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My husband was tested for thyroid malfunction. His TSH score came to 90. He has been having all the classical symptoms of hypothyroid. The medical specialsit has prescribed thyronorm in the following doses: 1) 12.5 mcg for 7 days. 2) 25 mcg for nex...

Well, I've made it to 90 days. This pass week has been difficult. All I've wanted to do is sleep, which is the opposite of what I like to do. I'm use to constantly going and going. It has made me want to go n use, use anything I could get my hands on. ...

90 Days!!! I can't believe it. Thank you guys for all your help. I would have never made it without you. I'm feeling a lot better. The depression is just about gone. That was the big thing. It's going to a rough week. One of my friends died last night. Hav...

Hi, my amazing MH friends! I'm just checking in... Well, I made it to 90 days!!! It has been one Hell of a journey but, I wouldn't have it any other way. I am clean and I took my life back. To the newbies- I was where are you now, 3 months ago. I came on t...

90 days today.. In the beginning I felt time literally stop and now that it's been starting back up again I FEEL and with that comes feelings of using but I've managed to suppress them. I'm working on actually dealing with them instead of suppress them and...

So in my first pregnancy I was pregnant all summer long had her in Oct. I don't remember how I got threw the heat 6 years ago. This pregnancy im due in Dec so pregnant all summer long again and I feel terrible! I'm so hot I'm in the ac an still hot as hel...

Hi Everyone, Just looked at my tracker and realized I have 90 days clean from a 6 year suboxone trip. I feel great, as I did on day 1. I think the trick to suboxone is a longgg slowww taper. I had no withdrawal symptoms at all, which SHOCKED me!!!! I ha...

Hi Everyone ! Today is day 90! And I have to say how much different my life is! In a fantastic way! Each day that you spend clean, you grow, live and enjoy this world and everyone in it:) some moments are dark but the journey only gets brighter:) Take each...

I dont even know where to start,,,,I am very proud of myself and if you would have told me 90 days ago that this is where I would be,,,I never would have believed you. In fact,,,I probably woulda laughed in your face or spit on ya LOL. I took a different a...

So today is 90 Days .... 3 Months free of those evil pills! Still not 100% but I am getting there!!! I want to tell everyone who is just starting this journey hang in there it is well worth it! - Cant wait to post that I feel great! Physically I feel goo...

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