547368 tn?1440541785

Namnam46/Sherry Surgical Update

So far so good!  :o)

As of 5:45 PM Central Daylights Saving Time Sherry's surgery was completed and she was in recovery.  

Just prior to surgery her surgeon decided he may have to perform a more complex procedure. Sherry would be in the surgical suite and possibly the recovery room a bit longer that originally planned.

Total hip joint replacement involves surgical removal of the diseased ball and socket and replacing them with a metal ball and stem inserted into the femur bone and an artificial plastic cup socket. The metallic artificial ball and stem are referred to as the "prosthesis." Upon inserting the prosthesis into the central core of the femur, it is fixed with a bony cement.

In Sherry's case they are replacing the existing artificial ball and joint as the initial hip replacement surgery was faulty.

According to my sources she did well in the actual surgery. She should be out of recovery shortly and I will update you when I have more information. Rehab may require a bit more work and her pain level may be higher with the more extensive surgery.

I know you have been anxiously awaiting an update. I know Sherry would say continued prayers are appreciated.

85 Responses
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That is horrible.  I feel so bad for poor Sherry - she has been through so much and was so looking forward to this surgery finally giving her some relief.  It's such a shame that she's had such a serious setback.

Please also pass along my best wishes and hopes for a speedy recovery.  I do feel, however, that the decision to go into longterm in-patient rehab will be the best decision.  They will not only be able to make sure that the therapies that they have her do will (hopefully) not set her back even further, but they will also be able to keep a much closer eye on her pain levels.

Special prayers still coming her way.
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1324871 tn?1288981706
My heart goes out to Mama Sherry .I know she must be devastated .This is just awful .Please tell her we are all behind her and praying for her .I feel so bad for her having to go through this .She will remain in my thoughts and prayers .
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I'm also very sad for Sherry. That's terrible. Can you please tell her that I am thinking of her and praying for her.


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547368 tn?1440541785
Sherry is devastated. A CT scan late this afternoon revealed a fracture that was not picked up on the x-ray. Her femur bone is so fragile and weak that the surgeon had to place support around proximal end during surgery. It did no hold up to demands and weight bearing that her activity placed on it....and it fractured. It is believed the fracture runs the length of the bone.

Obviously this will set her back weeks in recovery. Her meds have been increased to cover the additional pain this fracture has brought her. Now there is no option but to transfer her to a long term care rehab center. She is down hearted for the first time since this ordeal began a week ago. She is so young to be in this position. I too am devastated by the news and had hoped it was her meniscus.

She is still worried about all of us and asking how you are doing. Her return to the board has been postponed even longer and she is heart sick.

At least she knows what she is facing and will begin the long journey back to a functional status. She sends you all her best. This turn of events saddens me as I sure it will all of you.


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1301089 tn?1290666571
Thank you Tuck for the update.  Well I guess that there is some good news.  But hopefully they'll find the cause of her pain and get it fixed.  She's been through so much.  Please let her know that she's in my (and everybody's) thoughts and prayers.
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I hope they are able to get to the root of the pain.  Thank God there are no new fractures or blood clots.  I'm glad she's being taken care of around the clock, but I'm sure it's exhausting for her and so frustrating as she hoped to be well on the way to recovery by now.  
She is still in my thoughts and prayers as she has been.  Please let her know how much we all love and care about her.  
Thank you, Tuck, for the updates.  I know you have a lot going on as well and I hope all goes well for your Mom, too.
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