell them it was for someone else and the MS part...has anyone else heard anything?

hugs, meg
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739070 tn?1338603402
This is exciting! Sorry I can't help with the details but I'm happy for Rita!

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359574 tn?1328360424
Since you mentioned fairies, I just had to throw this one out there.  My sons have a friend who has a squished fairy on her hindquarters.  I would guess she sat on her fairy accidentally, but maybe you'd like to put your dragon or some other mean thing underneath your topside on purpose?
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294425 tn?1288528395

Hiya!  I just saw your post, and sent you a PM with a bunch of info ... :)  I can't believe they contacted you already!!

THank you just for any positive thoughts you put out there, and for being exicited about the possibilities of dreaming big ... :)

Too funny about the squished fairy!  I would have never thought of it, lol.  But at this point, I don't need anything else to draw attention to my butt, lol - I'm trying to make it smaller as it is!  :)

Bye for now,
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987762 tn?1671273328
I would not know where to start, i really cant understand the tat craze but just call me old fashioned i seriously dont mind. My daughter has one, i freaked lol she liked the symmetry of the pentecostal star, to me its a satanic symbol and i was not impressed by her choice, though now when ever i see it, i see it as a symbol of her natural innocents, pure of heart.

I like the idea of a little ying and yang symbol, surrounded by a meaningful verse in decorative script, something that sums up your spirit. I've never seen the point in words written in swarheeli, no one can read it, though i suppose you could then change what it means to suit your mood. lol

If your going to put it on your butt, what about 'turn the other cheek' or 'what are you looking at?' lol

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294425 tn?1288528395
Don't worry, I'm not going to put the tatt on my butt, lol.  What I want will be very beautiful, and very special to me - very meaningful because it represents my journey on this path with MS... all the difficulties I have made it through ... all the blessings I have received because of MS .... how my faith has increased to a level I never imagined ... and will always be a reminder, when I look at it or touch it, how God is always right beside me, each step of the way, giving me exactly what I need ... :)  (If you would like, I can PM you with the details of the exact idea in my head ... ).

It's definitely not something that I just got a wild hair about, or that I'll regret later ... because it is basically my own, special design concept, with meaning really only to me.  If it doesn't work out with LA Ink (and let's face it, that's a REALLY long shot), then I will do alot of research and find a place closer to home that can do what I want with it.  I want the flowers to be softly shaded and realisitic looking, and I want to find a tattoo ARTIST who can look at my basic design and tweak it to make it look even better, and flow even better for the area I want to place it ... :)

My mom has always been anti -tattoo (mind you, I'm 47 and she's 75, lol!), but even SHE thinks this would be a great thing, because it means so much to me and it isn't just some spur of the moment thing.  I always wanted a tattoo, but could never find the "right" one - one that had special meaning to me and that I knew I would never regret getting ... and now I have found it ... :)  

Thanks for being interested ... :)  
BYe for now,
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