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Burning sensation in right limbs and all of head

I am a 39 yr old female.  About 10 months ago, I started having an area on the inside of my right forearm that seemed itchy/burning and it would come and go.  Then that feeling became more consistent as a burning sensation and would sometimes be on the other side of my arm spreading to the backside of my hand.  Then one day I noticed it had it on the out side of my right leg down to the top of my foot.  Several weeks later I got little patches on my scalp and face that had the same burning sensation.  The facial sensations would come and go and seem to be in different places on both sides of my face.  Also occasionally between the shoulder blades.  I also remember having a burning sensation in my scalp several years ago for a short period of time that my then Dr. said was probably allergies!
Five months ago, I went to my Dr. who tested my blood for B12, diabetes, Arthritis.  Then had a MRI of my brain contrast/non contrast that was normal.  Went to a Neurologist about 3 months ago and symptoms seemed diminished.  Head and leg were fine, just in arm below the elbow.  All physical exams have been normal for sensations and strength.
He examined the MRI and suggested a Lumbar Puncture and tests for Lyme Disease, Syphalis, and HIV.  All are negative!  Which is great, however, symptoms are getting worse again, and I am at a loss at what to do next.  This has all caused considerable stress and anxiety which has sent me to a Psychiatrist and has me taking Xanex when needed.  
Wanted to see make sure we are not missing anything!  Feel fine otherwise.  Any ideas what to do next?

43 Responses
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Hi, I have "m.s." or so they diagnosed my 6 years ago.  I personally have my doubts and still investigating lymes.  The only one consolation I can offer is to take care of your mental health, keeping your stress levels down as much as possible.  I had to find out the hard way in the last year and a half, especially the last 3 months.  I was hopitalized 2 times, the last time for 8 days as a result of stress, which has been building up for the last couple of years.  This in turn caused me to become depressed, caused an "attack".  The doctor, who took care of me in the hospital recognized my state and put me on an anti-depressant.  At first I was not too willing to take it, seeing as this might be a sign of weakness.  "Who Me?"  I've been raising 4 kids on my own for 9 years, the last 6 with my "m.s." and thought I was strong, but I realized it was o.k. to accept help in the form of this magic little anti-depressant pill.  It has started to level out my seratonin levels and I've been getting much stronger and much more optimistic than I've felt in years. Sometimes we have to acknowledge we need help.  Stress causes illness, causes stress, causes depression, causes stress, causes illness etc.  It's a vicious circle, it's up to you to interrupt it.  Take charge and ask for help, in any way.  It's ok.  This is too anyone who is scared and feeling helpless.  Don't give up.
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The common thread to most of these postings seems to be that once all the tests come back NORMAL, the medical profession then assumes it is IN YOUR HEAD, and prescribe antidepressants or else refer you to a psychiatrist.  I have "been there and done that" and  can assure you that my symptoms are very real and have drastically affected the quality of my life.  I was also prescribed EFFEXOR and took it for three days. I was dizzy enough before taking it, and it made those symptoms much worse.  I couldn't walk down the hall without getting dizzier and wanting to throw up.  I told my husband that I would much prefer to endure the pain, burning, tingling etc. before I would continue to take a drug that made me act like a zombie.

At least now my neuro has accepted the fact that I am not a neurotic anxious person, who manifests these symptoms.  He can measure the spasticity and problems with my balance and coordination and impaired gait.  However, my speech isn't always affected but when that happens I can't get the word out at all, or else repeat the first word about five times.  I never stuttered or stammered in my previous 50 plus years, so there has to be an explanation for that.  I have had a history of allergies and my ANA is elevated and I have inflammation within my body.  My fingers are always swollen and my eyelids.  

Hopefully, someday somebody will find an explanation for people afflicted with undiagnosed neurological disorders. The test results may be NORMAL, but we know what a normal lifestyle was like before all this happened.  

Usually people respond to a disease with similar symptoms, but from reading these posts, many have a cause, a previous accident, surgery, falls etc.  For those who don't have a cause, there has to be a TRIGGER somewhere to set it all off.  

When I reflect on my past health history, I can now relate that I had Bell's Palsy, Shingles, Allergies, Tonsils removed, kidney stones and repeated bladder infections, as well as contacting Chicken Pox as a newborn infant.  I am not a doctor, but my guess is that the Herpes Zoster virus has been present within my system almost from birth.  As we age, our immune system weakens and we are prone to contacting diseases much more frequently.  Any immmue related disorder usually results in the an over-active immune system, which attacks the body itself.

It would be interesting to hear from people who may aldo have had allergies, Bell's Palsy or similar immune related disorders.  Even a virus can trigger these symptoms, but not everbody is affected the same way.  That's my contribution for today.  I hope it generates some feedback.  

