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False negative drug screen

I am taking a low dose of Percocet 5-325 3x's a day, for chronic back and neck pain from a MVA. The problem is that even though I take it the way I should, I have had 2 negative drug screens.  What can cause this. Please help.

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i have had this happen to me on many occasion. taken my medicine not two three hours before test tell the tech show the bottle and blam negative. job interviews, government test dr test always negative and i take percocets a day for chronic pain failed back syndrome, sciatica and periphial neuropathy. in my case i am really high metabolized and have even bought the test from the drug to experiment with. my conclusion if i can feel the medicine working ie little to no pain then it will show on my test if i dont feel it ( 3-4 hours after taken ) and have previously used the restroom its always negative. the drs and new laws governing these types of things have gotten ridiculous, the people who need help cant get it while the seekers and pushers get what they want. its a flawed system but we as a pain suffering just have to deal with it west we can, in my case i binge on tylenol and asprin  i nkow i shouldnt but hey my meds are accounted for and they can do what they do. good luck to all
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I am on a pain management program. The doctor just started testing for the presence of the prescribed medications, to my astonishment the results came back negative. We then three days later did a serum level and the same results. I swear on all that is sacred to me I am taking my medications as prescribed, but now because of thses tests I have been "cut off" I am having horrible withdrawel. I am trying to set up a lie detector test in order to prove that I have not in any way diverted, misused, or any thing else other than take my medications. I am so upset and I just can't understand how they could be negative when I AM taking all the medications. I am at the point as to why try any more. I have RSD I don't know if anyone here has this but it is impossible to live with. What can I do? I can't fo back to this kind of pain. The medications were the only things that kept me functioning.

HELP someone Please?

