413852 tn?1317308712


Greetings Ladies...

It's 2010...Our year for a BFP w/a Grin! ;o)

Blessed, Safe & Prosperous New Year To Everyone!

We are 70 members Strong we are! ;o)


If you are on the Roll Call List & would like to be removed, please don't hesitate to let me know. I know sometimes it gets a little sticky and we may need a break from the TTC Journey & Journal. ;o)

PLEASE, if you are on the list...post some sort of update, even if you are still ttc Au naturale, in tww, "no changes", please remove me, started AF, etc. I'm really trying to keep it current and would appreciate the feedback. Thanks ladies.

I'm soooo excited for all of our BFP's!!!  Waaaaay to go all you sexy mommas!! ;o) We are collectively sending out SRSSBD (some really seriously sticky baby dust) to ALL the "Honeys",  and a lil bit X-tra to those with BFPs. ;o) Our list is growing. If something  
changes, please post so that we have your current info correct.

Cheers Ladies...

Savanha: ttc~Au Naturale...til green light for IVF! AF finally arrived!! CD9 (01/25)  

ita17 (Laura):  ttc~ Au Naturale...starting Acupucture & Herbs    

SoCalTricia (Tricia): Planning TR in March

SuzM (Suz): ttc~Au Naturale...

SusieQ64 (Susan): ttc~Au Naturale...

TreeFrog7 (Wendy): ttc~ Au Naturale...tww (01/06)

Miranda9 (Mira): ttc~Au Naturale...

Mature Momma (Debra): Planning on TTC again in Feb2010 4 snowbabies ;o)

alikat1205 (Kat): ttc~Au Naturale....

Lilian69 (Miranda): ???

AliceW: ttc~IVF....CD17 (01/20)  

sophiejeanne (Stephani): ttc~Au Naturale....CD5 (01/20)  

Naturschld (Linda): Will actively ttc~ again--Feb 2010.

Marcy: ttc~Au Naturale...  

Mjmom69: ttc~Au Naturale...  

Kathy421(Kathy): 2nd IVF (approx~2months)

Pum (Heather): ttc~ Au Naturale...CD25 w/Positive *wink* energy ;o) (01/20)

Sherri90049 (Sherri): ttc~Au Naturale...8DPO (01/20)....Colonic on the RISE! ;o)

Klar009 (Catherine): ttc~Au Naturale.... Organic diet +supplements to improve body.

Justtolate (Just): Preparing for FET... (eggs 4day fertilization~01/10)
mlb1234 (?): ttc~Au Naturale...w/injectables...CD16 (01/20)

ethyl563 (?): ttc~Au Naturale?...

Congratulations ~BFPs

JourneyJoJo (Jo): 36wks... Due: Feb2010

Mybabypooh (Silvana): 9wks...Beautiful & Strong HB~122 next u/s 12/18! ;o)

Sue68: 13wks...! ;o) Ammino~ 27 Jan 2010

Babyrussell (Saada):  11 wks. due~ Aug 2010

Alexis2358 (Alexis): Congratulations...BFP (01/13) U/S: 01/28...betas "tripping"!!! ;o)

Breezy300: BFP!!! Yes...Au Naturale! Congratulations.

~Cheers & (((HuGs)))

122 Responses
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413852 tn?1317308712
OMG LUCY: Congratulations...that is WONDERFUL.


I've Started a new thread. Please post on the new thread. Thanks.


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1076696 tn?1283029725
Lucy: !!!!! I'll try not to make this very long thread any longer, but... !!!!! So excited for you! :D :D :D
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413852 tn?1317308712
Greetings Ladies...

It's 2010...Our year for a BFP w/a Grin! ;o)

Wow!!! We are 92 members Strong we are! ;o)


PLEASE, if you are on the list...post some sort of update, even if you are still ttc Au naturale, in tww, "no changes", please remove me, started AF, etc. I'm really trying to keep it current and would appreciate the feedback. Thanks ladies.

