408163 tn?1242949501

What next? wait a minute, I don't think I want to know

Hi everyone,
Well, I finally broke down and called the doctor yesterday. I was waking up with excruciating pain everyday and having to pee like never have before. Monday night I was up 5 times peeing...geeze. So I called about the pain and the pee problem. They said the pain was from my bowels (which I kinda thought that myself) and I probably have a UTI which is why I had to pee with such urgency. They also said it might be bladder spasms... I was like ok, hard to tell as I have never had a UTI before. So they had me come in and give a urine sample and told me to get Miralax for the other issue. I guess I had such severe endo that everthing was attached to my bowel and rectum and they did alot of work there and that's why my bowel is so sluggish to get moving as it should. So I got the miralax and started that last night and they called in a prescription for an antibiotic and a bladder spasm medication. So I have started all that. I have been really emotional the last couple days and don't know if it is cuz Im just bored and trying to get my hands around all this or if maybe it's cuz I am starting the surgical menopause thing...ugh. I still havent gotten the results of my path report but was thinking maybe the not knowing is a little unnerving to me still. I just want to put this behind me and get on with it.
Sorry to whine, but it seems Im getting real good at it lately. I hope things are good with everyone else....
Take Care
14 Responses
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106886 tn?1281291572
Lori :)))

OK... well, gosh... You know, I think I want to go and work with Doctor Vliet. I have come to really respect her work (especially since I am finally feeling human after a few TRYING years). She speaks of the saliva testing in length and speaks of prefering the blood (or serum) testing. And, gosh, I wish I could quote her verbatim. Maybe some day I will be able to do that. The gist of it is that you get a much more accurate reading from the blood tests. I will try to look at the part of the book I am reading to see if I can say it better. I wonder if she has any info on her website ... Herplace.... regarding testing. Dr. Erika Schwartz speaks of this (Drerika. c o m )... in code, of course!!!  Anyway she says at this time we don't have an extremely good way of testing and the last I checked with her (like I call her daily :)  she said it was a toss-up. But, my doctor always does blood tests only.

The Climara is a good choice. I think it has won favor because you don't need to change it as often as the Vivelle. Keep in mind if you are exercising a lot, you might be metabolizing it rather quickly, so if you are not feeling your best... well, just keep that in mind and mention it to your doctor.

Vliet gives recommendations for testing as far as when to test your blood levels after you have taken your hormones (I cannot recall if she mentioned the patch... ). Sorry if I sound confused!

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Mary...you're so cute.  I love you.  

You know I think you're the queen of hormones...well the Angelic Righter of Hormones is more the nickname I gave you...but I have a question.  Why no saliva testing.  I've thought that is the more accurate way?  I guess now that I'm in menopause, although surgical, that may be the better way for me?  Should I need it.  I seem to be doing OK on the Climara patch (.0375).

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106886 tn?1281291572
I decided to copy portions of the post that I put on the thread about weight issues that I mentioned on the above post. I kind of forgot that these threads get all scattered about and when I tried to find the post I was referencing, well, I couldn't find it!  

I wanted to post it again though since I included more information as well on my thoughts regarding my more recent research on Progesterone (bioidentical). Hope no one minds that I am copying and pasting. I usually don't do that!

Acording to all of the research I have read as of late (and experienced, I am glad to say) Estrogen cannot make you gain weight.. now, having said that, you do not want an excess in your system. Read Vliet's work... you will be happy you did. Her book was revised in the 2000's but the work she wrote is still supported on her website (Herplace).

It is apparently the lack of estrogen that makes you gain. And, don't forget the testosterone... read her work on that, too, so that you are getting the right dose. She says most practitioners give too much... although in my case, I use probably more than she would recommend, but she would see that my blood values are right where she would want them. And, I have no symptoms of excess.

If you see Vliet's work on Testosterone, just know that this info is covered in "Screaming to be Heard." Although at this point, I have those two books plus "It's My Ovaries, Stupid."

I was afraid of weight gain after being very heavy growing up (lost a lot of wt.in college and maintained that weight loss for years and years), too, but I think I am figuring it out. I got into trouble when they lowered my estrogen dose and raised my Progesterone. I have said for years that balance is the key (from all of my readings) but Vliet and a few others dispute that saying I don't need Progesterone since I do not have ovaries and so I cannot utilize the progesterone. I started years ago on a very small dose (2%) and felt wonderful after I started, but after that, after a few years, I went to a Hormone specialist who lowered my dose of estrogen and raised my Progesterone. In retrospect this was not helpful. The leg pains started and all I could think was that I needed more progesterone. Actually,  when I initally added more Progesterone, I did get some help with the leg pain, but it was still bothering me on and off and now I am pretty certain that I needed more estrogen and much less, or no, progesterone.

