31 - 40 of 173790 Posts
I am tired from Pimples on my face, actually they are not regular but when season changes or in cold they are coming in a lot. I consult 2-3 dermatologist but they mostly giving antibiotics with different types. I am mentioning them below, 1st dermatologi...

I am a pretty light skinned young woman but I want lighter skin. What safe products would dermatalogist reccomend?

Hi, I've had little bumps on my upper arms skin for years, mostly skin-colored but they get red sometimes. It's the only place I get them, they don't itch but they can look ugly when they're particularly bad. One of the only ways I've found to get rid of...

Hi Dr, There are 5 types of cream I am currently using to treat my groin "rashes" as follows:- Daktarin® Cream Daktacort cream Dermovate cream Elomet cream Fucidin Cream I believe each cream has their individual use and function. How do I determ...

Hello and thank you for reading my post. I visited the doctor about 3 days ago for some unusual redness and 2 small white blister looking spots on my penis head. He diagnosed it as a yeast infection, which I contracted from a partner that had one but was u...

I have been suffering from skin itching near and on my penis...I used to rub it to get rid of itchiness.Also my skin has patches near and on my penis and it also gets out when i rub ..also some type of liquid used to come after i rub and then it usualy get...

Hi For about 5 years, or for as long as i can remember, i have been getting the blisters (non painful) on the tips or ends of my fingers. These blisters contain no puss and just about the whole of my finger tips peel off, one layer of skin. This o...

My cat has allergies that cause skin breakouts, I've done the steroid route and this works for awhile, now using a change in food and omega 3's and so far he has only had one small breakout that lasted only 2 days and didn't go on to become open and raw so...

I am 14 and in the past 2 years, I have noticed that I've been getting these bumps on my arm. The are almost like pimple, but I have very good hygiene, so I don't think they are pimples. They are on my upper arm and stop at my elbow and my shoulder. After ...

Ladies, Another question!! :) I just found out at my 7 week scan that I have an vaginal infection and my doctor gave me clindamycin phosphate cream. My nurse and doctor have both assured me it is safe to take during my first trimester. Did anyone else ...

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