I'm soooo excited for all of our BFP's!!!  Waaaaay to go all you sexy mommas!! ;o) We are collectively sending out SRSSBD (some really seriously sticky baby dust) to ALL the "Honeys",  and a lil bit X-tra to those with BFPs. ;o) Our list is growing. If something  
changes, please post so that we have your current info correct.

Cheers Ladies...

Savanha: ttc~Au Naturale: 2ww...2dpo (02/28)  

ita17 (Laura):  ttc~ IUI (stims)... CD12 (02/28) Mega follies. ;o)  

SoCalTricia (Tricia): TR Surg Feb 20th!!! Yessss...praying for great success! ;o)

SuzM (Suz): ttc~Au Naturale...

SusieQ64 (Susan): ttc~Au Naturale...

TreeFrog7 (Wendy): ttc~ Au Naturale...15dpo (02/28)

Miranda9 (Mira): ttc~Au Naturale...

Mature Momma (Debra): Planning on TTC again in Feb2010 4 snowbabies ;o)

alikat1205 (Kat): ttc~Au Naturale....

Lilian69 (Miranda): ???

AliceW (Alice): ttc~IVF.... 10dpo...7dpt (02/28)

sophiejeanne (Stephani): ttc~Au Naturale....  

Naturschld (Linda): Will actively ttc again~April 2010/unless BFP... ;o)

Marcy (Marcy): ttc~Au Naturale...  

Kathy421(Kathy): ttc~IVF...Injectable Stims (02/28)

Pum (Heather): ttc~ Au Naturale...CD9 (02/28)

Sherri90049 (Sherri): ttc~Au Naturale...19DPO (02/28)

Klar009 (Catherine): ttc~Au Naturale.... CD13 (02/16) Organic diet +supplements to improve body.

Alexis2358 (Alexis): ttc~

Breezy300 (Breezy) : ttc~.Au Naturale...

Chinesebones (Lucy): ttc~Au Naturale...11 DPO (02/28)

Justtolate (?): Preparing for FET... (eggs 4day fertilization~01/10)
mlb1234 (?): ttc~Au Naturale...CD28 (02/28)  

ethyl563 (?): ttc~Au Naturale?...

Mjmom69(?): ttc~Au Naturale...

Julienow40 (Julie): ttc~Au Naturale

Moplucky (Mop): ttc~IVF...ET (02/09) 19dpt (02/28) beta (02/23)

IM43: ttc~Au Naturale

brandiesmom (Calie): ttc~Au Naturale...CD23 (02/28)

Risa615: ttc~IUI?? w/oral meds  

Congratulations ~BFPs

JourneyJoJo (Jo): Due~ Feb2010

Mybabypooh (Silvana): Due~ July 2010

Sue68: Due~ July 2010

Babyrussell (Saada):  Due~Aug 2010

Claud9 (Claud): Congratulations!!! 6wks 4days Due~ Oct 2010


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176135 tn?1314752638
Update- I had a tiny bit of pink spotting at 8 dpo.  I broke down and tested this morning at 10 dpo.  I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me- there was the faintest second line.  I snuck away 100 times today to look again (we were at my MILs- this TTC is a secret!), and the line got fainter until I thought I'd imagined it.  When we got home tonight I tested again- definite BFP!  
I feel like I'm about to get AF, which is due tomorrow, so we're not getting too excited, but still.  !!!!!
Alice- I've had weird, unsettling dreams all week, so maybe that's a good sign?  Hope so!!!
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413852 tn?1317308712




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Sherri, your trips sound so exciting. getting away will probably be such a nice break for you. hope you have a great time!

Kathy, I'm so sorry to hear about your first pregnancy. that's heartbreaking. I sincerely hope your second round is a much happier experience.  also, the price of the medications is incredible.  I can only imagine how difficult it is to afford this.  I certainly could not, so that's why I'm just doing what I can naturally. also, being so far from your RE has to be very stressful, taking time off work, driving so far.

again, I'll be keeping you in my thoughts, hoping all turns out well.

