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Addiction - NEED HELP !!

I have become addicted to Pain Medication from Lortab to Vicodin to Percocet.  I WANT OFF !  I have no more pain medication, it's all gone.  How do I become the person I want to be - PAIN MEDICATION DRUGE FREE.  I am dead serious, I need help and don't know what way to turn.  If you've been through this give me your insite.

Thank you & God Bless
58 Responses
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Gee, it sounds like you are doing great!  I don't have any answers for you, but you may want to enter the thread at the top.  Sometimes we overlook the postings at the bottom.  Good Luck! and God Bless.....Susan
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Hi there everyone. I have been reading these messages for aboutthe last two months. And I finally took the leap and I am in the process of getting off of Lortab(Hydrocodone) addiction.
It has been almost a week sinve my last full day on the pills. A week ago today i was taking 6-8 pills a day sometimes more. The wednesday following that i broke down and took 1-1/2. Since wednesday I have not taken anything except the vitamins, vallium, and stuff listed in Thomas' recipe. My question is this.
How long does it take for the weird feeling in my stomach and the cold sweats to go away. I really feel like i am almost over the hump here. Would just be nice to havean indication of about how long i hace left.

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thanks for the response.  I know that I will eventually get over all this.  My ex didn't have to do a thing.. I owned the house, cars etc.  I did all the cooking, shopping, cleaning, paid all the bills, washed all the clothes.  All he did was avoid us.  He would hide in another room, watch tv and sleep.  He never wanted to talk, go out, nothing.  He didn't want to have sex, kiss or cuddle.  I lived this way for 2 years.  I tried everything I could to help him. Finally in Mid March I walked upstairs,he was zoned out on the bed. I said he either had to get help or leave that I couldn't live this way.  It was raining hard, he got up, threw abunch of clothes in a bag and walked out.  That was it, the end.  He moved in with his mom and dad, and they take care of him now.  I will hear every so often from him, but there's nothing to say.  I don't know if he's stopped using, but with his addiction at over 260mg's aday I kind of doubt it.  I don't believe anything has really changed for him since he left.  I could be wrong.  He never came and got all his things, I still have his furniture, his dogs, his kids photo's, I guess it is not important to him.  At 38 I am sure his parent's will eventually get tired of having him lay around their house. Who knows.  He left me greatly in debt, I signed one car over to him,  I am finally out from under it all but I have had to struggle.  Things here have improved dramatically so I must have made the right choice.  I don't know what the pills will do to him in the long run.  I know he has lost alot of hair, and he looks alittle yellow.  He used to be in great shape, now he's all flabby, his face is broken out in cysts, it's awful. His hair is so long and stringy.  When will he grow up?
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Hi everyone,  I'm trying to taper off of codeine and I need help.  Please someone tell me how to do this.  You can email me at  ***@****  and I can give you details of what I have and my usage.  I can't go to a detox facility due to circumstances.  I'm waiting anxiously for some help.  Please.  I can't do this alone.   Liz
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Email me at ***@****    let me know what is going on with you if yiu are ok with it,i have to get to soccer practice so hopefully i'll get a chance to get on later   love cin
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Thanks Cindy, I'll look for that now.  Oh my God I'm sitting here nauseaus with fear, I hope I can taper off this stuff.  I'm really really scared.
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I also need help badly.  I'm addicted to codeine and I don't know how to stop, I've been taking it a little over a month now and am so scared.  I can't tell my family, so I need to detox myself.  Can anybody tell me how to do this.  I would really like to know what Thomas Detox formula is.  Could someone send it to me?  My address is ***@****      PLEASE HELP ME
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I'm not a man but I left my husband for a couple reasons...one was my addiction....but it was all conneted. I got us into alot of credit card debt because of my habit...he still doesn't know about that but I was having a hard time living there and knowing that he thought we had money..and we didn't!
Another reason was the times I was out of pills...I couldn't function. My hubby was from the south (and I don't mean to say that all men from the south are this way) but he was a real mommie's boy. His mother never worked so when him, his sis and father came home there was a hot meal and the house was spotless and she even ironed the sheets and their pj's. Well...I wasn't that kind of wife. I had a job...and a drug habit so he was lucky to get a grilled cheese for dinner. He would get furious when I didn't get up and fix eggs and bacon for breakfast. Hell....somedays I was doing good to get up and stagger to the bathroom! Then about 2 years ago my doctor put me on zoloft...and we all know the effect that can have on a sex drive. So that was another battle. All of this was brought on by my addiction....so if I had gotten clean my marriage would have probably survived....but I decided to stay with the drugs and leave him. My love of pain killers is deep. You would never believe the things I've done to get ahold of them.
