31 - 40 of 123185 Posts
My dad has Hepatitis B. He used Baraclude (entecavir) for 2 years and was previously tested negative. However, last week one of the tests came back positive and he was prescribed Viread 300 mg. The number jump from 1 mg to 300 mg is a bit scary and he woul...

I am a chronic HBV carrier for 20 yrs. Latest lab results.HbsAg 2.6 ,HbeAg negative S.G.P.T 38 S.G.O.T 33 Other values normal.HBV DNA 700viral copies.Ultra sound scan result says slightly coarse echo texure with mild enlargement of left lobe. Doctor...

I have acne all over the back of my head and on my back it hurts to touch in some spots and to dry my hair. My doctor put me on minocycline 100mg per day I took it for a month and it kind of cleared up but towards the end of the month it started to come ...

I'm taking 100 mg Zoloft daily for Major depression.. Been on it for 8 weeks and feel much better,, my question is,, Will I feel even better if I ask my dr about increasing the dose??

I am 67 years old who underwent buypass surgery in 1986. So far eventless. I am taking daily after breakfast the following prescribed medicines : Enalapril-5 mg-1 tab Amlodipine-5 mg-1 tab Atenolol-50 mg-half tab Aspent-60 mg. -1 tab HCTZ-half tab. ...

I had finished an 4 weeks PEP medication late March 2009. Yesterday when I was having sex with a girl in massage parlour in bangkok, the condom was broken accidentally. I quickly clean my penis with soap and water and urinate afterward. I saw a doctor and ...

Hi Doctor, I would like to seek for your professional advice on the following concerns of my HIV test result. It was negative and it was done May this year. However, other than worrying if the test is false negative and if there are human mistake involv...

Hello Doc, am 28yrs Male from Africa Uganda,8 days ago i got sexually involved with a girl of 19yrs we used a condom for most of the intercourse but before i climaxed my condom broke at bottom tip, am not sure how long i lasted their in her virgina after m...

My sister is undergoing treatement of manic psychosis treatement since 2006 due to father death. the medicine which she is taken are 1)Oleanz 10 mg Tab 2)Lonazep 2 mg 3)Nitrest 2mg FC tab 4)Pacitane 2 mg FC tab 5)Dicorate ER 500Mb tab I want to kn...

Dear Doctor, Would appreciate if you can comment on my latest LFT result. Does it indicate liver damage or something else? Has been posting in multiple forums. Want to get a second opinion. Protein, Total : 73 Albumin: 46 Globulin: 27 Bilirubi...

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