31 - 40 of 646 Posts
My 14 month old baby has white patches on her cheeks. My mom told me it is a vitamin shortage. Would you please advise me which vitamin shortage it can be. Many Thanks

This group runs online courses for Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits and I've looked at them previously and found them to be beneficial. They have a new MS one scheduled for tomorrow, but you can view it at any time after then. You can also ...

hello. I am 31, have white spots on my skin. they are scattered here and there on my arms. There is no other symptom. I dont go for tans, I stay out of the sun. What can this be?

my daughters 5 years and 12 years are getting white spots on face. What do you suggest?

Hi, I noticed some pale patches on my 6 months old kids eyelid. Is it something to worry.Its is not milky white but pale patch...can anyone help to say whether it is Vitiligo?

Hello Doctor, I have been having white spots on my face since past few weeks. Went to a dermatologist other day, and he told me it was Pityriasis Alba, and prescribed a hydrocortisone ointment - Daktacort. I have had this same issue around 7-8 months...

Twelve days ago my 15 year old cat had a convulsion, her vet said she had a stroke. She went blind. He prescribed her microsolone and candilat. She is still blind. Do you thonk she can recover at least some eyesight? Her vet said her right eye was ble...

J'aimerais si possible une reponse en francais svp. Le medecin m'a prescrit du protylol a prendre avant les repas. Ma premiere question: est-ce que je peux en prendre si j'ai mal au ventre, par exemple la nuit. Ma deuxieme question: est-ce que en plus de p...

During the summer, i have lighter spots on my face on my cheeks, i have this in the winter too its just less noticable. I am half asian and have noticed that people who are darker or also tan sometimes have the same problem. Is this a problem that has to d...

My two year old daughter has always had these little white spots on her forehead. No where else. But now they seem to be spreading a little bit. What could they be?

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