I started to have weight struggles...actually, right around the time I would have naturally gone into menopause.

So, I am attempting to raise my estrogen and get the Progesterone out of my system. And, I use the testosterone every day.

Just keep researching...  and keep working out (if you are out of whack hormonally you won't feel like moving, so do keep up the research and keep advocating for yourself).... I also know that these comments are not going to apply to every individual.

I forgot to mention that the dose of Progesterone I was on before I figured out that perhaps this was just not working for me. It was changed from 2 % to 10 % and eventually to 20%....way too high.. and, probably not needed at all...

I am sure someone might ask me why I am so willing to switch to someone else's hormone method after all of the publicity about how wonderful it is to be on Progesterone (and my firmly held beliefs, too) but honestly I know how I have felt these past two years and I did not want to believe the problem was my beloved Progesterone... Also, the way I look at it, I am not ancient, but I don't have 40 years left to figure all this out. And, since I have changed a few hormone doses I have felt better than I have in a long time... and, the extra weight is coming off...(diligent exercise and careful diet, too)... I am just hoping my doctor with whom I have been working for two years does not send me packing. THEN I WILL freak out... he is a huge believer in the Progesterone... but again, I am living it...hopefully he will listen.

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106886 tn?1281291572
Hey Guys, I have to weigh in here, too. And, as I said in my post on Weight gain (sorry... I meant my response)... I had a Very Bad experience, too, with the HERS foundation. Honestly, thanks to your post, Yzf, I will always clarify what I am saying when I recommend HerPlace ... not to be confused with the HERS foundation. No one would ever speak to me again on this site. I totally agree with you ... the sense is that many of the women on that site do not want to be helped. This attitude seems to come mainly from the moderators... but then it is like they suck the women posters (or men looking for answers for their wives) in and tell them not to listen to anyone regarding help... that all hormones are horrid... How dare you even suggest such a thing... I have seen people mocked for saying that they felt better after a hysterecomty (as the above poster mentioned)... not very proactive... I must say.

I was put on the Vivelle Patch (1mg)... My weight was about 150 at the time (this seems to matter to some, but I think the chemical make up is so different in all of us... I have seen some women on the 1mg patch along with a .025 patch (one on each Bu+t cheek!) just so they could get the estrogen up to the level to where they have optimum health and optimum qualities of life. What you don't want is an excess of estrogen. Dr. Vliet recommends a blood value (forget saliva testing) of about 80 to 100 and I think it is mgs... or ngs... (sorry). And, for the testosterone she recommends a blood value after testing of about 40 to 60. Don't forget the Testostereone.

I have to say that I am continuing to have better than expected results following Vliet's plan (Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet... "Screaming to be Heard"). My hope and prayer is that the doctor I am seeing regarding hormone health will help me achieve the levels I am trying to reach. I am ok on the Testosterone.. I can tell and I have typically been at 42 for a blood value.

But, my estrogen has been WAY TOOOOOooooooo low for years now. And, if you want to plow thru it, you can read all about my newer thoughts on the whole Progesterone issue... I wrote it on the post on the Weight issue just the other day). I don't want to go back on it and this doc is a believer. But, I don't have ovaries and I do believe, I do believe, I do believe Dr. Vliet telling me I was not able to utilize that hormone effectively since I don't have ovaries (those who take estrogen and have a Uterus need progesterone).

The one thing I am Totally Ecstatic about is that for the first Fall in about SIX years, My finger tips are not KILLING me... I get such bad skin issues on my fingers and cuticles (always in pain...always using Steroid cream from the doctor and always in Bandaids. I go through about 10 bandaids a day on average almost all winter. Major pain and major problem in my life. Well, estrogen levels can affect skin and skin issues and I am seeing POSITIVE results in so many areas of my health since I stopped the progesterone (and even though I did not necessarily up my dose of Estrogen... just changed my patch more regularly... I understand that the Progesterone might have been blocking the effects of the estrogen even though popular belief is that the progesterone allows the Estrogen in... Something I believed in for years.. UGGggggggg.)

OK gee. Did not mean to rant.

Go pick up that book, ladies!

Dinner is ready.

