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514585 tn?1328740013

baby movements or lack of at 17 weeks

Was wondering if it is normal to not really feel much movement at this point....i am 17 weeks today/saturday dec 27...
i have been pregnant this makes number 6 and have 3 other children....2 of the previous 5 pregnancies were 2nd trimester losses.  
anyhow with my youngest who is now 6 1/2 i think i started feeling flutters around 16 weeks, and although i think i have felt something or another, since i have not felt the same thing twice i am marking it up to gas or intestinal movements.  how can i tell if what i have felt and am feeling is baby or bowels????

help, cause with the 2 losses i never felt movements at all, and one died in utero at 16 weeks.....i had to go into ER on christmas day because of blood in urine....a very bad UTI was the cause.  and they picked up a 163 heartbeat.  
14 Responses
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514585 tn?1328740013
shoot it didnt work

let me try again....http://stores.ebay.com/Prenatal-Comforts

and it is the one with several differant colors, it has a LCD display so i am assuming it automatically picks up the fetal heartrate. the way i understand is it wont count your heartrate or anything else only the fetus. it is 54.95 i think with free shipping.
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514585 tn?1328740013
here is a auction for a doppler that i am looking at, let me know what you think.....

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hey joyce,

i dont really noctice any movement unless i am hunched over kinda, like sitting at the computer, if i am standing or lieing down straight i dont feel it. maybe try some different positions. let me know about the doppler! i want one!!
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514585 tn?1328740013
well the bebe sounds is a heartbeat listener.....not a doppler.  basically just a advanced microphone.  i have seen the angelsounds on ebay for around 35-40 bucks....will have to check it out more thoroughly.

thanks to all who have answered....i just get worried especially with everything that has gone wrong in the past, with other pregnancies....until i feel definate movements or get past 20-22 weeks i will be constantly worried which is why i am trying to find a doppler.

bf seems to think it is too early for anything....i wanted to wash the baby clothes that i have and he said "wait til april/may" if it were up to him it would be april/may before i even try buying anything for the baby...ugh

but i am getting some help/cause the income just isnt there....with baby stuff through some of the local agencies.  and also will be getting taxes back and plan on getting stuff caught up (bills and such) and then getting baby stuff with that....i should get 3-4 thousand back.  or at least i hope so...lol

anyhow thanks again ladies
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593530 tn?1263847957
I got one also at 12 weeks and have never had a problem finding the heartbeat since then.  Sometimes I have to search a little bit and it takes a while, but I have always eventually found it.  It's an Angelsounds Fetal Doppler by Jumper.  I got it at this website http://www.echostore.com/fetal-doppler-angelsounds.html and it's only $66.99 which I thought was a great price.
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514585 tn?1328740013
i have only had one u/s so far and that was in the very beginning  7-8 weeks, just to confirm the due date.  when i lean over a bit it feels almost like a pulse, not sure if it is the artery there or actually the baby,  i picked up a BeBe Sounds heartbeat listener and it s*cks... all it picks up is bowel sounds and what sounds like a herd of horses galloping (i am assuming that is my heartbeat) as i have always thought (and through doppler is sounds like) it was a whooshing sound. a week from tomorrow is my u/s....i will be 18weeks and 3 days, hopefully the little bugger will be in the right position to find out what it is.  

i thought i felt some movements at around 12-13 weeks, but havent felt anything like that since, i am not sure if i am expecting the butterfly feeling which is what my youngest felt like, or what.  i am overweight, but weigh less than i did when i got preg with youngest and i felt him around 16 weeks.  

maybe i have been feeling it and just didnt realise it, OR maybe it moves the most in the wee hours of the morning, or late, late night while i am sleeping.

i will look into ebay, maybe can find one really cheap.  i do want one that counts the heartrate for me.  will it count mine or does it KNOW what it is listening for??? idk i have never used one myself before.  
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554628 tn?1362777919
i'm sure everything is fine joyce bc i felt baby more around 17-18wks than i do now at 21 wks i feel her but only at nights or when i'm really still. i had an anterior placenta with my last pregnancy and i never really felt ne thing and it was twins.....
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572254 tn?1297189358
i got mine from ebay, my midwife reccommened to get one, as they dont harm the baby.ive heard angelsounds doppler is quite good, i have Summer Infant Prenatal Heart Listening Monitor/Doppler its really good :)
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562884 tn?1279632334
I listen to mine faithfully, before I go to bed, If I miss it I don't sleep well, so Dh will find it for a min. or so and then we go to bed with smiles. Your uterine placement is huge in getting to feel the baby, I have felt from very early but my RE said my urerus was in perfect place for it. Also if you are over weight it can be alot harder to feel. I am over weight but with my placement I guess it dosen't matter. IDK. You get your U/S soon right, hopefully when you see the little booger it will make you feel better!!
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514585 tn?1328740013
claire- no i dont have a doppler....i wish i did.  where did you gets your? and did you have to get your doctor's ok? i have seen a bunch of them on ebay and have been curious about them, it would be soooo cool to be able to hear the heartbeat every day.
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572254 tn?1297189358
joyce- do you have a doppler? i bought one from the internet and have been using it from about 12weeks, its so reassuring to hear the babies HB, i would reccomenedget one of them or rent one, ihadnt felt the baby move for 2days and was worried and used it and heard the HB loud and clear!
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572254 tn?1297189358
I can feel movements all the time now, its amazing,i think i just have a fidgety baby though :) ive been feeling it just before 18weeks, obviously for certain i dont know if there all movements but most of them feel so different to gasand i can just tellstraight away if its the baby or not, i think it can vary in women when they can start to feel it move.
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168006 tn?1241012961
With my son I felt nothing until 22 weeks.  I heard that if you have an anterior placenta that can effect your ability to feel it.  I did have an anterior with my son.  This time it is on the side and I felt the baby around 17-18 weeks.
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143123 tn?1274300825
Well, I felt the flutters around 15-16 weeks.  But, now I don't feel anything and I'm 19 weeks today.  It scared me because the baby is bigger, I should be feeling something.  But, I doppler the baby everyday...and he's always moving around and makes it hard to get a good heartbeat.  So, I know everything is ok.  This is the farthest I've ever gotten in a pregnancy, so I'm probably just not recognizing it.  A lot of women say you don't feel anything strong until around 20-22 weeks.
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