BUT! on another note...we had no kids. If we had....I like to think I would have stayed and made it work.
Anyway...like I said...I'm not a man but this is just my input...for what it's worth.
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sorry Jen, email me again with your number.  I had it in my cell phone but it got deleted.  ***@****. Anyone want to give me a hard time and knock some sense in me would be greatly appreciated.   Love Susan
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I went to my Dr today.  Crying the blues.  He ran a blood test and some other tests.  Well, he called me later in the day and starting giving me a hard time,  asked me when and why I stopped taking my Effexor (antidepressent/OCD drug)  I told him that I haven't taken it for about 1 month or so.  Well I got the lecture that you just can't stop, and that my hormones and seratonin levels are so low that he's surprised that I can even go to work.  I did this before and forgot.  When I start feeling ok I forget to take it, and BAM! I go right back there.....I went to a meeting tonight, and then to a support group.  I am telling you when I slide back it all comes back to bite me in the ass.  I know Mike is hopeless, living with his parents, going to work (barely), hardly see's his kids, can't even get a county sticker for the van.  I forget his addiction, because he is not here.  I believe nothing has changed, he just got better at it and able to hold off or deal with the withdrawals.  I bet he is buying on the street.  How can a man almost 40 live that way?  I really thought he would try to get it together but I am wrong I guess.  He has no ambition, his hair is so long and stringy almost to his waist.  He looks so unkempt, dirty and greasy looking.  What happened to him?  He didn't look that bad when he was here.  Or am I just looking through a different set of glasses?  He looks awful, his skin is all broken out and looks so unhealthy.  He could have had it all, we had everything except his attention.  Oxy's are more appealing than me.  I will move on, but I wonder if he will ever regret all this.  Hey Milo, Thomas, JB all you guys out there.  What makes a man want pills more than a loving woman, family, home, a real life.  Why would he just walk away?  Detox wasn't that hard  on him, he went in for 5 days got clean, and back again to the pills.  I have to give up.  He has completely shut me and the boys out.  He almost acts like he hates me, than turns around and says he doesn't.  Well he has kept away, not even tried.  Will he ever?
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I've gotta run to lunch to go transfer this boat title, but wanted to quickly say:
Susan, hang in there, be strong for you and your boys.  You're doing the right thing by keeping my ex away; you are just feeling loney and vunerable right now.  Please call me ANYTIME, i mean that!!!!
Cindi, I'm sorry you have been so down lately, hang in there girlie, and you too, call me ANYTIME!!!!  I will call you back on the cell if it's after 8 pm; please take me up on it if you need to talk! :)
Kip, Wow, i admire your strength, flushing your oxys.  I'm sorry you are hurting (your neck) so much!  Take care of yourself, and good luck, i know you know what is best for you! :)
Lv Jenny
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Thanks for the kick in the butt.  I don't know what was wrong with me yesterday, maybe the full moon?  I did try you at home last night, twice.  But you were on line, and my cell phone (free long distance) wouldn't stay on.  I will try you tonight after 9.  Re:Mike, he called this morning, said he left his phone and pager at work, that no one ever calls him anyway.  He was ok, always sounds down. Said he doesn't know how he feels about anything, and that he just is exsisting.  Then he called back and said he misdialed.  I ask if he wanted to talk, and he said he wanted to think about it.  He will reach and then withdraw.  It's almost like he wants me to do all the work, just like always.  I am better today.  I talked with my sponser and am going to a meeting tonight (NA).  I have to take it one day at a time.  I had forgotten how hard it was to communicate with him, how he shuts him self off.  He never shows his feelings, can't laugh, can't cry.  Just there.  Any advice would be appreciated.  I don't even know why it's bothering me now.  He was so withdrawn emotionally.  He couldn't and wouldn't want affection, or sex because of the methadone and oxy's.  I know in my heart he is still using.  I doubt seriously he is clean in 2 months.  Oh well, this too shall pass.  Thanks for everything guys, I love you all.  I guess loving an addict is almost as hard as being one.     Susan
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Hang in there kip, we'll all keep an angel on our shoulder for you. BTW I would have been glad to keep the oxys for you, aghhhh, to think the public sewer is that high right now :---).

Seriously, you did the right thing. You made a choice between your wife and your drug habit. Keep talking, walking and healing,

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good people:
i must be nuts. friday night i flushed 84 0xy-c down the toilet.
Thomas don't kill me until i expain, then please do. i have be
taking 2 20mg oxy-c 3 times a day. i've been as close to pain
free as i can ever remember. i've also turned into a jabbering
overly "busy" zipper head. for god's sake it's suppose to be an
opiate, it seems to work me more like desoxyn (d-methamphet.)

what can i say... i felt my wife would leave or the oxy would. i
chose the oxy to go...flush,flush. come to find out, she wasn't
handing me an ultimatem, she was just concerned. sometimes the
"idiot kip" takes the helm and runs the ship up a sandbar.

maybe 2 weeks without will do me some good. only wd i seem to have
had was sweating and dizzy spells, but OH BOY DOES MY NECK HURT!