God Bless,
The Canadian

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A related discussion, tingling. numbness was started.
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A related discussion, Bumps in back of throat,tongue and roof of mouth was started.
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A related discussion, burning skin and goosebumps constantly was started.
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Hi, I have "m.s." or so they diagnosed my 6 years ago.  I personally have my doubts and still investigating lymes.  The only one consolation I can offer is to take care of your mental health, keeping your stress levels down as much as possible.  I had to find out the hard way in the last year and a half, especially the last 3 months.  I was hopitalized 2 times, the last time for 8 days as a result of stress, which has been building up for the last couple of years.  This in turn caused me to become depressed, caused an "attack".  The doctor, who took care of me in the hospital recognized my state and put me on an anti-depressant.  At first I was not too willing to take it, seeing as this might be a sign of weakness.  "Who Me?"  I've been raising 4 kids on my own for 9 years, the last 6 with my "m.s." and thought I was strong, but I realized it was o.k. to accept help in the form of this magic little anti-depressant pill.  It has started to level out my seratonin levels and I've been getting much stronger and much more optimistic than I've felt in years. Sometimes we have to acknowledge we need help.  Stress causes illness, causes stress, causes depression, causes stress, causes illness etc.  It's a vicious circle, it's up to you to interrupt it.  Take charge and ask for help, in any way.  It's ok.  This is too anyone who is scared and feeling helpless.  Don't give up.
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I'm experiencing, burning and tingling all over my body. IT comes and goes. I'm so scared that it might be a serious disease, like MS. Please I don't know what to do some people think it might be fibromyalgia. But the only thing I know I have a lot of stress in my life right now. And it starts while I got a fear to have a serious illness. That's why others think it might be anxiety. PLease tell what doctor I should see What test I need to get be done.

THank you. God blees all of you.
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I am so glad to hear that I am not alone in this world.  This all has been going on for 3+ years.I'vehad an mri that showed a few "NBO's" but was read neg for MS.  A subsequent Lumbar puncture that was copletely normal.  I've had every kind of blood test known to mankind.  I have pain in various parts of my body...both sides and numbnesses and tinglings in both sides of my body.  Right now my right thigh is BURNING like crazy.  I have occasional muscle twitches but no real spasms.  Have been told I have tennis elbow in left elbow and patellar femoral syndrome in my left knee.  I have fatigue and take medicine to sleep.  I DO have anxiety problems but I feel like these symptoms cause my anxiety but my doctors feel the other way around.  I should mention that I had a neuro work-up that was normal.  I've been told I have "fibromyalgia" because all of the aches and pains but I have a hard time believing all these symtoms can come from that...even though some of the lists of the FMS websites say so.  I've had one test for Lyme disease but I'm really interested in following that possibility.  I went through a bout of depression and extreme anxiety and panic b/c I thought I had MS and sometimes those old thoughts creep back in.
Anyone have any good advice???
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My MRA came back ok.  No blockages of the blood vessles in my brain stem.

Now I have a new symptom.  Yesterday evening I had sudden numbness in my lower left arm and left toes.  I then started feeling absolutely horrible.  It all lasted about an hour or so and left me feeling still weak today.  I am also noticing some problems with my speech.  Not much, but a little.

Every doctor says go to the emergency room.  Even when I had the stroke the brain scan didn't show it.  A later MRI did.  Right now I am feeling really tired of it all.  When you are ill the emergency rooms finish you off and don't often help the situation.  It seems the medical profession is better at being pill pushers than resolving problems........

Sorry I sound so negative, but I bet lots of you have felt the same as I feel today!
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Hi, I too have the tingling and burning sensations all over my body but not at any one point of time. It moves here and there and sometimes it feels very bad. Before all these, I had a severe  back ache. I went to a neurologist for an MRI and came to know that I had a C4 disc bulge which caused the back ache. I was prescribed few tablets like Myoril and went to neuro therapy for a week after which my back pain got completely cured. But I had these tingling and burning sesations at the time of my back ache. Then I checked with a physician and was prescribed to take ATARAX which gave some relief. Now I am in US and started having these sensations again. These sensations may be due to anxiety or a form of paresthesias but not sure why most people have these symtoms that are still undiagnoized. Let me know if any one of you gets a diagonized results of these sensations.

