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Hi All does anyone ever get pain in big toe ? I have all left sided problems - but noticed my right big toe is completely numb, but has now started to really pain me . may be is not ms related im not sure xx jan x

I'm a D1 women's soccer player and i have been experiencing these same symptoms!!!! MY BIG TOE HAS GONE NUMB!!!!! I have no feeling, when you touch it goes tingly. I am very concerned, it just came on suddenly. No interactions with anyone that i can recall...

my two big toes feels numb.... also my left heel feels a little pain when i massage it.. i don't wear fitted shoes.. what causes this?

i notice three days ago that my left big toe was numb to the touch of anything and tingling this problem is still consisting what is wrong with my toe? im only 19 years old.

Hello i just started to notice every once in a while the heel of my foot, very tip of my big toe or the top of my foot will go numb kind of like when you sit on it to long... i was just wondering if anyone else has had this or if its just me, im going back...

why is my big toe numb on the side?

i am a 41 yr old female im also a diabetic i had a fall,i tripped over a curb to me it didnt seem bad but the next day i could not feel my big toes its been over a month i still have a numb feeling but i know when they are being touched because i feel a ti...

My big toe is numb... Its not discolored and its numb from the left side of my toe nail only a little amount of puss has came out though... Could it be an ingrown nail?

Hi - it's been a while but all has been going well. Still no dx but no major flare ups so I am content. New problem. I lost the toe nail on my right foot - the toe next to the big toe. This happened a few months ago. Half of the toenail fell off....

I have been having toe pain since july of2014. When i went in to have my son i thought maybe it would go away he is four months now and i am still having this problem.is there anyone experiencing this problem? This discussion is related to <a href="/post...

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