Alice, please don't apologize the mood nosedive. I admire your resolve to face this challenge head on and undergo all these procedures!  Hope your weekend gets better. Catherine
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1076696 tn?1283029725
Uhm--sorry about that mood nosedive, everyone. I should NOT post updates first thing in the morning after a night of wacky dreams. Erm, uhm. I think I'll go eat some of my eclectic collection of cheeses.
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1076696 tn?1283029725
Hi, everyone. This must 9dpo and, let's see, 6dpt. I had another stressful evening with family--sometimes I feel like, if you're the one with no children, you never get to leave "child" status, yourself, no matter how old you are--then woke in the middle of the night overheated (literally, not figurative) and sweating as if I'd gone ahead and taken one of those forbidden hot baths. Woke up this morning and resisted using a pregnancy test just to see. But I feel very very negative, not just neutral or uncertain this time.

How fragile are our bodies? How quick is our inner wiring to decide, "obviously too much tension going on, let's not do this thing"? Of course, I could have my cause and effect reversed. Maybe I'm just having a mood swing. But it's a very low swing at the moment.
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1217293 tn?1467354344
Hi Everyone,
I have done 13 cycles for fermara over the past 17 months and 6 IUI's with no luck of pregnancy.  My doctor told me last week that since the drugs aren't working, it doesn't make sense to keep trying them.  I gained 15 pounds taking fermara, so most of my clothes don't fit anymore! I finally bought some new clothes so I have things to wear.  I just had my fsh run again since I have been taking DHA for three months, so I am waiting for the results.  My fsh in the past has been 18.  I did have a month it was 10.5, but the doctor said my highest level of 18 is why I am not getting pregnant.  I am 40 and got married at 38.  Like many of you, I waited to marry the right guy, and I didn't know my fsh level was so high. I only had it done for the first time when I was 38 1/2.  Anyway, I have been reading these post, and it is good to see others feel like me.
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1006003 tn?1256227415
Welcome back, Kathy!
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1066572 tn?1296240001
Hello Everyone -

I'm back (and off to a slow start) - but at least I'm in the race.

Just to recap, I joined this forum last October.  I'm 42, going for baby #1 (am a professional, so waited until after I was done with my schooling/training and stable in my job before starting a family).  Was unable to conceive on my own, so did IVF (first cycle was in September;  4 follicles, 5 eggs retrieved, 4 implanted).  I got pregnant the first time around with twins, but unfortunately both stopped growing at around week 8.  Found out at Thanksgiving, so had a very tough holiday season.  Hit rock bottom.  My first pregnancy,  my first miscarriage.

Am now going for round #2.  Was very excited to get started again.  Started the IVF meds last week on Feb 17th (am taking lupron and menopur in the morning and follistim in the evening).  Went for my first ultrasound yesterday and they saw 2 follicles (1 that was ~12mm, the other 8mm) on my left ovary, and zero on my right ovary.  I was devastated with the poor response.  My RE wants me to continue these meds for the next 5 days, then go back next Tuesday for repeat ultrasound.  I wish I had the response that Alice had - but I know it only takes one!

Unfortunately, my insurance won't cover this, so all is out of pocket (meds alone are $450/day).  Also, the closest RE is over 150 miles away, so anytime I need an ultrasound, it's a 7 hour ordeal.

Could certainly use your words of wisdom, encouragement, and prayers!  At least I know I can get pregnant.

It's amazing how strong all you women are - everyone has their own story to tell.

I'm glad I'm back on board!
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922048 tn?1387942584
Couldn't have said it better myself, Klar! It is overwhelming, just so say the least! But hopefully it will be worth it and we'll all end up with beautiful healthy babies! I haven't started (yet) with the meds and stuff but probably will by late April. My DH2B and I are taking a well-deserved vacation to Singapore (for a wedding) and to Perth, Australia (his home town) for the first two weeks of April. So since I will likely be ovulating during that time, we'll certainly keep BD'ing alot and see what happens!

And Laura, that's so exciting about the follies! And thanks for the tip about the yoga position. That's sounds like such a great idea! And I can't believe how much it helped! That's wild! Gonna try that for sure! Best of luck to you for this cycle to be the one! And tons of SSBD!

