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People are allergic to me too

I had read that someone had a similar problem to mine. Within a few minutes of entering a room, people begin coughing and/or sneezing.(By the way, it's always 2 coughs in a row.) I am not sick at all but everyone around me becomes sick upon meeting me. Doctors have told me that it's just allergy season, but this has been going on for a couple years! Besides the endless coughing and sneezing, other symptoms that people develop include: itching around the eyes and nose, acne (on face and neck), sores on the outer lips, and fatigue. I feel alone and am making myself an outcast from society.  This feels like an airborn virus but besides the dermatological aspect, I do not feel sick at all. I wish someone could help me. Any suggestions would help.
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I'm also suffering from the "people allergic to me"-problem.

But lately it has gotten worse. Often when I talk face-to-face with someone or eat, they can suddenly begin to sniff and clear their throats like crazy. Those reactions happened before as well but not so intense.

I don't think its a odor problem, as it only starts when they are looking at me. At least it feels so.

Any suggestions? I know that people think I am very tense, and I agree with them. But only because I'm tense they shouldn't react allergic.

It would be a good experience if some people with this problem met up, see if we get allergic reactions to each other, and if so, we talk about how it occurred.

Sorry if the text is hard to read, I'm not a native English speaker.
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I have been lurking for years... I'm not seeing of the old names that used to post regularly ... A couple folks getting fed up but virtually all the old members it around... I jus want to make sure no one has succumbed to this madness.... Still have PATM BUT DRINKING HOT LEMON WATER HELPS... So please keep on!!! I have so many other theories and Experienced but I'm so busy... Hit me in my inbox I really want to be able to talk to sufferers... Peace love xoxoxo
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- Work very hard (reading books, webs..) until midnight ( since years ago I feared I couldn't sleep and I tried to go to bed early and as a result I couldn't sleep), this will help you not to wake up many times
- Practice peacefulness to mind in whatever stressful situation.Our  thoughts is the leading cause to sleepiness, so I control my thoughts by : anytime I when to bed, I close my eyes and try to imagine/recall what I had studied in the morning. I totally focus on this mentally recalling picture persistently and peacefully until my brain go to the alpha-wave state and my sleep comes.
- Try to be stronger mentally by practice (I tried to meet people with a sleepless face and not shy because fear/stress is the leading factor to insomnia)
- Don't get frustration when you can't sleep (since we live by our habit, the next night you will get into repeated cycle of sleepless/frustration)

Best wishes
If you have questions about this or my odor problem control stuff you could send me an email at :  ***@****
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Yes I want you to record it and show it to me
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I have this problem for 3 years. and though it seems incredible. many of us have magnetism with dust and lint. that is why we cause allergy to other people. this is in enclosed spaces like subway, bus, school, office. etc. .. I am living in canada and in winter is even worse. I'm looking for a solution. I feel that my problem is neurological or nerve that causes this reaction. but I will continue investigating. odor problem is not, because I changed my deodorant, perfume, detergent etc. I always say I smell good. I have headaches very strong when it started this problem and my doctor I detect a trigeminal neuralgia. I have treated with medication. but does not work. I've seen different things on this forum as fecal or sweat smell ammonia. but with me it is not. my problem is the attraction of dust and lint. the more dirty the place is worse the problem. people cough, sneeze, sounding their throats, gives them itchy nose. my life is different since this problem started. but I will continue looking for a solution. if anyone knows anything contact me. and if I find a solution is the publishes.
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Trust me your not crazy, I have the same exact problem and dont know what to do
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