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31 - 40 of 317 Posts
I have been on Atenolol for many years. Started out at 50mg. Several years ago my doctor said I could go off it as I was on Norvasc and Diovan. Based on a 24 BP monitor, it was discerned I did not need the Atenolol. I was able to cut my dose to 25mg. but c...

I had a mild heart attack in 2005 and was told when they did a heart cath that there are no blockages and that my MI was probably due to coronary spasm. I have been hospitalized repeatedly since the heart attack and have tried all the usual medications suc...

Hello, My name is Pat and I was recently diagnosed with High BP which has me a bit confused. I had 4 high reading at 3 times but the rest of the time it stayed within the 120s low 130s. The issue is that I'll go along fine and then wham my blood pressure ...

Hi, I am really in need of your help. If this isn't the right place for this post, or there is a better place for it, please let me know. Roughly 5 weeks ago, my 2 year 4 month old boy started acting very lethargic and just overall weird. After fou...

When I was first put onto beta blockers, it was just after MI so I didn't really notice the effects they had. Over a week ago I had to return to this medication (bisoprolol) and so I thought it might be of interest to people what I experienced just in case...

At my request, my family physician has agreed to change my medication from daily metoprolol extended release 100 mg to daily diltiazem 120 mg. Can I simply switch without fear of withdrawal symptoms from the metoprolol? His instructions were to stop taking...

I was diagnosed with hypertension/high BP in June when the nurse at work sent me to ER with a BP of 210/120. I was immediately put on Norvasc 10mg and HCTZ 25mg daily. My pressure came down to 160/80 and after seeing my doc he said come back in 6 months. A...

Hi, Im already taking Norvasc 5 Mg and Lisinopril 12.5 Mg for my Hypertension. My Dr. wants to bring in another Blood Pressure pill ( clonidine) If i spelled that right. Do any of you all take this combo?? Just wondering if all of these made your blood pre...

Currently I have aggressive CAD, 6 stents and a history of an mi and a stroke. I may be having CABG fairly soon due to the max number of stents in my LAD (4). 7 years ago, I was diagnosed with tachycardia, explained to me as pathological rapid heart ra...

I am a 52 year old woman and have heart problems for at least 10 years. I was rushed to the hospital countless times and when EKG’s were done nothing would show. After a few times they started to show some change so my PCP called it stress and put me on xa...

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