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People are allergic to me too

I had read that someone had a similar problem to mine. Within a few minutes of entering a room, people begin coughing and/or sneezing.(By the way, it's always 2 coughs in a row.) I am not sick at all but everyone around me becomes sick upon meeting me. Doctors have told me that it's just allergy season, but this has been going on for a couple years! Besides the endless coughing and sneezing, other symptoms that people develop include: itching around the eyes and nose, acne (on face and neck), sores on the outer lips, and fatigue. I feel alone and am making myself an outcast from society.  This feels like an airborn virus but besides the dermatological aspect, I do not feel sick at all. I wish someone could help me. Any suggestions would help.
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If sleep fs a reason I  am in trouble because I have been having problems with sleep for years now, I have tried everything I know to get more sleep. Medication, supplements, exercise, milk, you name it, I had a sleep study and they found nothing wrong but I wake several times all through the night
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I can't say that I am happy to hear that other people are suffering from this condition ,but relieved in some way that it is just not my mind going crazy. I can not use public transportation or go to restaurants anymore because everybody starts to cough and sneeze and there noses are all itchy when ever I enter a building or a room. This has been 14 years ongoing and have went to dozens of doctors that have told me there is no such thing and I am imagining it. I had to give up my office job because of the horror that would occur every day. It has ruined my social life as well. I have tried everything that was mentioned above and had no succesful results.  My condition also started with the fecal odor, witch isn't so prevalent anymore as initially but the sneezing,coughing and itchy noses continue. I also pray every night God Help Us Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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        I had this problem of people being allergic to me for the last 14-15 years. I suffered immensely because of it. I suffered professionally. I was in the US then. I went from doctor to doctor, my sister and brother in law are doctors i asked them. I told my parents. No one believed me. I was even put on psychiatric medication, my doctor said it was pschological and no one was coughing because of me.

I had a really strange problem, Not every one was allergic to me some were and some were badly. i really felt guilty inside giving them bad throats and sinus etc when around. Other symptoms they had included stomach ache , head ache. In fact sometimes i could get a sense of it as i myself have sneezed and have severe headaches.They sneezed they coughed. I was supremely embarrassed and sad

I first thought it was my jacket. I changed my jacket, my clothes, my socks, my shoes, my deodrant, my car, my house, my diet nothing worked. I could not control it and it added to my anxiety. Nobody believing me made it worse i was alone and branded a nut. The doctors had not heard of it.
I at a point thought it could be my sweat. But it wasn't either, because when i worked out in the gym the symptoms were not there. I initially thought it was sweat because i would tense up when it happened which coused me to sweat more and then symptoms increased. But this was not a cause either

Some thought it was depression, but i was not depressed. I kept upbeat. I was discriminated against, harrassed and faced hostile situations so on. Life was tough i was facing a losing hostile battle. I was scared to go to work or to college when i joined for an MBA. It was agonizing.

It was really strange. There was no odour involved it was really strange. just like magic.It would start out with someone coughing. It was so strange that it could affect someone even 150ft away if he was allergic. Then i would notice, it would tense me up and worsen the situation. Then more people would get affected more coughs more tension i was by then totally anxious. (This was not an anxiety disorder either as this has an underlying cause its natural to feel tense when u know you are the cause).
I really felt guilty and did not know what to do.

However over time i began to understand the causes better. In my case
the ways to control it were

1) 50% could be controlled by having sound sleep for 9+hrs a day
if i slept less what especially less than 4-5 hrs then my body would be in an elevated stressed state and this would cause i donot what but some thing in my system to produce more adrenaline or i donot know what but it caused the symptoms of people coughing and sneezing around me.

This is one major advice i can give. Sleep more than yuor requirement.

2) 20% meditate and deep breath. Deep breath and try to relax when some one is coughing. Try to disassociate your self and keep calm it helps.

3) 30% is diet and exercise. Check your VLDL cholestrol , shift to vegetarian, eat healthy

So basicallly get your balance back.

The symptoms in my case have not vanished but have GREATLY diminished so that now i can go about normal activity.

It took me 15 years to figure out sleep was an important constituent in my case. So my advice please sleep early, sleep sound and try and relax. Please sleep atleast 9 hrs. Also keep calm meditate and get your balance in life back. get some sun light and exercise cardio and sweat.