God Bless...
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I had a stroke on the left side of my brain 12/31.  After that I had continuing episodes of right side numbness of the face, leg and foot.
Last week I started having numbness or burning sensations in my head, around mouth, nose, front of lower legs and ears.  Also I had shooting electic like impulses going through my head.  Today the top/right hand side of my head was really burning.   My neurologist has said he thinks this is TIA's from the brain stem.  If so, I have had 100's!  The burning sensation seems to be getting more intense and spreading to more areas.  I am going for MRA's tomorrow.  I had most of one day symptom free but it came back very strongly the day following.
Anyone else had this?
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Hello, Before I make a comment concerning some of the things I read, let me fill you in on my burning skin episode. I am the one that it started in the left arm and moved across the back. Zytrec really helped but it has a side effect that is bothersome
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Hello, I have run across this forum and became very intrigued as I have currently several symptoms similar to many of those listed in other postings. Lately, I have been experiencing shortness of breath, accompanied by a tingling/burning sensation (numbness) on the top of my head, then moves to the back then moves to the forehead. Also sometimes around the mouth. I will occasionally get dizzy. I went to the doctor recently for a physical and explained the symptoms and he suggested I had anxiety and I should see a psychiatrist. I am trying to re-schedule with a different doctor so he/she can conduct a more thorough exam. I was diagnosed with anxiety before however, this is different than the time before. Any ideas?
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My burning skin condition is just about gone with a little discomfort left. There is some minor burning and a little pain; it is like there is some skin damage that needs to heal. Before I describe what happened let me share what worked. I took the antihistamine Zytrec but I would think any OTC one like Benadryl would do it also. What an interesting month or so; I do not wish this on anybody.

My burning skin sensation felt like sunburn but the skin was not red or hot. It felt like the skin was burning just under the surface.

I think it all started on a vacation in Florida in late February. Out of the blue I felt a sharp pain in my left arm. It felt like an insect bite but the critter was not around and the spot did not turn red. I completely forgot about this until yesterday. (Somebody else thought this conjecture is complete hooey but what happened next is real.) About two weeks ago, I started experiencing a burning sensation in that arm. It would be quite intense after dinner so I assumed it was something I ate. I initially thought it might be Niacin since that causes very similar conditions but it usually occurs on the face. However, others I have seen it over the full body. That didn't work and the pain started popping up in other places. Occasionally it would be in the same place on the right arm. Momentarily it would occur on the right jaw. I attributed that to shaving although I never had that happen before. It never really lasted anyplace else except the left arm.

Then it started growing day by day. First it went onto the left shoulder. Next it traveled across the shoulders. It extended down the right arm. Over the weekend it went up the neck and down to the middle of the back. It was worse at night. I do not know if it is related but I got the sweats and sometimes the chills.

What I find odd is that the pain stayed on areas that could be attributed to sunburn. It never went under the arm or to the chest area. I do not think it has anything to do with the sun since I stay covered up. Secondly, why so late after returning from Florida?

All I know is that it looks like it going away after taking the antihistamine. Right now it is basically back to the left arm. Hopefully by tomorrow it will be gone completely.

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I have had numbness and tingling in my left hand which only included my "pinky" finger. During my last pregnancy the pain began to include my left elbow. Bumping or touching my elbow at times would set off a pain that would bring tears to my eyes. When I gave birth to my son I explained the symptoms to a nurse who was quick to say, "Carpal tunnel" which sometimes goes away after the baby's birth. Well my elbow got better, then symtoms came back. Now I have the burning in both my feet. It seems to travel straight down from each big toe. Describing the pain to others is hard. It feels like the skin is being overstretched, or maybe a muscle ripping and causing a burning sensation. When I sit on the floor I have to be careful not to touch the floor with the top of my feet, it is painful!! And something I have noticed recently, when I take a shower my skin shows a red splotchiness right where the pain is on each foot. The pain in my feet is constant but the pain in my hand and elbow comes and goes. It may stay for months and then disappear for a while. I have been to my chiropractor and it hasn't helped. I don't know where to start with doctors because I had trouble a few years back and spent thousands on test after test like others are reporting.
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My husband has had these Burning Sensations as well.  He has had every test and he is normal.

I have been researching the net and a lot of people have the same symptoms.  And it seems everyone has had the same test and they to came out normal.

On this site I came across something I have not explored before which is Aspartame.  Trying to cut down on sugar and salt, we eat a lot of low sodium and sugar free products.  After looking at the products many of the sugar free items have Aspartame.  Several web sites say Aspartame is toxic.

Could the Burning Sensation be a toxic reaction?

So my question to everyone is - How many of you consume Sugar Free items that have Aspartame?

