610453 tn?1259104722

Hashimoto's and Hives

Hello everyone I'm a 24yr old female who has been suffering from Hives for over 7months now and I've seen allergy and Endroconology doctor's and dermatologist and no one seem to know what it is. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto disease and when I had a biopsi done of my thyroid it seems that the left thyroid was enlarge so now I'm getting ready for surgery to remove both because they are no sure if its cancerous or not. Can by me having my thyroid removed help my hives go away? They are painful at times and burn and itch.Has anyone used Olux-E is a foam cream and it actually works when I get my hives. I've also notice if you put an ice pack on when its burning it helps the burn go away...

This discussion is related to Hives and Hashimotos.
26 Responses
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Sorry, I omitted this link.

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I can give you plenty of links to scientific studies concluding that TSH is basically inadequate as the sole diagnostic for thyroid status.  At best TSH is only an indicator to be considered along with more important indicators such as symptoms and also levels of the biologically active thyroid hormones, Free T3 and Free T4.  Of the latter, Free T3 is the most important to test because it largely regulates metabolism and many other body functions.  Scientific studies have also shown that Free T3 correlated best with hypo symptoms, while Free T4 and TSH did not correlate at all.

Doctors like to think that TSH accurately reflects levels of the actual thyroid hormones, but in reality they cannot show you any evidence that TSH correlates well with either Free T3 or Free T4, much less correlate well with symptoms, which should always be the most important consideration.  The main value of TSH is to determine if hypothyroidism is primary (typified by higher levels of TSH) or central (typified by lower levels of TSH).  

Since your TSH is near the border, and I expect the border is the old (higher) range, it may well be that you have primary hypothyroidism due to Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. With Hashi's the immune system determines erroneously that the thyroid gland is "foreign" to the body and produces antibodies to attack and eventually destroy the gland.  If the cause is indeed Hashi"s then it will be much more difficult for the doctor to ignore.  The definitive tests for Hashi's are Thyroid Peroxidase and Thyroglobulin antibodies.  Tests are denoted as TPO ab and TG ab.  You should request both of those tests, since Hashi's can show up in either test.  

Hashi's also would seem to fit with your description of itching.  Hashi's antibodies can sometimes result in what is referred to as Hashi's Rash.  Itching may be the first sign.  

You won't find a code to be treated properly.  It will be totally dependent on you becoming more knowledgeable about hypothyroidism, as you have started here, and then becoming your own best advocate for the testing and treatment you need.  As you proceed, keep in mind that a good thyroid doctor will treat a hypo patient clinically by testing and adjusting Free T3 and Free T4 as necessary to relieve symptoms, without being constrained by resultant TSH levels.  You can get some good insight into clinical treatment from this letter written by a good thyroid doctor for patients that he sometimes consults with after initial tests and evaluation.  The letter is then sent to the participating doctor of the patient to help guide treatment.  In the letter, please note the statement, "the ultimate criterion for dose adjustment must always be the clinical response of the patient."

When you do go back for further tests, be sure to insist on Free T3,Free T4, TPO ab and TG ab. and don't take no for an answer.  I would also suggest that since hypo patients are frequently too low in the ranges for Vitamin D, B12 and ferritin, you should request those as well.  Then when you have more test results, please post them, along with reference ranges shown on the lab report and members will be glad to help interpret and advise further.

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I am researching because I have had a rash for 8 months.  I have tried everything and anything and the doctors keep turfing me around because they don't know what to do with me.  I have a family history of low thyroid and have multiple symptoms but the doctors refuse to take me seriously  because my TSH is near the border but still within normal limits.  I am military and I can't even work out without itching for hours.  From my years of symptoms I KNOW it is my thyroid.  Now just to find the code to be treated properly.
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One more thing.....not sure if anyone else has had this problem....but last year my bilirubin levels were elevated....seemed to be timed with a recent flare-up.  Now my AST level is up ( i have been getting hives despite my paliative treaments.)
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I have Hashimoto's.  Have had it for 20years.  I developed a severe case of hives about 8 years ago which lasted for 6 weeks, recurring daily and eventually "working itself out" of my system by becoming less and less severe.   I also developed swelling/ water retention which has not ever gone away.  I am on a prescription water pill, otherwise i can gain upwards of 6-8lbs in a day or two.  5years ago the hives came back.....they came on suddenly and severe, and rather than last 6wks they lasted 1 week.  Each day a new severe reaction occured.  But initially they sent me to the ER after I had woken up and had difficulty breathing.  Ever since this episode I have been plagued with hives....every day.  

