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Removal of Entire Ovary?

Hi All.  I recently had a pelvic ultrasound and was found to have what the doctor said was most likely a dermoid cyst on my left ovary.  She was very blunt about it so I was in shock, and to top it off, she told me that I would require surgery to remove the entire ovary since the cyst was covering most of it and to try and remove just the cyst could result in the cyst bursting and causing more damage.  I am only 28 and have not had children yet.  The doc assured me that as long as I have one ovary, I will be able to conceive, but I'm just worried that taking my entire ovary is a little extreme.  What do you all think?  I recently found out from a cousin that cysts run in the family, and based on others' experiences, I think I may have had cysts that have burst in the past (severe pain lasting a short time and then feeling ok).  I think I am going to get a second opinion on all of this, but any help or insight is appreciated!!!
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I had to have my entire ovary removed due to a 5cm simple cyst taking over the inside of my ovary and there was no safe way to remove it without risking me hemmoraging. It really hasnt been too bad recovery wise, a lot better than i expected. With it being dermoid, if they dr is concerned that there is no safe way to remove it without there being more damage than that may be the best option. Ive found most doctors to be blunt about it. If you feel like getting a second opinion by all means do so if it will ease your mind about the doctors diagnosis. But dont wait too long to have it removed. Dont want to risk it.

I'm 22 and have no children and would like to. it might not be easy, but it can still be possible to have children with only one ovary. From joining this site and reading a lot it seems quite a few women have successfully gotten pregnant and had healthy babies with only one ovary.
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1548028 tn?1324612446
A second opinion is always okay and your dr. should take no offense to this.  Women can still conceive with one ovary.
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Hi There,

I have a suspected 10cm dermoid inside my left ovary, orginally this was drained (long story shouldnt have been, but it was) its now 7cm, and was due to be removed 11th January, until I found out I was pregannt.  I am now having it removed in 3 weeks when its a safer time for the baby, I dont want to leave it in until the end of my pregancey because of the risk of twisting of the ovary, bursting, and even less risk malignancy.  

My Gyno orginally said he would try and save the ovary, but due to the size and the fact it has completely took over my ovary, he said it would be highly unlikely, but he would try to feel for good tissue and see what he could salvage (operation to be compelted by open laparotomy, rather than key hole so he could feel the tissue).  I think they have to warn you they may have to take the whole ovary, especially if it has been completely took over and the tissue has stretched, therefore damaged.  

Due the stress mine has caused me (only because its dragged on since November since they first found it, and never took the thing) I have told him to take the ovary and the tube, also because I am now pregnant, and the less time he is in there messing around looking for good tissue, the less risk to my baby.

Also, if you are left with one ovary, the remaining ovary takes over and ovulates every month.  (As long as you are ovulating in the first place).  And I have read lots of stories of women getting pregnant with one ovary.

Personally I think I got pregnant with just one ovary working, I dont think the one with the dermoid was working.  Only because I have been trying for approx 10 years to get pregnant, and bizarrly after my last operation where he drained the cyst and put dye through my tubes, I got pregnant the month after, the one month I wouldnt have wanted to just before my surgery.  Miracle.  I am 35.

I would suggest to your Gyno to try his/her best to salvage what they can of the ovary and if its just not possible then accept it will have to be taken away.  I understand that even if they only salvage a small peice of tissue this can still work each month, so its worth them trying rather than just disregarding it and taking it away completely.  For me its different, I just want it gone, out for good, with little time in surgery as possible.

Hope it all works out for you.

Best Wishes

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im 29, i was supposed to have my op last monday...now postponed til next monday. i too am losing the whole ovary due to dermoid n haemmoraghic (?sp), my blood levels also came back high. i have been assured that it would be better for my fertility to remove it, than o develop complications later.

if u hae any quesions let us know. have tey given u an op date yet. i was only diagnosed a fortnight ago, itll be 3 weeks since diagosis when i get the op!

