147426 tn?1317265632

Zilla went to ER

Hey, everybody.  I had Dr's appointments today and came home to a phone message that 'Zilla.  She had been having increasing fatigue for the last week or so.  Today her left side became too weak to hold her up, her new internist couldn't see her.  She went to the ER, CT scan was clear for stroke.  The ER doc took a history and immediately began her on high-dose Solumedrol --THEN called her new neurologist.  First thinking was Transverse Myelitis or acute MS attack.  Then the left side of her face started to droop.  Transverse myelitis would NOT cause the facial thing.  

She has been admitted to the hospital.  She's feeling okay, still a little scared from the sudden loss of function, but relieved that she is being taken VERY seriously now.  Her neuro will visit her tomorrow.  Then we'll know any further plans.  Her husband drove in from out-of-state and is with her.  He sounds exhausted.

That's the news.

I am running short of energy myself.  I'm going to try and nap, then see if I do a few posts.  We have a lot of new people showing up, so I always appreciate your help in greeting and talking.  We have a lot of active topics right now that I really want to talk about.

Send up the prayers and thoughts for 'Zilla

42 Responses
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I pray you find a doctor that is smart enough to realize they do not know it all.That is a very dangerous doctor, one that is so smart they don't have to listen to you, they take a look and you know nothing, what ever you have to say is wasting their time.I add prayers to you both Zilla and Quix.We are the diving board that was used to help  the future be able to name this awful desease in a week. I've heard that doctors become humble when they have to go through what all of us do.Some times humble does not seem like enough. I know that is not christian like, I am sorry. When my thyroid was so very high, heart rate 156 at resting and the doc said I had a heart problem and need to go home and go only as far as the couch, lay down and don't move or I will die till she runs test the next day. The next day she wants to know what drugs I am on that the only thing wrong with me was I was a drug addict.maggiesue
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Hey Sweetie...Let's hope today is better for you and you an get back home to your loving family.  And let's hope this incident, awful as it is, will lead you to an answer.

(((BIG HUGS)))
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I missed a couple of days of the Forum because of work going on here in my home.  Just read this thread and it is very disturbing, to say the least.  Poor Momzie.  My prayers are with everyone else's for a quick recovery from this episode and hopefully some answers tomorrow. It is bad enough to go into hospital, but then to have a "snitty" doctor like the one Quix described is a double whammy.

It does seem like this is a relapsing remitting thing now, as Elaine said, but I guess we shall have to wait and see.

Thanks to Quix for letting us all know.

Marcie darcie
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147426 tn?1317265632
Yes, it did happen last spring and at that time it was both legs - a paraparesis not an arm and a leg which is a hemiparesis.  So her history is not consist with hemiplegic migraine.  This specific one-day incident is, but MS can present with hemiparesis also.

Yes, the doc on call should take the whole current history.  That doesn't mean the neuro needed to go into all that Zilla has been through this year, but it does include all the symptoms that led up to this incident!!

Yes, I'm losing confidence in the medical profession myself!

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373367 tn?1246402035
"Migraine itself is a very common disorder, occurring in 15-20% of the population. Hemiplegic migraine, be it familial or spontaneous, is less prevalent, 0.01% prevalence according to one report."

I was also "diagnosed" with this a couple of months ago.  It will be interesting to see if this doctor is so sure about this diagnosis that she backs it up with a genetic test.  The neuro I saw said it wasn't necessary..lol  Was she even having a migraine at the time this happened??  


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If Zilla comes out of this episode without a correct diagnosis, then I will lose all faith in conventional medicine.  Where does hemiplegic migraine come from and why can't a doctor take some time to listen to a patient??

Doesn't it ring a bell with anyone that Zilla had this happen to her last Spring???  Isn't that dissemination in time and space??

I hope she gets to go home tomorrow.  Maybe her internist can refer her to Univ of Michigan MS center.

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199882 tn?1310184542
I think that we should all take a minute to send prayers up for Zilla.  This worries me so much.  It's sad that it takes something like this to happen before our doctors will take us serious.  Let's just pray that this isn't anything bad and hopefully the meds. will kick in and do the trick.

Please, Quix, I know you will but let us know anything you might find out about our beloved Zilla.  When you talk to her please let her know that we are praying for her and that we love her with all our hearts.

I'll be praying,
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OH, THIS HONKS ME OFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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335728 tn?1331414412
Thanks so much for the update my dear!  Zilla must be just beside herself  being treated that way...I think that when the dr's speak to us like that though it makes us feel so bewildered that we don't think of striking back until after the fact!  It will be interesting what the LP will show and with any luck the "doctor snit" will be put in her snooty spot for a change!

