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41 - 50 of 7462 Posts
Hello, I had a colonoscopy on Tuesday and while I was in pre-op, the staff became concerned when my heart rate resting was around 133 beats/min. They started asking me if I was short of breath, or having chest pains and this increased my already present ...

Hi. Im 18 and was diagnosed with tachycardia. My heart rate runs from about 106 to 115 on a normal basis. My question is can i have a couple of beers with my friends and be okay? or will it effect my heart rate? If anyone one knows the answer to this plz g...

Approximately 20+ years ago I started having tachycardia. I had VT and saw 250 on my monitor. Was told I had 5 more mins. at that rate and they were going to shock me. Thank God it slowed.Played the musical meds to regulate. Too much and they were talking ...

Hello. I have had Addison’s since I was 25 years old. I take hydrocortisone, synthroid, and Florinef. I am now 45. I smoke, drink caffeine and drink 4 to 6 alcoholic drinks on a weekend (single night-since I was 20 something). 38 days ago I experienc...

Hi, I randomly checked by BP last night which was 117/77 but the pulse rate was really high, that was 116bpm after few hours I checked it again it was 95bpm than. And since then it is in the range of 90-100 I need some expert opinion about it but I'm jus...

I was diagnosed with WPW in 2001 and have had 2 ablations. I am now having bouts of tachycardia again which usually occurs while sleeping which wakes me up. I had a holter monitor 2 weeks ago and had 13 episodes of tachycardia. I saw my dr who told me the ...

At what point w/ Graves is Tachycardia treated? How bad does it have to be? I don't know if I have Graves, but I have low TSH, and my heart rate is all over the place at weird times. I'm getting a holler monitor on Fri for 24 hours, I also changed anxie...

Hello, I've been doctoring with a fast heart rate. This started because my resting heart rate was in the 120's. PCP did EKG, wore a monitor for a day and wore a monitor for a week. After being referred to a cardiologist, he said my results aren't accurat...

Hi, I'm a 21year old female and 4 years ago I had a very frightening trip to the emergency room with a heart rate that fluctuated between 80 to 150 beats per minute. When the ambulance got to my house they tested my heart rate, the first registration of th...

How rare is it to have both supraventricular tachycardia and ventricular tachycardia. I had an ablation for the ventricular tachycardia but it appeared that I have supraventricular tachycardia. My doctor didn't tell me I had supraventricular tachycardia bu...

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