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Well it looks like your in the same boat as me, my op is on monday too my preop tomorrow, and I have have about 5 haemarragic cysts, some with solid areas, (I dont think they know what they are dealing with here) in my only ovary left and mine are quite big now, my blood work come back high too, not really looking forward to surgery again, was 6 months ago since my last big surgery, and i do not know what is gonna happen on monday, they are going in through laproscopy first to see what they are dealing with first, and open up laparotomy if they need to , i just wish it was one or the other, as I wud feel better knowing, but either way looks like its gonna be surgical menaupause something Im not looking forward too, but i suppose I will know more tomorrow, anyway had too many surgeries in the past, lost count just hope monday is gonna be good news and put all this behind me, Hope your surgery goes ok Kellyanne and will be thinking of you too sconnie xxx
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Hi Girls,

I think the main thing for us all is to just get the surgery out the way, be told we are okay, and get on with our lives, my is completely solid now, and that worries me, but they still think its a dermoid, although its also a concern when they say they cant be sure, I had my Gyno at one point, saying he didnt know what is was, but he was sure it wasnt cancer! if he didnt know what is was, to me he cant be sure of anything.  I just need it out the way and be told its benign and the baby is okay.  

I will be thinking of you all, I hope you have good recoveries, and quick ones at that.

Best wishes to you all

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tinabro - ive just read your other post. it does sound like mine re the ovary. all i know is that it boody well hurt, do u kow when u r being operated on, ive been told i am 1st on the list as they had to cancel me last week - good luck for monday aswell xx

sconnie it is scary isnt it, more so for you. the reason they want to remove my whole ovary is cos they are concerned it may be the big c. i tell u the next fortnigt is gonna drag like hell.

i am glad i am able to see light at the end of the tunnel, i have been n so much pan with it today the codeine and oramorph haven touched it. i keep feeling sick, and keep getting hot flushes. still devastated im losing it, but really cannot continue with this pain. just keep sayin to myself...this time next week itll all be over :)

thinking of u all

kel xx
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well my surgery has been cancelled was 1st on list, but you will be fine, i had my 1st ovary removed last year and the other ovary will kick in and work as though you have both, but my surgery is too complicated they have messed up again, and i need a full team of surgeons when they operate so hence why the cancellation

i am in a lot of pain with mine and was with the other cyst, but you will be fine x
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how long were u in hosp after 1st ovary removal, mine reckon i will be able to go home 2-3 hours after

what do u do for the pain. i find hot water bottle works better than painkillers, its awful isnt it :S
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4 days i was in hospital, but major surgery was mine, my bowel was stuck down with my bladder, and adhesions,my pain is not going away with anything so im carefull what i do, sounds like you are having laproscopic surgery
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Hi Kellyanne,

I can fully appreciate how worrying this must be for you, if they have told you they think its the big C for the solid growth.  however I just want you to know, mine is a completely solid growth, and they think its a dermoid.  However I know really they just dont know until its out.  I am worrying it is the big C and they are telling me it isnt, despite it being solid, because I know nothing is for sure until its out and tested.  However please, try and think that this could be a dermoid, and these are most common is women child bearing age and you could have had it a long time.   There is no point in anyone saying not to worry, as I know how it feels, and you cant help it.  

I hope your surgery goes well and you get peace of mind. Yvonne xx
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tinabro - theyr r going to try lap but they did say they may have t cut meopen as they want io remove it n one piece. i was up most of last night in pain, cant sleep, move r anything, and it hurts so much when i go to the loo, even to pass urine, im in tears (sorry tmi i know). the codeine n orapmorph simply dont work,.

yvonne, ty for your reassuring words.  think the main reason the r being more cautious is due to the fact i dont have any faily history to go on, and my bllodwork. i kow tis can be elevated for other reasons. and i am glad they are acting quickly. its just s hard trying to be mum and everything else when i am so tired and in pain :( there is no cance of me getting into work at the moment .

anyways enough of my moaning, i hope u r all well

take care

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Hi Kel, Did they tell you how high your blood work was?  They havent even asked me about my family history, but I did found out over Xmas that my Gran had radiation therapy to her pelvis and had a full hysterectomy in the 50's, so that has worried me, but no one is the family know exactly what is was, but she lived until she was 81.

I truly hope the pain eleviates, and hope you are sorted very soon.

Yvonne x
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they didnt give me exact figures, i have had to push to get any information. i know that as i am pre menopausal the figures dont really count for much, the levels can be raised for other reasons. but even though they told me this they sad they want to treat me quickly as they have concers... i dont know :S

anyways  suppose i will find out soon - monday cant come quick enough

take care hun xxx

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