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Long Term Effects of Oxycontin Abuse

I have recently discovered that my 23 year old son is addicted to this drug.  He is in the mental health unit of a prison awaiting trial for crimes commited while under the influence of this drug.
He is being treated for hallucinations, anxiety and panic attacks, and general depression.  I do not know the names of the drugs he is being given but he is slowly returning to normal.
The doctors do not know if these symptoms will be re-occurring, and what the long term effects are going to be.
i am trying to find out what I can do, and can be expected in the future.  What are the chances of beating this????
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i am currently on oc and am afraid of stoping cause of withdrawl symptoms i take about 90mg a day. i know i need to stop but its hard and dont really have any support from anyone. i know you all will say you support me but i need physical help and real love to help me. i just hope to overcome this eventually i am about to start a new career as a biomedical engineer and am 24 yrs old i want to get through this but i fear it may not last and destroy my future. im not looking for sympathy just letting anyone whos reading this if your not on any drugs good dont ever start. i dont know any of you but hope your well, all the best to all of you
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1011285 tn?1302116858
Ok everyone keep in mind that this is somebody else post whom which is trying to get help. SO STOP FIGHTING ON HIS POSTS! If you dont agree with a way a Dr. works on here then go somewhere else. Ok so the best advice for you and your son is, get aftercare and tooooons of it. This is the most important step on getting clean and staying clean! Go to NA regularly, go to counseling and dont let him get back in touch with the people he use to hang out with. If he has any money you should hold on to it for him. If you can relocate from somewhere far away from that area I would do it.
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Tell your son to check out an NA meeting. I've been clean 13 days and somehow meeting people who know what it's like helps. For me I know boredom is a pain. I've become so used to equating fun with getting high that now sober feels strange and boring. Hoping with time and maybe getting a few hobbies that will help. My heart goes out to you, I watched my mom suffer addiction and then I myself fell into it so I've been on both sides. Maybe attend some meetings for people who are dealing with a loved ones addiction.
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i am an 18 year old male who has been addicted to oxycontin for 3 months now. I am unemployed and livin at home with my grandmother who is 74. She has jus recently found out about my drug use and confronted me with it. I couldnt tell her the truth. I have committed countless crimes to obtain this terrible substance and am spiralling downhill. My drug intake is a heavy dose everyday to keep from getting sick. Im am afraid that if i dont quit that i will overdose or worse break my grandmas heart. Someone help me please.
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I was wondering if anyone knows if there is any long term effects to kidneys or liver from tramadol use. I have been on 400mg a day for 1 year follow a botched back surgery.
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Hi Butterbean,
I was incredibly busy at work yesterday and didn't have a chance to do any posting all!

Yes, I do think acupuncture would be a great thing to try. It helps me a lot with my back pain, and it also helps the body handle the side effects of opiates.  In addition, if you ever try to detox from opiate, acupuncture has ways of making that much, much less uncomfortable.

I've been getting acupuncture at least every other week for a while now, and though I hear it doesn't work for everyone, it works very well for me.

Email me at ***@**** if you want info on the other forum, we've been (understandably) asked to not use this forum to advertise for that one.

I hope you are doing well..you're in my thoughts.

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I want to try and find the new forum.  I couldn't find the link .  Could you post it again here.  For some reason, before I tried about 4 times and couldn't get on it.  Do you know how I can get on it.  When I put in the link before it came up that it wasn't in there.  I have AOL.  Does that have something to do with it?  Thanks.  I am doing OK.  Only took some meds when I got home today for the pain as I was on my feet all day.  I think I can do this.  Please keep encouraging me.  How are you guys doing?  Maybe I should try acupuncture for my back?  What do you think WW.  It is my very low back and buttocks.  I fell first at age 14 and had massive lump on my right buttocks.  I had to have many blood clots removed in a period of a week!  Told me i could have died from that.  The final straw was when I fell skating !!!  It was downhill after that.  I was on my feet for two hours today and everytime I sneezed I almost fell with my back grabbing and hurting!  This is horrible.  I am going to join a gym again soon, so I hope that helps.  Thanks to all of you for your support.  Hope Telby, Gingerlee, Abusa, Skipper and everyone are doing OK.
Love Butterbean
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Read my post up above Ginger.  I am doing fine, but, I did start taking my meds again.  I wish I knew another way to deal with my pain. I have taken Motrin, and just about everything else there is over the years, but, nothing worked but the narcotic.  I need to learn to take as perscribed.  You sound so positive, and I am so glad that you will be walking soon. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I did, but, made my back worse!  Thanks for asking for me.  Keep up the strength Gingerlee!!!
Love Butterbean
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Hi Ginger...that is great news from your doctor, about hearing you will be walking on your own in a little while. Hang in there..I know it must feel like forever!