:) Sherri
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1076696 tn?1283029725
Catherine: I know! Doesn't it just get to you! All the regimens, and the poking and prodding, and all the paranoia about doing something wrong. I just shovelled 15 inch-deep snow from the pathway and foot-deep snow from the sidewalk in front of the house this morning. I took it slowly, I never got winded, I took a lot of breaks, and I only cleared enough of a narrow path not to get fined... but I probably shouldn't have done it. But it was me or nobody. And I can't even have a giant mug of hot cocoa, because I gave up chocolate, or soak in a steaming tub with a Lush bath bombs. Nyargh!
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413852 tn?1317308712
Hey Ladies...

Sorry been MIA for a long minute, but promise to update the "Call" this weekend. Welcome to all the New Sexy's and I'll be sure to add you too.

Have a Great Weekend Ladies.


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958842 tn?1266512599
Well today is CD9 for me & I knew things were changing inside cuz I can feel it!
So Monday I had one follie @ 13mm & 2 @ 10mm. I stayed on gonal 225 & today is Thursday & my follies are now 26, 21 & 18mm!!!
So I got the trigger today;)   & were doing an iui tomorrow, 24 hours post trigger.  We bd yesterday around 2:00 in the afternoon, funny cuz it was my dh's idea!  His mom was entertaing our kids downstairs, so we took advantage of that!  Lol.
I'm glad we did, cuz it's really hard during the week to bd in the evening, were so darn busy, with sports & activities it's serioulsy almost impossible;(

I'm not holding my breathe, but of course praying that this is the one for us;)

Do any of you ladies mature your follies this quickly while on meds?  Even naturally I ovulate like on CD11 or 12. But geeez CD 10 to have such big follies I crazy?!?!  I asked the nurse if it's not good, she said it's perfectly fine, so idk....
My lining went from 6.2 yesterday to 8.6 today.
I was googling how to help follies grow & lining to get thick, & read besides doing acupuncture, which I haven't done this cycle (too much going on!) do pressure points & a yoga position by laying on your back with your legs up against a wall????  I guess it's suppose to help with blood flow to our girlie organs;). I dis it last night for 30+ minutes, I figured what the heck, & it's FREE;) & all 3 of my follies grew tons! 2 grew 5 mm @ one grew 6mm!  Plus my lining grew a lot over night too!

Anyway, wanted to give that little tip, can't hurt to try;o)

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don't know about the rest of you,but this whole ttc thing is hard.

no hot baths, no coffee, no soda, no wine, no beer, no weird cheese, no chocolate, lose weight, eat organic, take a bazillion supplements, temp every day, pee into a cup, get prodded in every way imaginable by doctors, the list goes on and on....

some folks don't even try to get pregnant, but they're they are, surprised by a big fat bfp!

it's just not fair....also, i'm really trying to give up all this stuff I really enjoy, yet my husband can't give up smoking.  it's all so frustrating.
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1006003 tn?1256227415
Thanks for the info on hot baths - but, gee whiz, I just fixed my bathtub after two years of the faucet not working! Darn!
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922048 tn?1387942584
I heard the same about the hot baths when TTC. And for me, even though it makes my muscles feel better, it KILLS my joints (lupus), so I haven't taken any hot baths in forever! Miss them, too!

Hang in there, Alice! I know this TWW probably feels like two months, but try to keep your mind as occupied on other things as you can so the time will go by faster. (whatever is enjoyable for you to do: reading, watching movies, etc.) I always watch for every little symptom, too, but those might not start for several more days! So try to be patient! So easy to say, right? Lol! :-)

We're all pulling for you and sending you lots of SSBD!

:) Sherri
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1076696 tn?1283029725
The RN told me the problems with baths are:

1) hot baths raise your core body temperature beyond embryo tolerance levels--not just hot tubs and saunas, but even a regular hot bath. And I do love my baths very very hot.

2) bacteria or various bath products in the water might wash up inside.

