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People are allergic to me too

I had read that someone had a similar problem to mine. Within a few minutes of entering a room, people begin coughing and/or sneezing.(By the way, it's always 2 coughs in a row.) I am not sick at all but everyone around me becomes sick upon meeting me. Doctors have told me that it's just allergy season, but this has been going on for a couple years! Besides the endless coughing and sneezing, other symptoms that people develop include: itching around the eyes and nose, acne (on face and neck), sores on the outer lips, and fatigue. I feel alone and am making myself an outcast from society.  This feels like an airborn virus but besides the dermatological aspect, I do not feel sick at all. I wish someone could help me. Any suggestions would help.
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i have the same PATM condition.  please help!
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I had this problem my whole life.  It gets worse the older i get.  But the worst thing is being unable to find any answers to why this is happening.  
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When i first stumbled on this thread i too was so elated that my problem was not just confined to me and how spot on it was. I started to experience aforementioned allergic reactions last year just before my birthday and the Rugby World Cup - 'brilliant' timing for a period wanting and having to socialize. Subsequently I've spent days reading and researching on BB symptoms, natural and medical remedies, and its effects on those around me. Finding this and other related threads seemed to remove half of this nightmarish burden we have to experience. Im a very sensitive person, very in tune with others perceptions of my being and thus have been thrown into phases of despair and self-isolation. This, on top of the fact that i've suffered from depression, does not bode well for a healthy humane future. Braais (BBQ's), partys, holidays are now what i most dread. My times alone reading, watching a movie and everything else ALONE is what i most cherish, is where i don't have to be subjected to that recurrent jolt or bolt of others coughing, clearing, sneezing, etc. - a nasty reminder on how unpleasant physical contact is with you.
Being a depressive, I'm a smoker too and am hellbent on giving up. Im due for a lung Xray next week (dual-purpose) and hopefully this will shed light on any lingering malodorous gases and compounds. Also want to investigate the gastro-intestinal thing.
One of the previous comments gave a link that could provide solutions. http://www.health.co.uk/acidophilus-facts.asp

Thanks and congrats to all for commenting, it took me a whole year to come out of my comfort zone and cast mine.

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I too suffer. Has anybody in this forum suffered from intestinal pains or stomach numbness? If i think this disease could be linked to digestive problems.. Or has anybody used excessive medications at the same time? Or been exposed to mold that you think could've been ingested in our bloodstream These are all factors. I've just been diagnosed wit hepatitis c bit idk if that ties into things. The thing is Dr's have no solutions so its up to us to help each other out.. if we depend on this health system we'd be both sick and broke. Let's share each others knowledge and try to figure this out. I don't think prescriptions are the answer.. it has to be something herbal... natural .. let's help each other
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Hi guys! I'm so f**king happy to have found this thread. I have been experiencing both the "people are allergic to me" reaction and the fecal body odor problem. I'm not sure if I have fecal body odor as I can't smell it but I'm certain I'm emitting allergens because people sneeze, cough, sniffle when they walk past me. I'm not sure how far the allergens can spread but my housemates downstairs cough like crazy when I'm in my room upstairs. I tape all around my door so that no smell can escape my room...and I don't smell gas or fecal odor when I go downstairs but my housemates keep coughing. So this made me think that maybe I have a fungi or mold overgrowth in my intestines. I was put on antibiotics a year and a half ago and I have been having horribly foul smelling gas since then but me being a walking allergen didn't happen until 2 weeks ago. Maybe the mold growing in my bathroom when I was taking antibiotics got into my body and colonized it? what i don't understand is why didn't the symptoms occur earlier?  took vitamin b complex and chinese herbs right before the symptoms started so they may have been the trigger. I'm guessing that I'm somehow releasing spores into the air from the mold/fungus in me that is making people allergic. Like someone above said, some people can smell it while others can't.
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Hi guys! I'm so f**king happy to have found this thread. I have been experiencing both the "people are allergic to me" reaction and the fecal body odor problem. I'm not sure if I have fecal body odor as I can't smell it but I'm certain I'm emitting allergens because people sneeze, cough, sniffle when they walk past me. I'm not sure how far the allergens can spread but my housemates downstairs cough like crazy when I'm in my room upstairs. I tape all around my door so that no smell can escape my room...and I don't smell gas or fecal odor when I go downstairs but my housemates keep coughing. So this made me think that maybe I have a fungi or mold overgrowth in my intestines. I was put on antibiotics a year and a half ago and I have been having horribly foul smelling gas since then but me being a walking allergen didn't happen until 2 weeks ago. Maybe the mold growing in my bathroom when I was taking antibiotics got into my body and colonized it? what i don't understand is why didn't the symptoms occur earlier?  took vitamin b complex and chinese herbs right before the symptoms started so they may have been the trigger. I'm guessing that I'm somehow releasing spores into the air from the mold/fungus in me that is making people allergic. Like someone above said, some people can smell it while others can't.
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