My thoughts are with you Zilla and we are looking forward to having you back home again!

Lots of supportive Hugs...

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198419 tn?1360242356
What the F! What would "T" say?????????

If you talk to twinkle toes again, insist she tells those Drs that she feels horrible, can barely walk, and demand more tests to find out what the heck is wrong.  What about the drooping face! Surely someone saw that!

This is not right, not right at all.  Can her hubby speak up for her while she is there?  Those steroids will only make things better temporarily while she is there!

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338416 tn?1420045702
Definitely...  Let's hope this leads to a speedy diagnosis and quick recovery!

I've heard a statistic that doctors have a 15% rate of misdiagnosis.  That's a lot!  Even doctors that think they know what they're doing are subject to misdiagnosis.  And this batch of neurologists that Zilla has ahold of are a real treat, I'll tell you.  I feel thankful that I have a doctor who listens to me!
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281565 tn?1295982683
Thanks for the update Quix. Poor Zilla, why of all times does she have to get a snit of a neuro. No wonder she is angry. What kind of nitwit does not look at the symptoms preceding this?

Sending mega hugs and prayers to you Zilla
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382218 tn?1341181487
What is up with all those crazy doctors out there wreaking havoc with their patients' lives because they can't seem to manage their own egos?

As Zilla would say, oy.
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147426 tn?1317265632
Hi, everyone,

I just talked to Twinkle Toes.  She is still in the hospital and starting to feel a little better.  She's on her second day of steroids.  The leg and arm are a little stronger.  She can walk, but it is shuffling.  She'll get a third dose of steroids tomorrow morning.  She had an LP today for the full MS protocol.

She is being seen by the partner of her neurologist who is a real snit.  Basically this woman is saying that this whole thing is "hemiplegic migraine."  She won't consider the past stuff that 'Zilla has gone through.  She got her back up about listening to what led up to yesterday, demanding she only wanted to know what happened yesterday and doesn't care about the two weeks of fatigue and weakness that preceded it!

I'm not sure, but she might go home tomorrow.  Other than being angry at the doctor, she is better.  She sends her love and thanks to everyone!

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281565 tn?1295982683
I too thank you for letting us know about Zilla, I also hope you get some much needed rest.

My prayers are also going out to Zilla and am joining in Heather's circle. Zilla girl, we love you and pray for answers for you and a speedy recovery.

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Thanks for letting us know about Zilla and we are waiting to hear how your appointment went.

Zilla, sending you all my love and prayers and a whole truck load of hugs.  Take care of yourself and keep us up to date on what's going on.

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222135 tn?1236488221
Oh my... I will be praying my guts out for Zilla; she's such a dear friend. Very upsetting. Hopefully the face thing will be Bell's Palsy?????? My mom had it once, as did one of my sisters.  

Quix - be sure to let us know how your appt went.

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Zilla, I am so sorry that this has happened to you.  The other day you were so kind to me and I thank you.  I pray that you have a speedy recovery and I also pray that from this unfortunate event that you will get the help you need and the diagnosis you need.

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373367 tn?1246402035
I really hope and pray that she will come away from this with some well deserved answers!  Something is obviously going on and I hope that the doctors will finally be  able to diagnose her correctly.

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420469 tn?1217647363
Thank you Quix for letting us know.

I'm so glad she's being taken seriously now, but it's so unfortunate that she had to go through this. I'm guessing the face drooping would be Bell's Palsy?

I'm so glad her husband could drive in from out of state and be with her during this time. She must be so frightened, I know I would be. With any luck she'll get a diagnosis and be able to start on DMDs.

Please let her (or her husband) know we are thinking of her, if you talk to them again. And that our thoughts and prayers are with them both.

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Thank you Quix.  Great prayers on this thread; Zilla God sees the end, we don't, and this may be His way of getting you were you need to be.  Hitting my knees for you friend.  Love to you, Amy
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198419 tn?1360242356
In the circle, saying Heather's 1st prayer. . . . . Thank you Lord, Amen.
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A M E N  !  

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195469 tn?1388322888
Let's all gather round in a circle, holding hands here in cyberspace and send all of our energy and thoughts to Zilla, our special and dear friend.  She needs our strength and our prayers.  In the mean time, let's all try to help out Quix, to keep the Forum running smoothly and make sure that new members greeted quickly and compassionately.

Our prayers are also with you Quix.

My arms encircle you Zilla.  Feel our strength.  We are here for you.

Hugs beyond measure,
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