I eventually found a doctor that decided that I am too young to have tons of seperate problems and that they all must be related to one syndrome.  We are figuring it is all related to Hashimoto's.  Paliatively I have been on a daily dose of Clarinex and Ranitidine (pepsid without the antacid component I think).  This works.....keeps the hives at bay mostly.  

Recently we have found that my thyroglobulan levels are 10 times the normal level (most defitely accounting for my sudden lower lip hives and severe swelling ).  I am waiting for a consult with a new Endocrinologist....hoping he will have some miracle cure to lower this level once and for all and hopefully rid me of the hives.  (but until then I continue with my allergy and synthroid protocol and always keep prednisone on hand in case of big flare ups.

But the most important thing I wanted to share is this......I found that when I had big flare-ups taking OTC Pepsid helped......So if anyone hasn't tried this....go pick up a box of generic pepsid (famotodine) and keep with you for this purpose.  (this is why my doc keeps me on Ranitidine daily)
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I as well broke out in hives and was so severely itchy all over. I also developed swollen lips, hands and feet. I went to the ER and was told to take Benadryl and i was given a shot of prednisone. I was told that it was probably due to the new grass that had been planted in our area. That was in October and it is now Jan and i still have the hives and sweling :( I was diagnosed with Hashimotos in Nov. I am able to get through my day as long as I take my Synthroid and Zyrtec. I have tried other H1 and H2 blockers but the Zyrtec is what really has helped me. I hope this helps someone else. I pray that we all get through this soon and that we dont have to live on these meds our whole lives.
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Hello, I have been following this site for a couple of weeks. I was recently diagnosed with Hashi's and have been having a horrible bout of hives for several months. I had hives for a year about 9 years ago, so have probably had this problem for some time. I am not getting much relief from my antihistamines either. I read your blog, and tried the Pepsid. My hives went away for 2 days, then came back with a vengeance. Do you take the chewable pepsid, or the pill form? What mg is your pepsid?
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Hi, sorry I have not replied. I havent been on here in a while. I will have to research the study I found. I was taking atarax and pepcid and my hives went away.
I recently went to a thyroid specialist and he took me off armour thyroid and put me on synthroid. Its only been 3 weeks so I cant say too much about that yet.
The atarat and pepcid cured my hives. If you look up h1 and h2 blockers, it will give you a list of what meds they are. I will see if I can find the study and send it to you.
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I take Zyrtec and Flonase.

I also take Zantac. I have Pepsid, but don't take it as it doesn't help heartburn much.

So are you saying I should return to the Pepcid?

What about my Zyrtec? Should I switch to Benadryl?

This is wonderful information! Do you have the internet link for the study?

:) Tamra
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I have posted before about having hashi's and the hives. I found a study done that I explained in a comment above. Just thought I would touch base and give you all an update. It is sept. 30 and still no hives.
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I was a very healthy person before becoming very ill over a year ago. I ate healthy. I exercised about 5 days per week. I was my ideal weight. Then I had a stressful episode with family issues last summer. That's when I got this rash on my head along with extreme fatigue, and the doc said I had Shingles without testing my rash. I kept getting this so called 'Shingles' monthly and I became more ill. My D dropped to an 18. My rashes were even worse.

Now I am on Synthroid and able to exercise again. My scalp rashes are better since I went to a dermo and he gave me Nizoral.

Now I keep breaking out in these hives on my right side, but it's not as severe as when my D was low. I am taking several vitamins, including B12 and D.


