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People are allergic to me too

I had read that someone had a similar problem to mine. Within a few minutes of entering a room, people begin coughing and/or sneezing.(By the way, it's always 2 coughs in a row.) I am not sick at all but everyone around me becomes sick upon meeting me. Doctors have told me that it's just allergy season, but this has been going on for a couple years! Besides the endless coughing and sneezing, other symptoms that people develop include: itching around the eyes and nose, acne (on face and neck), sores on the outer lips, and fatigue. I feel alone and am making myself an outcast from society.  This feels like an airborn virus but besides the dermatological aspect, I do not feel sick at all. I wish someone could help me. Any suggestions would help.
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I know it's not psychological, the feeling of mucus collecting in the back of my throat is constant and I have to cough, clear my throat, or swallow every 10 seconds or so and as soon as I enter a room everyone will be doing the same.

It's really random but I'll smell like ****, it's fecal body odor since I take a shower everyday and have good hygiene overall. I will smell for about 1-2 weeks then it just goes back to only the coughing and such.

I met someone who has had the fecal body odor and it turns out we both eat really healthy and drink mostly only water (I consume a good bit of coffee) and we both run long distances. From what I've heard from others it probably isn't related to hard exercise but it's something we had in common.

My first thought was that coffee was my problem but to my surprise when I stopped drinking coffee I started smelling again and if anything it has gotten worse. It's really hard to tell what is going on with food as I eat a good diet of chicken, vegetables, fruits and a fair amount of wheat.

I'm currently 19 and the problem started right as I finished my 11th year in high school (Got held back a grade because I had to move). So right now I have been dealing with this for a year and a half, I hope we can find a cure or a remedy that works well for the ones suffering and especially the ones who have been dealing with this for such a long time. This problem really kills everything sociable about everyone it effects, I already had social anxiety before this happened and now I basically don't come out for months other than to run by myself. This problem has made me almost fail my senior year and it will affect my military career, I'm scared to go to boot camp because I will probably smell eventually.
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this is the first post by someone being the observant in this whole P.A.T.M situation. Indeed right about the psychological effect it will have on a person, particular their social life. Right now i have zero social life. Its interesting to hear your side to this whole P.A.T.M. drama.
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I believe it is a medical problem... I don't have it but I have someone really close to me that does I hardly react to it but I can see how other people cough and sneeze around him and the psychological impact and effect it has on him. I hope that one day someone will find out what the problem is and a cure to all this. I know for sure that you guys don't have odours... probably some kind of micro organism, gas or something that causes other people to react the way they do depending on their level of tolerance to that certain thing you guys have.... It is important to learn how to cope with people's reaction because I can see how much impact it does on my friend's social life. I know for certain that you guys don't have an odour... but it does affect you guys a lot psychologically. I wish everyone all the best!
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Hello everyone I am a new comer to the blog thing but I too suffer from PATM I won't get to much in detail of the symptoms I have because really they are out of this world and hard to believe , I would like to know if anyone has tried a fan fuser for any odors and to control the sneezing and coughing that others experience because of us ? Certain essential oils do work in combating odors that are emitted into the air as well as helping to bring the body chemistry back into perspective. I don't do the whole meditation or anything like that I am telling you all that oils can control some of the symptoms. On another post somewhere a lady mentioned thieves oil which is better known these days as immunity blend; I was rather leary at first so I did very extensive reading on said blend I went out and purchased it from a real herb shop none of that store junk that they have in health food stores I wanted to get to the true source of this oil I purchased the oil applied it to my skin and immediately applied PURE coconut oil on the skin right behind it one of the ingredients of thieves oil is clove so it can feel hot to the skin , at any rate after applying the coconut oil I allowed everything to absorb I did this at bedtime what I found is that now when I do sweat there isn't a very bad odor coming off of my body and I sweat hard I also noticed that people didn't seem to be as agitated in my presence this is nothing in ones mind , this is no OCD this is a true affliction of our bodies I have shut down from being around others but we must continue to fight and not give up on things we use to beat this...right now in my fan fuser i have pure essential orgeno oil, neem oil, immunity mixture, and spearmint and I have read some on here mention remaining calm to control the coughing and sneezing that others get from us I DO believe that remaining calm can also have a effect on how well whatever it is that you all are doing works. I urge everyone to at least look into purchasing the immunity mixture or "thieves oil" as they call it or google "homemade thieves essential oil blend". . For those who do think it is their breath please make note that a drop of thieves can be added to toothpaste for breath freshening, I am by no means certified in herbal medicine or aromatherapy but I really truly believe that when you use the main source of the plant it can cure or at least manage some things that even western medicine can not , now when it comes to homeopathic remedies I can't speak too much on how well they work because now you are talking about constant dilution of the plants root which I suppose I just have no understanding of how just the "energy" if you will of the plant can for example cure a fungal infection but live and let live I am not here to pass judgement on anyones beliefs I simply just want to really understand what this is . Oh one more thing when you apply the coconut oil mixed with the thieves essential oil it will smell really bad but please don't wipe it off that smell will go away once absorbed into your skin and you will wake up the next morning and understand what I meant. God bless
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You are spot on with your comment. I think it is something we are allergic to and our body can not digest it and it sometimes rot in our stomach and leaks to bloodstream and emitted through our lungs. I would like to add that it is not only the food but also the chemicals like msg and sulfites that is causing the smell that we sometimes are unaware of. Some people have sulfite allergies and don't know it. If you drink a glass of lemonade or any alcohol and get a strong reaction from folk, it could be the sulfites that is causing the weird release of some offensive smell. Sulfites are in just about everthing, even bottled water toothpaste, mouthwash, shampoo, hair dyes,( i became very offensive when i dyed my hair) chocolate etc.  When i tried going sulfite free as much as possible no one was coughing or clearing their throat or nose running as much, but as soon as i strayed, i was back to square one. Thanks for taking the time to help.
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I'm confused how many of you think it's a medical problem. trust me, i never had any problem with bad breath, body odor etc.
Still i get coughed at, sniffed at and so on.
It's 100% psychological. In my early 20ies i got very afraid against the public in genereal - out of nowhere. i was afraid to go to concerts etc because of the people. at the same time people started that coughing thing around me. it still bothers me today but i can totally live with it. how did i mange that?

I realised that they mirror my low self esteem, they mirror my fears to be seen, to be judged and all other sorts of negative feelings  i have towards other people. through therapy i learned to accept, that that's sadly the way i look onto myself. i look at myself in a very negative judging way and the tension in me gets visible, if you want it's a stressful vibe that i have.

But i have started to directly talk to people, those who cough especially. i realised that no single one had anything against me. in contrary, they were somehow grateful, that i talk to them. i guess i can't help thinking about the possible reactions of strangers, so i look like i'm up to something when deep inside i wish i could just mind my own business. as soon as i speak some words to a person, i can relax a little bit, the coughing doesn't disappear but it get's less.
I repeat - it has nothing to do with smell in my case. I can make people cough that are across a big room in the distance, just with looking awkard.

I won't get rid of this but that is not important. The important thing is to become okay with it and live your life anyway. You have no choice. I don't think any diet can help you. Instead look for your mental cure.
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