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Hello:  I have many symptoms for quite awhile. I am seeing a
Dr. soon. I just wanted to mention that I was on a blood pressure medication simular to Benicar. I was then put on Benicar. One of the side effects of these type B/P meds is sinusitis. Besides tingling in feet and red feet and hands I would get horrible sinusitis. I finally figured it out as at that
time this was not listed as a side effect.  I contacted the drug
company myself and they told me I was not crazy.  I had never in
my 65 years had sinusitis and with the B/P med had had it 6 times
that year. I had taken it for almost 2 years when this started to happen.  That is when another Dr. put me on Benicar with the
same result.  There was no rebound hypertension with the other drug so in testing I would go off the med, get cleared up and try it again with the same result. That is when I contacted the
drug company.  I have tried to take the Benicar and just can't. I thought this might help you. I have always had problems taking most medications.
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Good morning, finally a place where people have the same symptoms as me, mine all started back in July, started with bladder problems which went away, then the tingling started, which i am still having, could be any part of my body, all this started after my Mother died, been to several doctors, last was a neurologist, did some tests, said he dose not think it is ms, because the tingling is jumbing all over, thinks it is hyperventilation syndrome from my breathing which is caused from anxiety, i could sure use some advice, thanks?
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Good morning, finally a place where people have the same symptoms as me, mine all started back in July, started with bladder problems which went away, then the tingling started, which i am still having, could be any part of my body, all this started after my Mother died, been to several doctors, last was a neurologist, did some tests, said he dose not think it is ms, because the tingling is jumbing all over, thinks it is hyperventilation syndrome from my breathing which is caused from anxiety, i could sure use some advice, thanks?
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Hi, Just found this site while seeking a solution to my problem.
I, too have a burning sensation of the skin, my being located mainly in the inner thighs and pubic area, with sometime a pulling feeling of the skin in that area.  I can also get random burning/tingling anywhere on my body.  I have had this for many years and it seems to be brought on by stress.  I have tried to explain to doctors that the tingling feels like if you were in a shower and a drop of cold water hit your face.  

The stress was brought on by the death of my father-in-law on 1/26 and my husband not dealing with it very well, sometimes drinking and then being verbally abusive to me.  Also my college age daughters feel we are putting them in the middle when we argue.

I wish I do how to cope with this burning, because it is 24/7, only getting relief when I sleep.  Because I feel it the minute I wake up, it is constantly consuming me.  I do not have any rashes, just this burning, pulling sensation of the skin.  It also makes me feel like I have no control over it, because I feel very edgy and confused and can not even relax when I am wating TV.  When I don't have these sensations, I can be a very relaxed person who enjoys life.  What are my alternatives regarding going back to a doctor.  Sometimes I feel embarrassed talking about this as I feel they all think it is in my mind, which it probably is and is triggered by stress.  If anyone can help, I appreciate your response.
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Hello.  I this is my first time here.  I was surprised, scared and releived to have read everyone's comments.  I have recently been experiencing these symptoms.  I was first diagnosed with a anxiety, panic disorder.  However, I feel that these sensations are different.  The extremities of the tingliness in the head, face, eyes, ears, legs and arms just doesn't seem like they are related to stress or anxiety.

I have a doctors appt tomorrow so to hopefully rule out MS, LYME Disease, Brain Tumors...(YIKES).

But what tribal_girl said -  2 comments up - about Candida is something I had heard before.  It is a yeast that lives in our bodies that may overgrow.  The typical modern diet, antibiotics, medications, birthcontrol helps sustain the growth.  It appears to be a cause of numerous problems in our health.

I'd like to know more about your candida treatment.  I read that your symptoms have drastically improved.  Could you possible shed some more light for us.

Thank you to everyone for their comments.  It really helps to know that you are not alone!
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My burning started in my feet about one year ago..It is periodic and episodic.Last month I started to have the same sensation in my head.It comes and goes.I was taken off HRT about one year ago so BINGO to the idea of menopause related.I also have an ongoing struggle with the herpes virus and am taking valtrex.I have family members who struggle with serious SHINGLES.My father, (other side of family) has serious neropathy and takes huge amts of neurontin, 1600mg daily to manage the pain. Recently his dose was decreased because of dementia like symptoms, with improvement noted in his thinking.Neurontin is also used to treat depression and mood disorders. On the Psych ward we see large doses needed to manage symptoms.I don't recommend it as a first defense for mental illnesses but in reasonable doses for neurological pain.My neurological signs are good so I don't feel I need an indepth workup unless the symptoms worsen.
Overview:Rule out menopause related. Rule out herpes/chickenpox virus related. I appreciate the input on LYME disease. My backyard is wooded and I'm an avid camper so I'm interested in getting that ruled out. I would encourage all to avoid narcotics and habit forming antianxiety medications.Antidepressants are a reasonable approach and can be taken safely with out risk for addiction.
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Its quite possible that some of you might have suffered a mild stroke which is causing these symtoms I had a brain stem stroke 5 years ago which left me with a number of problems one of which was a burning sensation down my left side mainly on the forearm and leg, some numbness in both feet and some burning on the right side of the face and numbness as well if rain hits my face it is very painfull I was perscribed gabapentin (neurotin) for my headaches but as a previous writer has pointed out the dose may need to increase with use.
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help. am 80yrs old. ever since (i think) i had teeth pulled, i have had dry and burning lips. dr thinks maybe a nerve was damaged during this. i use chap stick every 2 hrs or sooner because my lips get dry and start burning and tingling. i would have surgery to correct this if possible. dr states nothing can be done. any coments will be appreciated.
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