Good advice about the ginko biloba...however, I've been taking ginko biloba every day, in fairly high quantities, for the past two years.  I find it helps with a lot of things, but it doesn't seem to help the ear ringing.  My acupuncturist gave me a chinese herbal formula that does seem to be lowering the ringing a bit, which was the first bit of hope I've had in a while.  She also put the needles in points deep inside my ears..LOL..it felt so wierd, but it really did help.

I hope your Thanksgiving was a good one!

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Goodmorning to you! How nice to see a major win on the board. Walking on your own in a couple of months is wonderful news. I hope you keep us posted on the progress as we too often only hear about the sad stuff. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving weekend and I'll keep on praying for you.
Power & Magick 2 U,
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31505 tn?1345436345
I was getting a little concerned about everyone because it has been so quiet. I am doing ok. I feel guilty about having to take anything for my pain, but that is something I have imposed on myself. As far as narcotics go- I have been a good girl. I went to the DR. earlier this week and he said I should be walking on my own in a couple of months.
WW, I thought I would post this tidbit of information that I have about ibuprophen. It is unrelated to the ringing in the ears problem, but it might help another woman one day.  I had a total hysterectomy a few years back due to some female problems and was put on Premarin
I always preferred motrin to tylenol and I would take it if I had nothing else. I noticed that when I would take the ibuprophen the cold sweats and chills would come on faster than when I did not. I asked my Dr. and sure enough, ibuprophen hinders the hormones, making an uncomfotable situation worse.
I also have a suggestion for your tinitus.(sp?) Start taking Ginko Biloba. It increases the circulation in the brain. Check it out it may help. It comes in tea form, bulk herb or capsules. You may have to take it for a month or two before you realize the full effect, but I have heard great things about it.
Wiz- Thanks to you as usual, you are a wise wiz and I appreciate you.
Telby-butterbean, where are you? I am thinking about you.
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Hi y'all, and thanks for the kind words!

I've had my blood pressure checked, and all kinds of other things checked, and there is no explanation for the ringing in my ears except for my past history of hydrocodone abuse.  The doc said ibuprofen (which I take high doses of for pain) does not cause ringing in the ears.  So, I'm convinced it is from the years of hydro. It started when I was still using, but has gotten worse lately.  My doc is supposed to refer to me to a hearing specialist to test further, but I haven't heard from the specialist yet. I'm going to call on Monday myself...the squeaky wheel gets the oil in HMOs.  I'm still worried, but not running as much anxiety about it as I was.

My addiction cost me a lot already. I hope I haven't permanently damaged my hearing. I"ll keep you all posted.

I hope you are all feeling more comfortable by now.  How is the withdrawal going? Have you been able to fight the Dragon? It is soooo damn hard..I know.  

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I was just checking in on you all over this holiday weekend. Looks like this place has been quiet for a couple of days. I hope you all had a pretty good Thanksgiving and got through the weekend without too much discomfort. I have had you all on my mind and in my prayers. Take care and let me know if I can be of any assistance. Always your friend and always checking.
Power & Magick 2 U All,
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31505 tn?1345436345
ooops, it looks like I was writing to myself. Sorry everyone
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I agree with WW.  This constant bickering serves no purpose and should not be posted here for all to see.  Maybe some people get a real kick out of all this BS but I don't!  J.B.
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i asked in an above post...why can't we let this all die and get on with this...after hearing Cindy's reason for all the post deletions i felt better knowing that it was not doen intentionally....i have talked to cindy and and they are trying their hardest to keep this place at it's best...come on   this is Thanksgiving  can't everyone just please please get along and go back to being friends again.?
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31505 tn?1345436345
Witchywoman, I think that you have been really brave and strong  from what I have seen here. Have you ever had your blood-pressure checked? I think that can make your ears ring.I also heard that a pinched nerve in you neck could do it too.
You keep on keepin on and stay grounded and close.
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Hi WW, I am doing OK.  I am not taking the pain meds,but, I have been drinking some because of the pain.  I intend to stop doing that too, I don't even like to drink. I hate it, but, I have so much pain.  The 15 years I went without pain meds, I would drink wine, etc, when the pain was bad, and it doesn't help much, but, some.  I guess I will try later to take the meds as perscribed or even less, but, if I start taking more, I am throwing them away.  I feel better than I have in a long time.  I am going to get through this and be a happy person!  You will be fine WW, the ear thing willclear up soon.  I feel it for you. Remember you have so much to be thankful for during this season, and I will be h ere for you when you need me.
Love Butterbean
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Thanks for the (((Hugs))), I appreciate them.  As I said, I'm trying to learn how to help my son(my only child).  He is receiving medical treatment during his incarceration, and while we don't know if he will recieve additional jail time as a result of his crimes, my concerns are for his mental health as well as the addiction.

He had a good life.  Recently engaged, good job.  As a result of a car accident two years ago, he was given Percocet for pain.  His addiction led to Xanax and now the Oxy.  From what I have learned, he was taking up to 160mg. every couple of days.  The girlfriend swears she didn't know, but I have my doubts.  She's gone now, and he's in jail, and I am the only one standing by him. His natural father, nor his step-dad, have anything to do with him.