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I have had multiple GI surgical procedures that has left me with little surface area for drug absorption.  This is especially true for extended release medications such as MS Contin which I am on.  I always ask for a blood test as they are a little more exact than urine tests
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After much research, there seem to be 3 reasons for false negatives.  I drink approx. 100 0z. of water per day to stop massive body spasms.  The amount of water I drink could be the reason for the false-negative.  I also take Gabapentin which requires a specific test to register the Percocet.   Other meds taken can also mess with the outcome of the test.  If they only do a dip test, it results in a false negative more often than not.  I have sent my Dr. my research from the Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic and several other highly recognized Medical centers to no avail.  My next step is to make an appt. to see the head of the clinic.  I have taken my meds religiously - if I don't I cannot function.  Also, given the length of time, I have been on the medication and the amount I take in all likelihood I will wind up in the hospital and possibly die - especially since I have had a heart attack.  I have tried cutting back to no avail.  I see no reason to be in pain until I run out since i am going to go through hell anyway.  Personally, I quit, I just can't do this anymore. My Dr. will con't to see me for all other issues, but will just no longer prescribe my pain meds.  Might as well discontinue them all - I am just so done.
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Nothing can cause it. Your levels are not what they should be in your urine straight up. Get a blood test, time is of the essence. He will not risk his license for these stories. It just can't happen. You may have some unknown metabolism problem, but it does not look good. They get this story several times daily. Good luck.
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I have just came up with a negative urine and blood test. I am on my prescriptions faithfully. Now someone explain why that's happens!
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Are they saying your opiate level was not appropriate ? Or are they saying you were dirty ? Ask for a blood test and do it quick , time is of the essence. Otherwise I think you are out of luck. They don't play anymore. They can't lose their license by prescribing to folks that are not compliant. I am sure if this is a PM doc they have all the testing and lab setup either in house or local.  There are just so many people who are full of it. They make it hard. You really should not go in to this lie detector business with them. It makes you look bad, and they don't care. Those test can be BS'ed through too.  Good luck, you have a lot to lose.
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I just tested negative after 16 years on oxycodone for severe back pain and other issues.  I, like others, was not nervous because I take all my meds religiously - 24/7/365.  I was shocked.  I have messaged my Dr. and asked for an outside lab to do a retest.  From my research, there are a large number of factors that can cause a false negative as well as a false positive.  I sent my Dr. a link to the Mayo Clinic regarding this issue.  I also sent another link along with a portion of the article.  I am not going down without a fight.  Without I will not be able to get out of bed let alone do anything else.  As is, I live with Chronic pain every day, I have just learned to deal.  I understand a Dr. being diligent, but it is getting to be a real issue for those of us who rely on the medication to have any kind of life.  I just started on Gabapentin for neuropathy and I am currently reading an article that states taking the 2 together can cause a much lower reading for the Oxy.  It is rare, but can happen.  Given my off the wall weird reactions to medications, I will be surprised if that is not the problem.  In addition to Chronic pain, I also have clinical depression, severe anxiety, and Bi-Polar disorder - (I hit the trifecta).  All of the aforementioned can cause pain to be acerbated.  Thankfully, I had a friend here when I got the news who was able to talk me down from a full blown anxiety attack which causes the nerve endings in my hands, feet and mouth to form blisters - yeah, fun.  I have messaged my Dr. and sent her links to the Mayo Clinic and several other sights regarding the issue.  We have a great relationship so I am hopeful she will agree to the retest and that they will get it right this time.  Actually, they have to do a retest if you request one.  We have to become our own health care advocates or this will just keep happening.  I don't take this stuff for fun, I take it so I can function.  Not everyone is a drug seeking addict; Drs. need to learn to work with their patients and keep up on current issues with the drugs they prescribe.  False negatives are becoming epidemic and something needs to be done to help those caught in the loop.  There is only one test that is reliable, but due to cost it is rarely run  - it is a catch 22; damned if we do and damned if we don't.  Guess I will just have to wait and see what my Dr. says.  In the interim, I guess I will arrange for a wheelchair, just in case.  I wish the best to all of you...and me.
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Go to WebMD and put your meds in and it will tell you the interactions of your meds
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I was taking 7.5 hydrocodone 3 x per day and tested negative.  My Dr said is because with such a low dose I'm testing below the threshold to produce a positive result  He uupped it to hydrocodone 10 4x a day now I'm testing fine.  Goodluck
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707563 tn?1626361905
Hi Timwin7777 -

It looks as though you are having a hard time posting your own thread. If you go to the main page of this community, at the top of the page, you should see a green "Post Question" button. Click on that, and you can fill in the appropriate sections, and then click the green "Post Question" button at the bottom.

The main page is found here - http://www.medhelp.org/forums/Pain-Management/show/53

If you need a direct link to post a new question here, try this: http://www.medhelp.org/posts/new_with_new_subject?forum_id=53

Let us know if you need further assistance!

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547368 tn?1440541785
Thanks Tim. I'll look for it.

I know it can be difficult to understand a format initially.

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Thank-You for your reply.  I do not understand about these threads. I posted a new thread as you suggested I hope it took.
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547368 tn?1440541785
Hell Tim,

I almost missed your post. This thread is very old, 2008 I believe. I encourage you to begin a new thread - it will get more visibility and responses.

JodyLew has disappeared too. I've reached out to her several times with no response. If you want to chat just with her try leaving a note on her Profile Page. If she has selected to be notified when she gets a note or message she may respond.

A few weeks back I read a post from someone that had retained legal counsel for a similar situation with a nasty PMP. That "post" is buried in an old thread similar to this one. It will be difficult to locate. I can go back through my posts and see if I can locate it. If you request me to do so.

What type of attorney should you retain? I would begin with a medical malpractice attorney. If that's that's the wrong specialty the attorney should point you in the right direction.

I encourage you to begin a new thread. Click on the "Post a Question" bar on the right hand upper portion of the beginning of this thread. Select an appropriate title - members and possibly prospective members searching for the same information - or trying to help - may find you. It's the best way to find the information you are seeking.