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519736 tn?1253986826
This subject is very interesting. So many of us with Hasi/Hypo have skin problems. I had hives that were pretty much confined to my face and neck area for many years, during my 20's and 30's. I could never figure out what the cause was, it seemed to be triggered by stress. It went away for quite some time. Then 3 years ago I was told I have Hasi's. I didn't have a hive problem at the time, but I have had in the past 2 years...mine are usually in small bunches. I noticed a pattern with rising TSH..I'll get an intense ITCH, when I scratch, it gets worse and I then get tiny hives, and the more I scratch the wider the area of little hives gets. Must be associated somehow. It seems that if we can have so many other skin related problems--I also get boils in strange places when things aren't right.and we've all had the dry skin thing!!! Makes sense to me that the hives and hashi's are related.
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Hello. I posted on the websire in July. I have done alot of research and went to my doctor. I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's and have had hives pretty bad since Febuary. One of the this I had found while researching the relation between hives and Hashimoto's was a trial study. I tried and and have not had any hives. What a difference in my life with out them. I was miserable.
Medications like benadryl or atarax are labled a H1 histamine blockers. Meds like zantac, pepcid or tagament are H2 histamin blockers. I take 25 mg of atarax in the am along with a pepcid. In the pm, I take another pepcid. Coincidence or not since I have been doing this combination my hives have gone away. Just thougt I would share this.
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Good Morning,
Thanks for the reply. I think the combination of both atarax and the benadryl help me. Benadryl alone does nothing. I take 50 mg atarax every 6 hours and 1-2 benadryl in between. I also will take 3 benadryl before I go to bed and that helps me sleep. If I am itchy from the hives during the nite I am too tired to care. Occasionally I will wake up during the nite and take a super hot shower and I am able to fall back asleep.
I know that my hives do not have anything to do with allergies. I went thru that before I ever went to a doctor.
I hope your hives do not come back, they are miserable. Keep in touch and let me know how things are going as seems like our issues are similar. (hives since february)
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I am so sorry about your hives.  I wish I had some magic answer.  My hives episode that began in February JUST faded.  That's 5 months.  I know EXACTLY how you feel.  I do not know what causes the darn things and I don't know what makes them go away.  Like you, I find that hot showers brings me some relief (after the initial MADNESS when the hot water first releases those histamines!).  I tried benedryl as well.  It really didn't appear to do anything for me.  I took citrus out of my diet.  I took every food that anyone said could cause an allergic rash.  No change.  