need you all
keep an angel (not an idiot) on your shoulder!
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forgive me, in my last post i ment to offer consolation at the
tragic and sensless loss of a friend. words fall like tears into
dusty gardens, where they quickly dry leaveing only the dust.....
the dust blows away...  keep the best and dearest parts of your
depated friend in mind and heart and he will never die completely.
also dear friend, keep the gardens in your heart and mind well
tended.....this may be the reasion you were spared!
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I know her,,,and I do know she is concerned...she loves you skipper  very much....good for you,,if the oxy's were making her nervous and you realized what they are doing to you and possibly your mariage then my friend you did the right thing....aren't you going to see a pain specialist?  skip  I don't have to tell you what's right and wrong,,you already know...we're here for you skipper....hang in there  both of you    and no you are not an idiot......love you both   cin
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I want you to hang in there during this oxy-free time. You've done it before, so I know you can do it again. Your words to Cindi were poetic. I'm looking for that angel even as we speak -- Little Milo
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Boy, you're certainly getting a lot of attention today!  We don't mind a bit sharing with you.  All of us have dreadful thoughts at times.  At least our help is free.

Thomas said that death means no hope.  True enough, Thomas. Cindi, Cindi, you are going to be just fine.  That's my hope for you.  You are going to be just fine!  Trust us.  I could sit here and bore you with all the setbacks in my own life but it's water under the bridge.  Life is a flowing thing and so is the hope that all can get better.  When your strength is ebbing and all seems so insurmountable, lean my way. I'll bouy you up and thereby gain strength myself in doing so.  Hope is us togehter!  J.B.
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If it's any consolation i never really did end my rrlationship with ******* before i married doug  LOL  I just told him one day i was getting married.....and his world di not come to an end...he was this sicko that vowed to care for his mom and sister after his divorce..he lived with htem and at his age of 40 had to be home at 11 or his sister would *****  I could go on and on but i'll spare the details..to this day i think he was doing his sister more than he was doing me  LOL       hang in there it will get better
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Ok  I won't Thomas    so neither will you...your views are very interesting and make an awful lot of sense....sometimes when we can't see straight it helps to surround yourself with people like you that keep my head glued onto my shoulders...LOL  Lea,,,,it takes a long time to heal the wounds of a love...Susan,  I can't tell you what to do sweetie,,,I can tell you this  Lea,,,you have suffered enough at the hands of this man....he has dragged you down..dragged your boys down..hurt them...hurt you....do you have good times to remember?  how many times can you count the laughter, the true love and intimacy the sharing and giving of yourself and he to you?  has there ever been any of that?  do the bad times outweigh the good?  sit down and look at the pros and cons of this relationship...many times I have todl you that you deserve so much more so do your kids....why live in misery?  and whenever you gave him a second and 3rd and 4th chance you came back to us broken hearted and angry with yourself....a vicious circle....over and over again...you have got to break the circle..stop it now....6 months   susan you have come so far......keep on going.....I had a relationship that was terrible...5 years....what a mess....i ended up in treatment and he had no clue i was even using drugs...what a great relationship we had...he'd come to my house,,,watch a movie have sex and leave.....no real caring nothing...i was worth sex, and that was it..i was a fishing buddy...it took treatment for me to realize i deserved more than that....i met my husband and for the first time in m life I realized what love is....no conditions....real honest to God love...and I was not looking for it,,it fell into my lap...and this can and will happen for you but you have got to make yourself open for the possiblity....I'm sure you care about this man, it is impossible to turn real feelings off this a faucet but,,,,in time you will begin to realize you deserve real love, a real relationship...am I making sense..?  I hope I've helped you in someway..you remind me too much of me...we go for trouble...i used to find the worse possible men for me..until I met Doug...the sex is really love,,,,the kissing and hugging are real,,,the unconditional love, no insecurities, complete and utter trust between the two of us...do you trust Mike?  no....think about this susan..My thoughts and prayers are with you.....you know I love you and will help anyway i can......love cin
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Sorry to hear about your friend. That must be a terrible thing to reconcile. As far as doing myself-in goes, I won't if you won't. Besides, I have always believed that as long as you're alive, there is hope of redemption, whether that's what you want or not. Death, at least as far as this life goes, must then be the absence of hope.

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hello good people:
will go into more detail later....i'm wd/detoxing off 120 mg/day
oxy-c! i did some really stupid things, hurt my wife (emotioonally)

oxy-c relieves pain. But it also cranks me up in to something like
a jabbering speed freak. when this happens it's my poor wife who
has to suffer me.

i don't know about the rest of you... but right now i think the
only things that would "fix me" would be a grain and half of
GOM (mophine sulfate), or maybe black tar heroin.

I'm so disgustaded with myself! i'm really fed uo with my inablity
to make sound decision.

sick of being a junkie/sick of physical pain
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I hear ya, Kip -- I understand your concern for your wife, and I also understand your desire for something to *get rid of the pain* (Physical & emotional). A friend asked me yesteday if I'd ever tried heroin (joking.) I said, "No, but if someone offered it, I'd sure as hell take it!" I guess that makes me a bad person in some people's eyes. Oh well, **** it.
Keep that angel on your shoulder, my friend -- Milo
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