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Successful pregnancy after losing a baby at 22 weeks

On June 11th I gave birth to my first child..a son at 22 weeks of pregnancy.  He did not survive.  I have so many questions and I'm still so very sad.  Has anyone experienced something similar?  My pregnancy was fine until week 20 then everything went down hill.  20 week u/s was fine but I started having back pain.  The pain got very severe to where I could not sleep or eat and I ended up in the hospital to find I had hydronephrosis.  I was sent home with a follow up appt scheduled with a dr to talk about stenting my kidney.  Not even a week later I started bleeding and went back to the hospital to find I was 8 cm dilated already.  My severe back pain prevented me from knowing I was in labor.  Has anyone ever had hydronephrosis during their pregnancy?  How about pregnancies after having a preterm baby?  Any help or advice is appreciated.  I think I really just want someone to talk to who understands what I am going through :)
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Hi everyone I am sorry sorry about all your sleeping babys.... I feel for you.. I was just wondering if somebody can help me out I have to write an essay an I picked still birth, as I was a twin but I was the one to survive my mum doesn't talk about this topic at all it's all to hard for her, so I was just wondering if anyone can help me out I need to know if you must have a funeral for the sleeping baby, and how long you can stay in hospital or have to stay in for and I have read about getting pictures n stuff of your bub but do you have to do all of this ?  ... I am sorry if this comment affends anyone I did not mean it but you cannot get a straight answer anywhere,
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I feel were  ur cuming from. I had my baby girl when i was 26 weeks. For about a week i had severe back pains not know it was labor pains. I went in the hospital dialated at 4. Scared and not know what was next it being m 1st. 15 hours later i had her on Nov.23,2009 at weighing 1lb 14oz  she was born healthy everything thing went good for a while  about a month then out  now where she became severy sick in her intestines. And she passed  on December 25,2009. That was one of the hardest day id ever went threw and hope i never have 2 go threw agin. And i pray no other mother have 2 go threw. And still haveing hard times with it all. I want another baby so bad i just feel like other people will think im rushing it all. What do u think i should do?
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1065941 tn?1265059099
I just read your post.....I sit here with tears in my eyes......I just lost my baby girl at 22 weeks less than two weeks ago.....every indication we had was that everything was going fine and she was developing on track.....we went in on a Monday and had our u/s and she was moving around and the pictures were fabulous.....that Friday I got a horrible pain in my backside and thought i had a horrible case of constipation from the lower back pains......I never expected I was in labor.......but i was.....I laid in bed and cried from the pain.....by 9 that night i had delivered my baby girl in the bathroom almost entirely by myself.....the paramedics got there after she had already been delivered......she lasted for two hours after we got to the hospital.....
the doctors can't tell us why she didn't survive, and are not sure why i was in such bad pain.....I feel for you.....

I will be praying for you......I wonder what could have caused such ahorrible thing to happen.....please let me know if you need anything.....
my email is ***@**** know sometmes talking helps....

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My water broke at exactly 17 weeks in October of this year.  I was told by the doctors that our baby wouldn't survive because his lungs were not developed.  The doctor also explained that my cervix was short (2cm).  I'm depressed and I feel like no one understand what i'm going through.  I have a 4 year old, whose weight was 9 lb. 11 onces at birth and I wonder if that could have affected my cervix.  has anyone had a successful pregnancy with a shor cervix?  will my cervix function differently with another pregnancy or should I expect the same results?
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1043093 tn?1253634745
At my 21 week ultrasound of my twin girls I found out I had a short cervix and over the next two weeks it got shorter and shorter. I went into labor at 24 weeks and delivered via c section. My first twin Mia passed within 20 mins of birth and Melody passed two days later from suffering a massive brain bleed. This all happened less than 3 weeks ago. I am devestated. But, I have to look into the future. The dr said that we can start trying in 3-6 months. We have to believe that god has a plan. Even though we can not see it now. If anyone would like to chat about this please email me


I still have another month until i go back to work and am bored. I'd love to chat to someone who has been through this horrible pain too.

Stay strong!
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i am so sorry for all you guyses losses. i haven't lost a baby yet but have had this condition during pg. it started preterm labor and i had to have shots in my thighs for the babies lungs. i continue to this day to keep having kidney problems and have been warned that another pg would leave me dead, the baby dead or both of us dead. how are your kidneys now?
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