579258 tn?1250649343

Day 1 – What a day it is going to be!

The Challenge starts today… and it starts now!
There is a rush in my veins and my heart is racing!

I am so excited about this and bet you, too, are feeling the excitement!

This challenge is all about believing in yourself, and the "I Can” Attitude.
We have the power to change our lives.  It's in our hands to make this happen and bring our dreams to reality! Let nothing stop us in our courageous journeys!

So let's start this day with renewed strength and determination to make this a real success!

Now it's time to go out there and let's do this together!  WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Each day we will be providing you with a link that will provide you with specific challenge information that consists of:

Daily Motivation
Daily Success Story
Daily Exercise
Daily Video Message

Here is your Day 1 Challenge link -


Copy and paste this in your browser.  Once you arrive at this destination, you will see additional links to your daily motivation, success story, exercise and video message.  As you click on each of those links, you can use your back arrow to return and click on the next link.

Use the daily challenge discussion thread in MedHelp to post challenge questions or your daily progress during the challenge.

Thank YOU for joining us and we look forward to a successful and exciting challenge!
20 Responses
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579258 tn?1250649343
Hi gia ... and a Very Warm Welcome!!!  Sending you a friendship request so you'll get the challenge messages ... running out the door for work, almost late ... lolll   Talk soon ... Ranae
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642022 tn?1257262672
Hey girls!  

We can DO this!   I'm so excited and thanks, TrudieC for telling me about this!!!
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579258 tn?1250649343
TrudieC - Adding the elliptical is awesome!  Good luck on the eating out meals; remember ... grilled is better and in my experience I have flat out explained to the server my goals and asked for their assistance ... and they have always offered their support and assistance in selecting flavorful calorie-friendly options.

bet643 - Seems getting the link to work is resolved?  Adding your stepper is a wonderful way to increase your exercise.  Be careful of your knee.  Walking with your dog is a wonderful way of exercising .. have a special article to share with you on that .. please remind me if I forget to post it tonight.  And, thanks for encouraging msgorgeous on reloading the videos.

msgorgeous - Were you able to get the videos to load???  So happy to see you here, Ms motivation!  Perhaps you should share the wonderful idea you had in that regard!!??

ChitChatNIne - Thank you for your kind assistance in helping bet643 and others with the browser instructions; very much appreciated!!!

CharmaineZoe - Sooo glad you found us and joined us; we're happy to have you here.  This entire group of members are fantastic, optimistic, motivational and committed!!!  Bless your heart for your effort on the exercise challenge ... you'll see in today's message that I literally couldn't breathe when I started to exercise.  The key is taking baby steps and going just a few seconds longer each day.  Wonderful effort!!!!

selmaS - Any luck with a library?  We're going to find a way to have you participate as well ... even if I refer you to some special articles .. ok???  Please let us know ...

Nancy2004 - Thank you for the best wishes to everyone - would love to have you join us!!!

Red2008 - Bike ride, fall, kids, you and exercise ... what an excellent and inspiring combination!!!  Sure wish my grandbabies lived closer!

Skailark - Sooo glad you're enjoying the challenge and thank you for your sparkling support!!

lilypad300 - Confidence abounds!!!  Thank you, Ms Cheerleader!!  ;)

Cynnieb4 - 30+ minutes is fantastic!  How do you like your wii?  Perhaps you will share with the members how it works and what all it allows you to do!  It's on my "want" list!!

Your posts are inspiring and I soooo look forward to hearing about your Day 2!!! Please try to check the threads a day later (i.e. Day 1 in this case) as I sometimes am not able to respond till morning ...

Let's DO THIS THING ... YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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519035 tn?1348275773
I liked the warm up video. Did about 30 min on my wii fit tonight, with aerobics. Works great since its so cold here.
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Warm up was great. Not difficult. It's great for me because I usually do a warm up before I use my stepper. Only did 30 minutes on the stepper. Have to be careful of a knee injury from a fall I took. I only cut it short when I plan on a nice walk with my dog. Getting a dog makes you do some walking.
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393419 tn?1228447393
Be Well everyone!
I have confidence in US!!!
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616227 tn?1251076398
I am having a fantastic day with the challenge! Hope the rest of the gang is enjoying the day 1!
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579258 tn?1250649343
Aren't we having so much fun with this challenge my dear friends?
This is so kool!
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566103 tn?1228385767
Ready to do this. It is so awesome to have such a great support system.. thanks : )
Things went good today. Took the kids for a bike ride on a trail by my home. How beautiful the leaves were.
Day one almost in the bag there guys, day two...bring it : ) !!!!
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579258 tn?1250649343
It may be difficult with dial up ... it would take a long time to load and then perhaps start and stop.  Another idea ... do you have access at a local library?  You may not be able to "do" the exercise there unless they have a private room.  However, you could see the motivation video, some of the success stories that may be videos, etc.  As for the exercise, you can get the idea and do them at home.  

Let me know .. we'll try to help brainstorm to figure something out .. ok?  ((Hugs)) Ranae
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419964 tn?1333301906
Thank you bet643 i hope soo too i wanna see it :)
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I had a problem getting the video. Had to try a few times. Hope you can get it soon.
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419964 tn?1333301906
i was unable to see the video it said it does not exist..

Good luck to all
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636246 tn?1223427291
Goodluk Ladies
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633471 tn?1376576249
Whew! Just checked out the warm up video - it's just so much fun! I managed to get through the whole thing, although I'm absolutelt shattered, but considering I haven't done any exercise at all for the last 'ahem!' years I really surprised myself :-). So really pleased I enjoyed it so much. Will definitely be making this part of my morning routine (just means getting up a bit earlier!)
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620923 tn?1452915648
...this is a great idea, unfortunatly I have dial up...can't see the exercise or story on utube.

Does anyone have any idea, how I might get it to work?

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633471 tn?1376576249
This is only my second week, so delighted to get with the program. Thanks for the link Ranae, you are an inspiring lady :-)
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having problems with link.  I cannot access it, I thinks it's because I'm not so great with computers. Only used it for info without getting into cut & paste etc.etc. I did put it into my browser, but now am stuck. Don't think I did it right and don't know how to delete it. Maybe this isn't for me.
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483733 tn?1326798446
I am so motivated!  Actually got on the eliptical this morning and did some floor exercises.  Started at 180 today and anxious to see how it goes.  Eating out on business today and tomorrow so hope I will be a good girl.  
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579258 tn?1250649343
You're up and early and WoWWW are you inspiring .. through the links already!  What commitment you have!  Way to go lady!!!  Glad the message and instructions made sense .. it is sometimes difficult to put everything in written form.  

If anyone has suggestions .. please just add them to the daily threads and we'll definitely pay attention ... the challenges are ever evolving to meet everyone's needs and to include what the members find helpful.

My warmup will have to wait till tonight, but is first on my list when I get home .. as is a brisk walk.

Many (((Hugs))) and thanks so much for your participation!!!  


PS - I chose yellow for that reason... it's sunshiny and just keeps me feeling bright.  Besides, it's fairly cool in the summer and warm in the winter ... and keeps this very small office from closing in.  Besides .. the wallpaper border was on sale for $1.00 a roll and it made remodeling this room quite inexpensive ... lollll  
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