11 - 20 of 102527 Posts
It's that lovely time of year no matter how much germex or bath&Body hand sani you use while your out and then hand washing at home seems to fail:( Woke up with a sick little one today and then after lunch started getting any upset stomach headache back ac...

So I packed diapers...(pampers sensitive kind)...huggies nature made wipes....nail clippers...a little brush lol..just in case she has hair (fingers crossed)....formula...(just in case I can't breastfeed)....a bottle....a blanket and I know somethin for he...

Hi everyone! How long after HCG shot does ovulation occur? I had the shot June 30. Also, does anyone here use progesterone supp? I will be starting tomorrow 2x a day. Could you please advice as to what to do and not to do while on it? Please share ti...

I will be at 8 weeks pregnant tomorrow and I have been experiencing extreme fatigue. I don't remember experiencing this with my first child. I get roughly 7-8 hours of sleep at night, wake up get child off on the school bus and go back to sleep for a few...

hello. i have been prescribed suppositories for a mild hemorroid...i think it was called anuciort. the dr. told me it had a steroid in it and he was unsure if it would interact with my valtrex(generic version) i am going to ask my provider anyway,but d...

Ok, I just posted this question on the wrong thread! OOOPS! Does anyone here know if you ovulate multiple follies, ( on a medicated cycle) would that increase your 7DPO progesterone levels??????? It seems like it would, but I have no clue????? What do...

Hey ladies, I have a question for you mommies who are pregnant! Do you guys remember what your CD21 prog. b/w was? I'm just curious & even though I KNOW this means nothing (in terms of pregnant or not) I want to compare my level w/successful pregnanci...

Hello, i count my blessings i feel so good atm, i decided to stop my Effexor 2 days ago. No brain zaps or confusion, nothing. I tapered very quickly from 225mg to 37.5mg in 12 days, then stayed on 37.5mg for around 9-10 weeks. I have been so lethargic and ...

Hi ladies, i had 2 MC's in 5 months in 10/07 & 2/08. I have been seeing the fertility doctor for the past month and having all the pregnancy loss testing done, low and behold, everything was normal. just to be on the safe side, the doctor is starting ...

So I was able to get a script in time to start my clomid 50mg along with the metformin (1700mg) I've been taking. :) I also got a script for progesterone supp. but I've never used them so I have a few questions. I was told that once I get a positive OPK...

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