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11 - 20 of 69 Posts
A few questions concerning the treatment of dermatitis on the penis skin: 1) Are there any serious complications to leaving dermatitis untreated for 9-10 months before treating it? Specifically would this prevent it from ultimately being healed or doesn'...

For 10 months I have had a hot red rash in the groin, on the vulva and through the perineum. It doesn't go away even if I use hypoallergenic toilet paper, soap and washing powder. It is improved by using Elocon 1% but even that isn't all that successful....

I have suffered eczema my entire life and I have grown very frustrated about relying on prescription steroidal treatments (ie: Elocon). My eczema is stubborn - it is constantly reappearing, causing me to use the Elocon far too often than I should be, but...

Dear Dr Ive had chronic eczema for 6-7 years, Ive been using elocon on my face for around 6-7 years, i never knew the effects of it then and been using it weekly since then as soon as i used to stop using it i get a flare after a few days so i used to r...

hi my vagina has been hurting as if it has been bruised , there is skin peeling also an itchy dry feeling around the lips there is no discharge yet it doesnt hurt to pee and there is no burning sensation , help please

Scrotum Itching For the last 2 months my testicles have been very itchy, whenever im at home or sitting down in a warm area its not bothersome. But whenever i am moving around at work or just light walking they begin to itch. I cant resist the itch beca...

is the use of fucibet,fucidin,flutivate, and elocon cream correct for fungul allergy? the allergy it reoccurs for every 30days.....if the above medicines are wrong ,then please give the solution to it......the fungal allery leaves back marks that are very ...

i have very dry dry that i often scratch lower legs til i look like i fought a tiger! anything i can do ahead to keep this under control during tx? here is what i have done; bought humidifier for bedroom, bought a bunch of natural lotions w/o colo...

Hi there, I'm 15 years old and for 6 months now, I have a condition with my fingers (Ring finger and Thumb on Left hand, Pinky and Ring finger on Right Hand). Prior to that 6 months i had been using Ajax Mould remover on bathroom tiles, and i did not use ...

I am 28 years old and have been suffering from what my Dr. Says is a "penile fungus" for about a month. I went to my Dr after about a week and a half of suffering with my scrotum and shaft being inflamed with a few bumps. I have had the same sex partner ...

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