I'll comment further on your new thread. I'm sorry this has happened to you. It's an all too familiar complaint heard here. My heart goes out to you.

My Best,
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I have stage 3 kidney disease and I also have to take fluid pills (lasix) which washes my body of potassium magnesium and minerals and I think this may have something to do with it and I have been told that your liver can have a bearing on this because of the way your body metabolizes medication.   I also read on here that someone was going to take a lie detector test and would like to know what the out come was and if it was acceptable by the Dr.  I am in North Carolina and am dealing with Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem and their Pain Medicine Clinic.
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What kinds of lawsuits were filed and what kind of an attorney would you consult for this kind of situation? I am in the same situation, I tested clean and they accused me of using some one elses urine.  I am not near on the dosages as some of the other people but do take my medicine as prescribed.  I had 5 surgeries in 3 days for blood clots and a renal stent and was sent to pain management clinic by the surgeon, no problem for 16 months now this all at once.  I don't know what kind of lawyer to get. Office manager has lied to me more than once.There has to be something to hide or she would not have had to lie.  The Dr. has made himself disappear completely and has not or will not approach me about this.  
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547368 tn?1440541785
This is a very old thread. Are you addressing your comment to a specific person. The originator of this thread and many of the initial posters are no longer active.

We all realize the issues that physicians face with the DEA breathing down their necks and monitoring their opiate prescriptions. That said many are overly cautions and under-treat chronic pain patients.

If qualified physicians practice due diligence - including monitoring and documenting their patients conditions and prescriptions - the DEA has no grounds for charging medical practitioners with infractions. It's when practitioners get sloppy that they have reason for concern.  

It's much easier for a physician to not RX opiates or under-treat the true chronic pain patients. That's a sad fact.

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Physicians have to be careful or they can lose their license or ability to prescribe controlled substances.  It doesn't necessarily mean they are picking on you, but a physician does not want to get on the wrong side of the DEA.  After all, it is how they make their living, and you can not look at it from just your standpoint.
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547368 tn?1440541785
Sorry, Sandee1818 is no longer active and will not see your question - which is important to us.

Please begin a new thread as Sherry suggested.

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Hi tnana24 :)  
We're very happy that u found our Pain Management Forum!  However, this post is over 8 yrs old.  If u would go to the top of the page & click on the green "Post a Question" and restate your post then u will get more of a response 2 your question. I look forward 2 seeing your new post. :)

                     Thanks....... Sherry  :)
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I went to the doctor today and to my surprise I failed a urine test for methadone I can't even take it I will throw up I probably will loose him as a Dr I have been with him for 5years now and I have to wait and see if he'll give me my pain meds wow that is messed up yet he's never seen anything about the real issues I'm having trouble with.. Really...
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I started on pain management just a few months ago and I have had negative test results every time I have been to the doctor.  He doesn't believe me when I say that I am taking the meds.  I have researched the medicine and there are tons of complaints about it. It's the new Watson 853 white hydrocodone 10/325.  It doesn't work.  It seems like a 5 mg hydro.  Last time I went I took two about 2 hours before I went to the doctor.  I don't get it.

I have SEVERAL health problems and I take a lot of meds: Citalopram, Gabapentin, Zopran, Phenergran, Bentyl, Amitriptiline, Trazadone, Dilantin, Wellbutrin, Topomax, Flonase,Protonix, Lipitor, and Coumadin

If you know that any of these meds are interfering, please advise.  Thank you for your help.

I have recurring Pulmonary Embolisms, Lupus, Migraines, Neuropathy, Spinal Arthritis, and Celiacs
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thanks for your help!
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7721494 tn?1431627964
DABPM means diplomate, American Board of Pain Medicine.

That "report" button shows up when you roll over a post. It allows users to report abuse posts, spam, etc.
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suddenly "report" with and explanation point showed up next to my post.  what is that about?  
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