This is my advice. Guys and Gals who are affected please try this and tell me if it worked for you.
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I too, started out with fecal body odor, that recently went to the breath because I am under a serious amount of stress. I've been able to manage the stress and my breath is nowhere near as bad as it was a month ago.  My body odor is transient, and resistant to good hygienic routine (I am meticulous) This "people are allergic to me" thing is a little newer.  Before, people would hold their noses and they would not be shy about letting me know that I smelled.  Now, it's just coughing, the sniffles, rubbing the nose as if it were itching (which is different from rubbing the nose as in "you stink) AND people don't look at you in disgust with PATM, they just do the above stuff.  Since I've been managing my stress, I've noticed the Odour is gone, because people don't even look in my direction like they did for years, they just think that they have the sniffles.  I went to pay my cell phone bill this morning, and everyone stated coughing, sniffling, rubbing their noses, but nobody looked at me.  So stress is a big factor here.  I eat smaller meals (oh, and drinking tons of water makes things WORSE for us people) I drink about eight ounces of water an hour(muuuch better results).
I am baffled by this. But I know stress makes it worse by causing your body not to break down the chemicals from the food you eat.  God help us!!!!
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I meant eating meat etc can breakdown your organs (not the healthy stuff)
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Hi, I post on the forum on this website PATM (People allergic to me and People allergic to me too. Check the first one, that is where I post the most.  
I just contracted this problem (or at least noticed it in late 2009 around the holidays).  Months before this I was diagnosed with diverticulitis and a fibroid tumor.  I went on a vegan diet for 4 months then went off the diet and started eating normal. I had food poisioning and didn't eat regulary for like 10 days (november).  Then  in dec. I noticed that I had a bad stomach ache after I ate or drank something.  That year in dec. i was in a car accident and then again in Jan.  By January PATM was in full swing.  I don't know what brought it on but I was also eating lots of junk food at the time too. I also had skin rashes that were unexplainable, they looked like scratches and I kept smelling a bad burning smell.   In the late spring of 2011 I noticed that PATM was diminishing a little. I was drinking ginger tea (from the ginger root) and taking digestive enzymes and I changed my diet to be mostly vegan food and drinking rooibos tea. By Oct. 2011, I was a eating nothing but vegan food. I was also taking vitamin D3, Iron, B1.  Things were getting better. It was like this for about 10 months. Now in April PATM is coming back much stronger.  I went off my diet a little.  I think I ate something with dairy in it not too long ago and didn't realize it and I have many food allergies.  Onions, dairy, sugar, potatoes, corn, wheat, spelt, cashews are all my food allergies and I have to stay away from them or I will break out or get nauseous, gas, diarrhea. I have been eating potatoes a lot lately, chips and fries. Sugar and potatoes I don't think my body can break these down anymore so I think that's why I have PATM, what the body can't break down it becomes a toxin in your body.  A lot of people lately have been reacting with coughs around me since I strayed on my diet.

I would strongly suggest thinking about foods that you eat very often and then stop eating those foods. you could have developed an allergy to them. the body loses enzymes for particular foods when you eat them too much and so then you develop an allergy.  Everytime you eat them, your body can't do anything with it and it just putrefies and builds toxins in your body.  The toxins can emit a chemical that maybe other people are smelling and it's irritating them.  When I drink alcohol , PATM is really bad.  I also think we have taxed livers (and adrenal glands), bad fatty livers, poorly functioning livers.  

I would suggest stop eating bad fats like meat and saturated oils, stop eating processed foods/packaged/frozen foods, dairy, wheat, white flour, white rice, corn, white potatoes, chocolate, table salt, sugar and eat and juice fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat nuts and seeds. Eat more vegetables than fruits. eat as much as you want (except nuts, fruits but definitely eat as much veggies as you want). Eat grains like brown rice and quinoa. Definitely get a juicer and a blender and just eat as much whole foods as you can.  Always rotate your foods on a weekly basis b/c you don't want to develop food allergies. get a probiotic, digestive enzyme.  I started juicing wheat grass. this is a miracle plant.  it's gluten free. it heals a lot of problems.  Eat 85% raw and 15% cooked , I'd do this for a year and see what happens. It can't hurt if you do it right and you'd be much healthier and if you're over weight you can lose weight.

I started to food combine. You definitely want to look into this.
Some books to read "The Hallelujah Diet" Author Last Name: Malkmus
"You Are What You Eat"  Dr. Gillian McKieth (she has a website with her name in the address)

Always start your day with room temp. water (wait a half hour before you eat breakfast).
Always eat breakfast (vegan food. I start out with fruits)
Always go to bed before 11pm or between 11pm and 2am
Exercise at least 15-30 mins a day
Sweat out your toxins
Get fresh air, sunlight/Vit D3
Practice good hygeine
Keep your intestines and bowels clean by eating "clean foods". once every year you can also do a  colon cleanse.
Think good thoughts.
Don't eat when you're stressed out.
Chew your food until it is liquified. Chew thoroughly.
Do not drink fluids when you eat.  Wait an hour after you eat to drink or drink 30 mins before you eat.
By doing this you can nurse your digestive system back to health.

I smelled my feces once and started coughing. also i've noticed undigested food in my feces.

Things that keep your bowels/colon/intestines dirty: Meat, eggs, fish, seafood, dairy from an animal, flours especially white,  gluten can be toxic to most humans and people do not even have symptoms of being allergic to gluten, anything from an animal.    Our intestines were not designed to digest these "foods".  They are responsible for causing leaky gut syndrome, celiac disease, diverticulitis. If we have too much of these foods in our intestines, they stick in there, and rot.  If rotting occurs we've built up toxins that make us sick (and other people).  We won't be able to absorb nutrients from the food.  we can end up with anemia, skin disorders, tumors etc.  

We're only designed to digest plants/fruits/seeds/ whole grains/nuts, things that come from the ground.  Eating these foods breakdown the functioning of your organs and they cannot work as good as you were a child.  You overall health depends on the health of your digestive tract. I also think this could be brought on by worms or parasites. So doing some kind of cleanse such as going vegan, colonic, colon cleanse of your choice (tea, herbal supplement etc) would be a good idea.  Doing the candida diet is also a good idea to expel parasites and worms.  Whatever you chose make sure it's safe. I prefer to take the natural route.

I hope this helps
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