While we wait for the trial, which isn't until January, I can only talk to him via phone.  He doesn't want me to visit. His doctors give me updates on his progress, and we hope to have him clean by the trial date.  It's been hard on me, but I stay cheerful on the phone.  His bouts with paranoia and hallucinations are scary.  It takes him 4-7 days to return to normal.  This has happened twice since mid-October.  I can only sit and wait for a call from the doctors.

Well, thanks again for your kind words.

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Butterbean, thank you for the supportive words. I needed to hear some support coming back at me, more than you could ever know.
I may be having an irrational reaction to this ear ringing, but it is hard to keep the fear away that this means I did major damage to my hearing through my years of hydro abuse.

I feel overwhelmed, sad, scared, and helpless.  I'm taking action by seeing doctors and doing what I can to find out what is going on, and I am trying really hard to stay focused on the positive.

No matter what ends up happening, I know that I have a lot to be grateful for. Yes I have bad back pain, but I have two legs that work and some folks don't.  I may end up with more hearing damage, but I have two eyes that see and some folks don't. I need to focus on what I have, and not let the fear over run me.
I don't mean to sound like I'm whinning, but I am feeling very scared and vulnerable.
Any and all support right now is greatly appreciated, so thank you, very much.

How are you doing Butterbean? How is your detox coming along? I thought about you, and Telby, and Ginger over the weekend and prayed you were all doing ok. Please let us know.
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WW, please don't feel ashamed.  Don't be ashamed for being human.  You may find the ringing is just an inner ear problem.  I am here for you, and you were in the same field I do and you know in your mind and heart that we are only human. If only I had never touched a pain killer.  Too late now.  My pain is better today and I am putting up my Christmas Tree since I have the rest of week off.  Remember, we are all here for you too.  Geri-keep being optimistic that your son is getting the help he needs and he will be OK.  You are a great mom for standing by him, I never had a mom like you, so I know how special you are.  Have good day.
Love Butterbean
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Ok folks, this has gotten out of hand.

I honestly don't see the purpose of continuing to stir this pot up.  

When I saw the word "delete" from Dr. Steve, my imediate assumption was that he had somehow intended to delete a certain post, but had made an error because he is not used to the new software format.

I could be wrong. But I think a lot of assumptions have been made in this debate, on both sides, and I think this had caused it to go from bad to worse.  

I truly doubt that Dr Steve has any ill intentions. My "assumption" is that he does not have the time to give to this board.  I tend to not get a whole lot of from the posts that he does offer, but I think that calling him names over that is at best ineffective.

My policy with this board has been to "take what I like and leave the rest". I've continued to post here because I've gotten so much help. I've chosen to let go of my feelings about my deleted posts, and continued to be a member of a community that saved my life.  

I am not ready to say goodbye to this forum. It holds a very precious place in my heart, just for being here.  Those who are unhappy with the format here have a new place to go. Please remember though, that there are hundreds of new people every day who find this place, who NEED this place as badly as I once did. The bickering that is going on here is hurtful to them, and may prevent them from getting the positive warmth and caring they need. If I came across this site now for the first time, I'd cruise right on by.

I remain extremely grateful for the help I've gotten here. I just would like to ask that we let this bickering die down. Let's focus on the positive, sharing our experience, strength and hope, as we all struggle with this addiction demon. The bickering is a huge distraction to the real work that we need to do, the work of recovery.

To my friends who may disagree with what I'm writing, please, let it be ok to disagree and still hold love in our hearts for each other.  But please, lets stop the name calling and go to wherever each of needs to go to do the work of recovery.

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was that post to me  cindi?   cindi41 or cindy from medhelp?
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Cindi, I have to agree with Frank. This forum seems to have become just another chore for Steve. I've frankly NEVER seen a substantial, well thought-out answer from him. Never. And I don't believe that one must have a medical degree to be helpful. That kind of elitism has killed a lot of people.

I am also a permanent denizen of a melanoma bb. And I can tell you for a fact that many doctors don't know their butts from third base when it comes to that disease, one of the most deadly and most frequently mis-diagnosed cancers on the planet. The "non degreed" yet well-informed regulars on that site have saved many lives in the four years I've been on it. Those people helped save my life. And there's not an M.D. among 'em.

And as desparate as addicts can become, I'm all for telling all who post here about the new site. The fact that you don't want Frankie Lee to advertise the new site on this one leaves me absolutely breathless. I cannot believe my ears! Um, eyes! That's far too much elitism for me. This site hasn't all the answers, and Steve has become less than desultory. And it's hard as hell to post here, an original one anyway. What gives you the right??? Do you honestly feel that position is ethical?

And now that I have your attention, supposedly, perhaps I can finally get an answer to the oft repeated, never answered question, "why do you delete ALL the Ibogaine posts and refuse then to discuss why you do it?"

Standing by,


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