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I have to decide between a hysterectomy and an embolization to treat a very large fibroid... not sure still what to do... I went to a site called the HERS Foundation.  I was absolutely horrified.  They too said that they were suicidal, never happy again, agony all the time.  I made the mistake of asking a question about having a hyst. to get rid of my pain and you have thought I was confessing to murder.  My prayers really go out to these women... but they don't seem to want to be helped.  The few posts that were on that site where women were saying that felt better were immediately called stupid and liars.  Please don't let sites like that get you down.  I cancelled surgeries twice because of them and in the 6 mos. I've delayed, my fibroid has gotten bigger and I'm in more pain.  There are good successful stories out there and this forum has been a blessing.  Women here want to offer help and encouragement and give ideas of what worked for them.  The other sites don't... it's a forum of misery and misery loves company.  What I saw are very sad women who come to those forums for help and are immediately caught up in the bashing of all doctors and any type of help offered on the site is deleted for "promoting products".  Misery does love company and if you allow yourself you become down, you can fall victim.  I'll be praying for you that you will not only heal quickly but that you will only see the truth.  Hang in there... I've seen very successful hysterectomies from friends... and you know what... they don't go to those sites.  I'm sure when my surgery is done... I'll be needing this encouragement too.
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408163 tn?1242949501
I am sure I will feel better!!! (keeping fingers crossed) and I will absolutely keep in touch. I think I will bring my camera and post some pics. The ocean looks angry this time of year, probably missing the nice weather too...lol. But I have a laptop and will be around. Of course I'll be posting good news about the path results (again keeping fingers crossed) Talk soon
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356929 tn?1246389756
I'm so JEALOUS  !!! I've never been to that part of the country, but I just love the ocean !! I'll bet it is just gorgeous !! You have a wonderful time and give those antibiotics a chance to work.. there used to be stuff that I would take for UTI that made the pee  bright red which was disconcerting...scary ..looked like blood.. yeach...

You take care and stay in touch..
Feel better,
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408163 tn?1242949501
You guys are the best. I didn't know you could take hormones that quick after surgery. I WANT EM NOW!!! lol. I logged onto the hyster sisters forum the other day to look at the hysterectomy check points and was reading some of the posts....ugh. That sent me into a tailspin. Women saying they are never happy anymore, they feel empty etc...
I was like, oh no what have I done? I guess this is all normal, but feel kinda down is all. I agree, a good cry sure does help, but when you do it frequently.... you deplete all your salt...lol. I will get there. I am going to my house in Maine on Friday which will be nice. It is so pretty there by the ocean. I think the change of scenery will do me good.
I have been taking the antibiotics and the spasm stuff, and all it seems to do is make me pee orange....So, I will get through this. And you guys sure make it much more tolerable....Hugs to you all and thanks for all you do.
Love ya's
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329994 tn?1301663248
I would think that crying/emotional is normal after what you have been through and you are going through instant menopause! Surely that makes your emotions all over the place. Just cry when you feel the need and maybe it will make you feel better. I know a good cry makes me feel better. I can relate on the miralax...I am getting used to it, having taking it for so long. Hang in there with everything. You will get better!
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356929 tn?1246389756
Laney, that's not whining !!!! Those spasms are excruciating !! I'm so sorry you're having a bad time. Hopefully those antibiotics will help... and it will probably take awhile to get that system moving again.

I can't speak to the hormone issue since I'm way past that..but I've heard that surgical menopause is harder to manage than that which takes years..

Please take care of you... and come on here anytime you want .. to vent or anything else,
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Oh Laney, bladder spasms are terrible....I can sympothize with you.  I have IC and the bladder spasms are murder!

Just take a deep breath and relax. Don't worry until you are told you need to.  I know that's easier said than done!!

Honestly tho, sometimes a Good Cry helps to relieve tension (smile).

Hope you feel better soon!!

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Hi Laney,
I'm sorry you're having some post surgical problems.  You need to recover, not have all those other things.  I'm sorry.  = (

Did you and your doctor discuss hormone replacement?  My doctor said he would put a patch on me right after surgery.  I've had to adjust the levels a couple of times but for the most part, it's been good.  Don't suffer through that if you don't have to.

The emotional ups and downs are normal.  Don't feel badly about it.  Come here to let it all out.  I would write the most depressing journals after my surgery.  Everyone was very sweet and I felt hugged.  

Take care and hope those meds get to helping the infection soon.
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408163 tn?1242949501
Hi Trudie,
My doc said he would have the results in a week and since Im such a type A personality I was expecting a call by yesterday...lol. He said he didn't expect any suprises but I just want the all clear... Thanks for the words of encouragement on my emotional state. I have never been a cryer so this is really suprising to me I guess. I am just trying to take it as it comes. Thanks Trudie. Take Care
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483733 tn?1326798446
Laney, you have had major surgery and it is a shock to your system and your hormones will definitely be affected.  Crying is normal and very therapeutic.  Whine and vent all you want.  Let it all out.  You will feel better.  I'm so sorry you are having other problems but hopefully those will be all gone in a few days.  Did your doctor give you any indication of his thoughts on your pathology after surgery?  Mine told me he would be very surprised if anything came back malignant.  This tremendously helped my stress levels.  

Take care, Trudie
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