547368 tn?1440541785

Namnam46/Sherry Surgical Update

So far so good!  :o)

As of 5:45 PM Central Daylights Saving Time Sherry's surgery was completed and she was in recovery.  

Just prior to surgery her surgeon decided he may have to perform a more complex procedure. Sherry would be in the surgical suite and possibly the recovery room a bit longer that originally planned.

Total hip joint replacement involves surgical removal of the diseased ball and socket and replacing them with a metal ball and stem inserted into the femur bone and an artificial plastic cup socket. The metallic artificial ball and stem are referred to as the "prosthesis." Upon inserting the prosthesis into the central core of the femur, it is fixed with a bony cement.

In Sherry's case they are replacing the existing artificial ball and joint as the initial hip replacement surgery was faulty.

According to my sources she did well in the actual surgery. She should be out of recovery shortly and I will update you when I have more information. Rehab may require a bit more work and her pain level may be higher with the more extensive surgery.

I know you have been anxiously awaiting an update. I know Sherry would say continued prayers are appreciated.

85 Responses
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Good Lord.  What next for our poor Sherry???  I am so sorry to hear of this setback.
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954005 tn?1304626605
I cannot believe the femur is fractured! So extensively! Unbelievable.  I wish I could take away some of her pain...I hope the increase in pain meds is sufficient, I just cannot believe this, and I'm in a bit of shock.  I just will pray and pray...and tell her I am thinking of her please:)
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547368 tn?1440541785
Actually Sherry shares a home with her daughter, SIL and grandchildren. They are close physically and emotionally ...a close knit family and will check on her often.

Sherry said to remind you that she is a "Tough old Broad." LOL

I am in close contact with her and will do my best to make sure she is getting good care. We all know how horrid some facilities can be and Sherry is aware of that also. Your Mom was treated horrendously. What happened to her should not have happened to anyone. I often think of you and your grief.

As I have said, all your posts are read to Sherry and she remains so very appreciative.


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82861 tn?1333453911
Crap on TOAST!  That's exactly what I was praying did NOT happen - so much for the power of prayer.  :-/  

I do hope that whatever rehab facility Sherry goes to is a good one, and that her daughter will be able to check up on her quite often.  I still have nightmares about the one my mother was in, but then her situation was quite a bit different.  Sherry has all her mental faculties which goes a long way toward the staff providing proper care.  In my mom's facility, the rehab staff were outstanding and I can speak very highly for them and their work.  The nursing staff however... I'd like to wring their lazy little necks and throw their carcasses in the trash, which is just how they treated my mother and patients like her - like trash.  

Tuck - is Sherry's daughter in the same town or at least in close enough proximity to check in fairly often?  A neighbor?  Church friend?  As you well know, I just don't trust those places and I hate to think of our Sherry being in one.
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Awww.  That is what Mama Sherry would say.  I miss her so much and I know we all do!  The forum just isn't the same without her here encouraging everyone and brightening the place with her posts.
I hope she is able to make a strong recovery in the rehab center and get back to us feeling better than ever.  I can imagine that she probably feels worse than ever right now, though and I hate that for her.
Thanks for keeping us informed, Tuck.  Please let her know that we miss her but are 100% behind her in this recovery.
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547368 tn?1440541785
Your are all so WONDERFUL....that's what Sherry would say.

Gemini, you're right that rehab is the best place for her to recover and it was her idea to go. She is brave and of course her daughter is simply unable to provide round the clock nursing care for her. For those of you that may not know, Sherry has no one but her daughter....and us. You all mean so much to her.

She has not been down through all of this until she got the fracture news late yesterday. She is strong and will get through this.....but it'll be a long haul.

Still praying too....
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