So, I have no answers for you.  Just empathy.  And I agree...   SURELY there is something the medical profession can do about these HIVES!
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Gosh, I can't believe I am not the only one going thru this. I have had hives for 5 months and they are driving me crazy. My Doctor gave me a steroid injection and a steroid pak. It helped a little then did the same treatment again. He told me to go see an allergist. The allergist ordered a bunch of bloodwork. My WBC was high along with the thryglobulin antibodies &  thyroid peroxidase. The thryglobulin antibody result is supposed to be less than 20 and mine was 2499. Two years ago I was sent to a cancer specialist due to my WBC being high, they thought I had Leukemia or Lymphoma. I had a bone marrow biopsy that came back negative. I am now told I have Hashhmoto's disease and that it has been going on for years. If they would fo found it 2 years ago, I wouldnt of had to go thru the cancer testing, which was not fun. I am 35. I have been on Armour Thyroid for 2 weeks now. A few days after I started it my hives went away. I was sooo happy and thought they were gone. Not, They started up again a few days ago. This really *****. I take Atarax 50 mg every 6 hours and take Benadryl in between. When I go to bed I also take 3 Benadryl so I can sleep. I take alot of hot, hot showers. It really helps them.
I am very discouraged in reading everyones comments that the hives last for along time and are recurrent. There has got to be something out there to help with the hives.  
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If your digestion is slow then that could mean your body is absorbing toxins from your food that it shouldn't. This is because the food stays in there for so long. I have read similar things that you but I don't particularly believe in liver cleanses because most of the sites have so much inconsistent data and lies (like hundreds of green stones from your gall bladder that has only room for like 5 in real life). This slow digestion could be caused by a number of things like hypothyroid. Your problem could also be totally unrelated to your thyroid so what I'm saying, don't believe in everything you read (I've done that mistake far too often). Remember, poor diet isn't always as unhealthy as you might think (it might lack nutrients but it certainly doesn't contain as many toxins as those cleansing sites try to make you believe). You should talk to a doctor that is an expert in this matter and get a blood test.
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I have most or all of the symptoms everyone is discussing & I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's as well, although my thyroid is functioning ok (they just see the presence of antibodies).  I am curious if any of you are extremely active & eat well.  If you're like me, exercising inconsistently or not at all, and have a poor diet (I have for the past 2 years) then you may want to think about the research that supports toxins in the body being responsible for diseases/symptoms like these.  I would love to know if any of you are actually in incredible shape, etc... There is a book called "The Master Cleanser" by Stanley Burroughs that talks about doing a cleansing diet to avoid these kinds of problems.  I may be speaking for myself, but it seems to completely fit what I have done to my body.  It would make sense to think that too many toxins have built up & perhaps a cleansing diet can rid my body of the very thing that is causing me problems.  I know that I have not felt HEALTHY for a long time.  I have seen every kind of doctor (allergist, gyno, neurologist, dermatologist, etc) NO ONE has an explanation except for the fact that my cells are "spitting out" histamine, which is why many of you have been prescribed high doses of antihistamines to help control the hives.  The book I mentioned talks about the way that cells become "clogged" so to speak, they can not cleanse & renew themselves.  You may notice your skin breaking out, you can develop cysts, etc.  There is a firm belief out there that diseases such as cancer, MS, Hashimoto's, etc, whose causes cannot be explained, are simply related to a build up of toxins that must be removed from the body.  Not to be too graphic, but apparently there is "junk" just sitting in our intestines & it has been there for YEARS & can be quite damaging to overall health.  I keep going back to the notion of doing this cleansing fast since I am as desperate as all of you & willing to do anything to get rid of this problem.  For goodness sake, I have a 2-year old & would like to enjoy outdoor activities without worrying about an attack of hives!!!  So far, I have not been strong enough to go 10 days on liquid, but I am becoming more & more convinced that there may be light at the end of the tunnel if I do.  Has anyone tried it before?  If I make it & it works, I will be sure to let you know!!!Hang in there...
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Can you cite the specific reference that states that hives are related to Hashi's?  Are they caused because you are hypo?  Very interested in your sources.  Thanks.
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I have had Hashimoto's thyroid for ~26 years.  Although I have had two or three episodes of this horrible itch / hives, this is the FIRST time I have learned that hives ARE connected to Hashimoto's.  I have been trying to deal with this horrible itch from my current episode for about 3 months.  Interestingly, I have also been dealing with a fluctuation in my TSH, and T3, T4 levels.  I am about to go crazy with the itching.  I am hoping to find some relief by taking all the good suggestions you have all presented.  I sometimes take HOT showers to make my itching areas "angry" because it seems that after they get really "angry" the calm down for several hours.  Of course, then I have to moisturize like crazy to keep my skin from getting dry.  Has anyone else ever tried heat?  Even my hair dryer sometimes helps....

Thank you all for your suggestions and support.  
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623944 tn?1244035490
Just found out I have hasi and was reading up. Found this post... very interesting! I've had the same problem for about 3 years (hives) and have found that benadryl at bedtime along with Sarna lotion works for me. During the day sometimes, I've used a hydracortisone cream as a lotion - but not often as it is steroid based.
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519035 tn?1348275773
My sister has had a problem with this too. She refuses to get herself tested for the thyroid that runs in the family. I have some, but not that bad. I have hashimotos as well. The only thing I have found to help is zyrtec. Also try and stay away from scents, perfumes. Many people are allergic and they don't realize it. I doubt if you get your thyroid removed it will help. I have one side that is larger as well. I don't want mine to go anywhere, but if they are suspicious its better to be safe. Have you taken any medicines for thyroid, sometimes people are allergic to fillers in those.
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I also have Hashimotos diagnosed in 1994 and for the last 9 months have developed hives all over. I have seen the Dermatologist and Allergy Doctors who call the hives Chronic Urticaria. I have had some success with the antihistamines but lately the hives are coming back stronger and stronger. Could the thyroid be going out of whack again?? This whole thing is very frustrating.
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My husband has the same thing and has had some relief with Levothyroxine.  He was hive free for over 18 months and then his body became used to the dosage and the are coming back.  WE are hoping that the new increase in Levo will knock them out again.  It takes several weeks (3-5) to see the results of the meds.  Wishing you all the luck.  This is a horrible ailment.
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