21 - 30 of 1198214 Posts
ok this is what my biopsy word for word. mildly active chronic hep c with extensive periportal and bridging fibrocis. (ISAHAK = 5) trichrome confirmatory. next appt isnt until october

hi i'm dave, i have see below, my symptoms of reduced oxygen in the brain, poor memory etc. I understand the oxygen travels around the body with the blood, through the brain back to the heart in a ? circle. as my heart cannot send the blood and oxygen to i...

dear community, when a liver is a bit enlarged,does that mean one have cirrhosis? i became my report from my hcc screening and it was negative.and all lab results are in the norm. but they wrote "liver homogenous, 2 fingers under the costal arch palpa...

I just received the report from a heart scan that says: total calcium score 1241 with the left anterior descending artery taking the brunt at 782. Question: how long does it take to get this bad? I had a CT scan 10 years ago and they told me then that one ...

Hi this is my first post have hep c with stage 3 cirrhosis starting treatment next week and part of a clinical trial for a newer drug. Is all very scary. Does anyone suffer from heart burn. I read that most people continue to work during treatment. T...

I was diagnosed almost 2 years ago with a myocardial bridge over the left main artery... I was in the military and am trying to find ways to get help through the VA as my case is still in review... I was discharged on a medical almost 2 years ago and am ju...

Hello everyone, new to this forum. About 3 months ago i started having PVC's at a very low burden (V6). Everything i read on the internet states that PVC's in this location are very rare and a red flag for scary things like ARVD. My question is, is it p...

Dear experts, I am a cardiologist from Berlin, Germany. I have a female patient with mysterious symptoms. She became seriously ill at age 16 and complaints of heart problems. The female patient with childhood lagging behind in physical development. With...

What does anyone know about this

Sir my father just had a coronary arteriography and and the results are' Left Coronary Artery Left Main System: bifurcating vessel mild irregularities. Left Anterior Descending Artery: Diffusely diseased vessel with severe proximal and mild disease. ...

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