3) toxic tub cleansers might wash up inside.
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1006003 tn?1256227415
So what's the thing about hot baths? I've noticed it mentioned a lot ...
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1076696 tn?1283029725
Goat cheese in ashes? Maybe I'll try that later :) I'm surprised by your dr's caution about progesterone; it seems to be given out so matter-of-factly. I hope the tests give you a comprehensive picture of your insides (literally and figuratively).

Laura: it sounds like your follies are working hard and growing strong. Quality over quantity! :D

Sherri: I'm going to try a little meditation. I usually have my "meditation" time during long, hot baths with foamy herbal bath products, and now that I'm restricted to showers I miss that.

4dp3dt, 7dpo: I feel totally ordinary!
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922048 tn?1387942584
Hi Alice!

Ok, here's my two cents. Three days must be too early to feel any symptoms, right? I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing. So try to just focus on feeling good! And I agree re: not letting the family member get to you, but I want to take it a step farther. Try not to worry that, even if you did let her upset you momentarily, that that has doomed anything! As long as you don't let her keep doing it over and over, I'd say a few moments of anxiety shouldn't make or break this.

Take it easy on yourself! You're doing great! You're doing everything you can and you're handling everything just fine! Minimize the stress the best you can, and that is all you can do! A few times a day, maybe try closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths and consciously try to slow down your heart rate and keep yourself as calm as possible. Maybe try meditation? (I love when I give advice that I don't even take myself! Lol!) :-)

Praying for a successful outcome for you and sending RSSBD to you and everyone!

:-) Sherri
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958842 tn?1266512599
Alice;  my lovely cat decided to PEE on my DD's bed yesterday!!!  Uggghhhhh  I had to "let it go"  Then this morning my DH was annoyed that I had to go to NP for an US this AM, he was having a moment, & I looked at him &v said "okay, you need to knock it off, & be thankful that YOU'RE NOT a girl"!!!  cuz I'm the one that has to do 99.9% of all this fertility work! Geeeeez, I told him that I was trying really had to not be negative, since I'm over all this right now;< So to NOT add anymore stress on me!  
He of course said "ok, sorry" ;o)

Well, it's a good thing I went this morning,  geeeeez my follies are weird! On Monday I had one @ 13 & 2 @ 10  48 hours later, on the same dosage I had one @ 20 & one @ 16 & one @ 14!  I new something was up last night cuz I've been having my O discomfort, & I stated getting CM yesterday.  So I go back tomorrow AM & I bet I will trigger tomorrow or Friday.
I was HOPING to have 5-6 mature follies this cycle, but I'll take 3 good ones too;)

I really am calm about it all, probably cuz this will be our last try for a while, & we'll do all we can, but it's out of our hands.

Good luck ladies;)  

BTW I'm a Brie girls;)  Of course organic & PASTURIZED!
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176135 tn?1314752638
I hope so, because now I'm craving it too!  I love weird cheese.  There was this one I bought once: goat cheese rolled in ashes- sounds strange, but it was yummy!

I saw the new doctor on Monday, but she wouldn't give me a progesterone prescription because, since she doesn't do hospital calls, if I had complications she wouldn't be there which would compromise my level of care.  I felt like saying "I don't care!" but didn't.  So I still have to find a prescription- I feel like a friggin' drug addict or something: I just need a dealer!  The good news is that she's testing my blood for everything under the sun to see why I feel tired and dense a lot of the time.  AND she wrote a prescription for an ultrasound to see why my ovaries ache a lot after ovulation.  So I'll get a lot of good information, a sneak peak at my insides, plus I like her approach- very no nonsense and yet human too.  She recommended an RE in the area for that elusive prescription.  

I'm 7 dpo and being very patient.  

Alice, don't let that family member stress you out!  I've spent a lot of time deflecting other people's negative energy- I just relax and remember it's their problem, not mine, then say something nice but neutral to remind them of that too, like "oh, that's too bad: would you like some help cleaning that up?"  I think it's normal for women to feel like everything is their fault--- but it's not!  
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