41 - 50 of 520 Posts
I have a question, is nerve coating damage an initial symptom of HIV infection?

I am Hep C positive.I have beeen on tretment for a year. I recently had bloodwork and came back positive for Gram positive coccobacillus I am not HIV positive nor am I sexually active What is this How did I poss get it How do I treat it

I am a 38yr female who was diagnosed with chickenpox when I was 26. About 3-weeks after I started treatment, I was recovering well. Then one day all that instantly changed. Since that day I have been experiencing stomach pain and bloating; doesn't matter i...

Sunt bataile Inimii Foarte Rapide si tensiunea Mare Foarte citeodata ajunge si la 20.9 am Ro electrocardiograma si mia esit Bine , am holdar puroi ONU si ala o esit Bine Dar eu tot am Probleme la o aplecare Brusca cita odato incepe sa Bata Foarte Repede si...

what is being done for those of us that have not responded to treatment what can we do to help our condition

Okay so..ive tried eatting....but i know i should feel full but i dont bcuz im CRAVING A TACO SALAD WITH CHIPS AND DIP!!!UGHH NOT FAIR...who else is craving Mexican food or any other food!?!

HRs' Liver Lover Supplement List Jan 09, 2008 05:34PM Supplements as of 1/1/08 I have added links if additional info wanted. a multi vitamin/no iron 1000 mg of Salmon Oil (epa=160 mg / dha=240 mg / omega 3 = 400 mg) x1 1000 mg of Flaxseed O...

I had a couple of other questions for those that might have an understanding about some of the nutritional areas involved w/ Type 1 Diabetes. I thank you so much for the help in advance. The first is Beta Carotene. It's believed that Diabetics tend to ...

Here are a couple of interesting URLs for people into fatty acid supplementation: http://www.****.ca/english/index.php?p=suppliers1&mp=suppliers#Bioriginal (a list of Canadian wholesalers/retailers of fatty acid products and concentrates; and Canada i...

I have type 2 diabetes and suffering with pain in my foot my toes get very cold and at times red when I try to lift in leg up in a chair or under pillows I get coldness running in my leg and a tangling pain please help when I walk I m dragging my leg at ti...

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