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31 - 40 of 86373 Posts
Hi Doc: I've been rading lots of stuff as to how much Vit D/D3 /Calcium/Magnesium is required during the pregnancy and got all sorts of answers. My prenatal vitm contains Vit D3=250 IU Calcium=300mg Mag=50mg But since I've read that we need ...

I'm early in my pregnancy :) 5 1/2 weeks and went to the doctor last week and got a prescription for my prenatal vitamins- The DR prescribed Gesticare DHA- Even with my insuracce the co payment was $50 (for one months supply) I think this is kind of high s...

What are the BEST Prenatal Pills/ Vitamins that u have ever taken? My doctor gave me a prenatal goody bag to try out ( u know like a test dummy lol ) and I found that • CitraNatal Harmony • { are very good they even have a vanilla flavor and smell, ...

Has anyone experienced nonstop green BM? Is this something to worry about? I'm on Natures Made prenatal with DHA. I am 10 weeks 5 days today. I haven't been constipated just several BMs a day. Anyone else in the same boat and your OB say it's okay? Mine s...

I have a terrible diet and tried time and time again to change it, but the healthy stuff just isnt fatty enough to help me put on weight (pre pregnancy I was 114 and now I am 121, 8 lbs behind) Is it bad to take two or one and a half prenatal pills? I tak...

I have a wedding in July and want to get a spray tan. is it ok during pregnancy? I've never done it before. thanks!

I am trying to get pregnant and i started to take 5 mg of folic acid is that ok?

Does ur prenatal vitamins have dha? Is it ok to take them tablets with dha? The one i take doesn't have it but im trying to get gummies to substitute but all gummies seem to have dha.

I bought some prenatal vitamins and they came in a pack with DHA vitamins. Does anyone know what they are or if they are ok to take??

Okay so my current prenatal vitamin does not have Dha in it possible for me to take a Dha vitamin in conjunction with my prenatal vitamin?...if so what is a good brand to take?

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